Last night I found my dreams were full of Love Hearts.

Not surprising as yesterday I finished cutting out another fifty for Big Dreams, in Northcote. The cutting out bit is my least favourite part of the process, but I love it when there is suddenly a pile of fifty, all different colours and patterns. I never get sick of the heart shape.

Today I will be sewing them up and hopefully getting out to Lavandula to buy some more lavender. But to start the day off I went for a walk with Shell around the two lakes. We're trying to walk three times a week, it's a good way to clear my head and keep active.

It's a beautiful day here in Daylesford and the summer seems to be backing off, the seasons changing. I love this time of year. The light is different, the air smells fresh and the nights are cool, good sleeping weather!
I'm hoping to catch up with lovely Peta from Pippiwillow today for a coffee. She has just moved into town so I'm looking forward to welcoming her. I don't think she has blogged much lately as she has been busy moving. Meanwhile I should be emptying the dishwasher, planning tonights dinner, feeding the chooks, hanging out the washing...oh, that's right, I'm meant to be sewing up Love Hearts! Better get a wriggle on. Hope you are having a wonderful, creative and inspiring day. Pop over to Kooyotoo for more inspiration, xo

I really feel like my creative life is blooming at the moment. I'm so happy to have some orders for shops, to have some new ideas, to be surrounded by lots of lovely creative people who are so inspiring. I love living here in Daylesford with it's rich history of creativity. Artists and crafts people have been coming to this area for many years, attracted by the beautiful surrounds and other like minded people. It isn't something that has happened in the last couple of years - our town has long been a mecca for creative types, and this is continuing today which makes it a wonderful place to live. I'm so looking forward to Handmade starting up on March 8th (venue to be confirmed) so if you are interested in coming along (everyone is welcome) please put the date in your diary!
As some of you probably already know I have another small business with my mate, Michelle, The Organic Paddock. You may have followed the planting of our second garlic crop last year, the harvesting and then storing. We are so excited as our blog is now up and running and we are selling our biodynamic garlic online! Pop over and have a look if you have a sec. I had fun taking the photo's, I really like this one above.

All those fabrics a just gorgeous, they do look fabulous all together like that. Good for you getting out & walking, of course why wouldn't you with such lovely surroundings to enjoy! Can you throw some of that motivation my way - so lazy of late...
Lovely hearts all together...would make a gorgeous quilt.
Daylesford is so beautiful, you live in a lovely place. :)
I heart your hearts ;) Yes your right about Daylesford. We lived in Ballarat for a few years with uni, LOVED it and hope to move back one day, and Daylesford was always artsy and little bit 'hippy'. Beautiful, beautiful place. Your very luck to have such a canvas for your creativity xox
So many pretty hearts!
You know you've been spending a lot of time with it when you're seeing your craft in your dreams. :)
How exciting ! Peta mentioned the move. Walking is such a good idea...i just find it hard to cordinate the idea of excercise with the "doing" of excercise...
Oooh, Peta's a good egg.
I never get sick of looking at your hearts Beck. So simple and lovely.
As for the biodynamic garlic... I'm v interested and excited!
Your hearts are looking so sweet. I love all the fabrics your using.
And how exciting about your new blog The Organic Planet. Will have to check it out x
I don't tire of the hearts either - especially on mass. Say hello to Peta for me - she is missed in blogland!
The hearts are even sweeter all lined up in a row, and they must smell divine en masse!
Ooh, Beck, they're stunning! Your post has inspired me to make time for crafting---somehow. Thanks for all the lovely pictures!
Those hearts are lovely, and so is that blue sky - we have horrid weather here today.
You may recall *clears throat* early in my stalking stage I asked to come live with you... some not very small part of that request was the laciviously decandent garlic you taunted me with...Your garlic makes me sad to live in the states.
When I win the lotto I'm moving to Australia.
that is a beautiful spot to go walking ~ and great to hear that your creativity is blossoming. good luck getting your hearts stitched :)
Wow! The duck photo is just beautiful.
Beautiful pictures! Did I comment on your last visit on my blog? Maybe we can share our bloglink in our favourits on the sidebar?
gosh you make daylesford sound so dreamy. might have to come join you one day! xx
the hearts do look wonderful ... it's the same way i never get tired of circles. and daylesford ... who could ever get tired of daylesford. i loved seeing the black swan; the drought has driven them from ballarat and i wonder if they'll ever return to the lake.
Those colourful hearts look so pretty and happy lined up like that! Daylesford sounds like a wonderful corner of the world to live in. I always enjoy dropping by virtually to see a little bit of the gorgeous scenery your way.
Its nice to visit and see a glimpse of someones life like this. Thanks for sharing your day.
Your hearts are stunning.
I wish I had some of your drive down here to draw upon.
Your hearts are lovely! I am envious of your weather (actually of all the Australian bloggers) because we are getting to the long part of our long winters -it is messy and gray and either to cold to be outside or really damp and slushy! I long to be gardening again.
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