On the weekend Bill & Lucy started up their own blogs. Bill's is up and running and Lucy's should be finished soon. They are both so excited! If any of your kids have blogs and would like to link up with my two then let me know. Rosie has also been busy, she set up a little 'office' on the verandah on Saturday. She wrote out some important notes and did some other officey type activities,

in the bright morning sunlight.

Daisy kept an eye on things. Actually I'm not sure she can see that well, she needs her fringe trimmed!

Then it was off to ballet where my friend Michelle revealed her inner crafter! I made this little doll for Michelle's daughter, Freya, a couple of years ago & Shell has started making some sweet clothes for her, aren't the pants ace? Love those matching hair ties!I'm hoping Shell will come along to the new Daylesford craft group, Handmade, which is starting up soon.

Late on Saturday I headed down to Melbourne to catch up with Charlotte. It wasn't easy to leave home as one of my girls was so, so sad that I was going. I sat with her and explained how much Charlotte needs me too and that she doesn't get to see me every day, or be at home, like the other kids. I've made this decision to support Charlotte through her last year of school by visiting regularly but it's difficult to understand that when you are six, and you hate for your mum to go away. As I drove down the freeway with Paul Kelly blasting out I thought about the many challenging aspects of being a parent. Trying to do the right thing by everyone, and yourself, it's not always easy.

It was so good to get to Charlotte's school, sneak up to her room and have a big hug! I loved looking around her room which is so orderly & interesting. I had to take a photo of her stash of apples. I miss her so much when she is at school, although it's been great for her to board I have found it extremely hard.

One of our rituals is to go out to Woodstock for pizza & pasta. If you live in Melbourne & haven't tried their pizza's then run, quickly! Order one and eat it up, I bet you'll be back for more. Delicious! Then we went to Borders & Readings which is always fun. I just love hanging out with Charlotte.

On Sunday morning I had breakie with a lovely friend who I haven't seen in a long time. It was great to catch up and we laughed and chatted like we had only seen each other yesterday. Alot has happened to this mate in the last couple of years and it was also very emotional too. Back at her house she gave me some toys and books that belonged to her son who died aged 7 abour a year and a half ago. I can't imagine how she copes, it's so unfair and just breaks my heart. It's so difficult to see someone you love going through such pain. I guess at this point she is just putting one foot in front of the other and keeping on going. She is off to India for a few months - I hope she has a safe trip & finds a way through it all. My lovely friend.

As I've read over this post I'm struck by the thought that life can be challenging and hard & that is why the connections we make with the ones we love are so important. I received an email last week that also reminded me of the many challenges we can face as parents and the strength we need to push on through. Love & kindness, having hope, laughing and being close are what makes our lives worthwhile and gives meaning in the tough times.
Sometimes I get so caught up in thinking about such things, and daydreaming that I forget I'm a busy mum who has a million things to do. Today I have a long list. I am finding I just can't remember everything unless I write it down! Ahhh! Anyway, high on the list is finishing the cutting out of the 50 Love Hearts that are due for the beautiful shop, Big Dreams, in Northcote. Better go and start! Hope you have a great Monday, see you soon xo
I just could not imagine the pain that your friend is going through right now. It must be very very hard and yes I agree, one foot in front of the other sounds like the only way to go in time like that. You must miss Charlotte so much whilst she is away. I know Isabelle wouldnt like me going away either but it is good to spend a little time apart sometimes with your older children. Lachie and I dont get much time to do things together either as Isabelle never wants to be left behind as she calls it! I think this year I need to make some more time for him like you do with Charlotte. It is so much harder when they get older in ways but somehow easier in other ways.
Sounds like your family and friends are lucky to have such a wonderful friend and mother in you :)
Good luck with the list xox
This lovely post made me smile - you sound like a lovely mother and friend. And your daughter is beautiful!
I feel terribly sad for your friend who lost her son. How tragic to lose a child. I'm glad you are getting a chance to visit your daughter at school occasionally. It is hard enough to have them live far away when they go to university... but I can't imagine having them go away to school when they are younger. I know it happens a lot in some parts of the world, but not here.
I think Charlotte is beautiful too. Sounds like you're doing a great job of mothering there... A lucky sort of problem to manage - which lovely daughter to focus on at a time - isn't it, especially in light of your friend's loss. So terribly sad. I hope she finds some happy times in India.
Baby blogs! Too adorable.
what a lovely post :) thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job balancing every one's needs. Must be hard to leave a little sad girl though. I had to leave my three year old girl at "big daycare" last week and I cried for more than half an hour when I got to work. Maybe I'll quit.
So sad about your friend's little boy. It's good that she has the support of friends like you.
sometimes the hard things are so much sweeter for it. Glad you got to see your lovely friend.
I made the horrible mistake of being my blunt self at a bad time and made my best friend (since the age of 5) cry this weekend. How miserly of me. We made up, of course, with our own girlie vday movie.
Hope all your girls are getting their mummy fill :)
Thanks for those thoughts - I read this this morning and have just thought of you again tonight, Beck.
I'm a first time visitor, but I it appears to me that you've got your priorities in order. You seem to be a wonderful mother and a great friend. Remember, life's not the breaths we take, but the moments that take your breath away. :)
Oh, look at Lucy in her office! How civilised that she has one on a veranda... what a view.
And my heart also broke a little bit for your friend; I have no no idea how parents go on after losing a child. I cannot imagine ever recovering. I am amazed at your friend's strength, and I really wish her happiness.
that litle scene on the veranda is heartwarming indeed.
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