I found a sweet apron recently and thought it would make a lovely skirt for Sunday.

So I sewed a panel of white into the back & kept the pretty bow.

It has a handy pocket

for egg, flower, or treasures collecting.

She loves the colour & flowers & I like the way it is unique, just like Sunday. I might try to make some more apron skirts, they are easy and fun.
Meanwhile Rosie has been helping me make Love Hearts,
she loves to push the rice & lavender through the funnel. It slows me down a bit but it's worth it to see her little face concentrating so hard & her sense of achievment.
into colourful stacks & will soon be finished to take to Mary at Big Dreams.
My little scrap quilt is making slow progress. I think it's a bit wonky too.
I'm not that great,
at keeping the lines straight.

I was in the opshop the other day and found this funny knitting book. The dolls are fine but it was the other things I instantly fell in love with. The accessories, the extra's, the props!

Check out these little cakes & plates,

the scrubbing brush, broom & bucket,
and the doggie & tiny balls of wool in a basket. Now I'm not a knitter so if you fancy this cute pattern book just leave me a comment telling me your favourite item and I will pick out a name & send the book to you, asap! This is open to overseas friends as well, of course.
How is your day going? Are you on top of things or in a muddle? I had a crappy start to the day with four tired & cranky kids (school pool party last night) and so am feeling a bit weepy & drained. Sometimes it's hard to be a mum. The sun is shining though so I'm off to walk away the blues in a minute, the fresh air and blue sky is sure to make me feel better. Hope you have a happy & creative day, pop over here to see some more Creative Spaces xo

Good morning Beck! I hope your walk makes you feel bright and happy. I have a terrible headcold at the moment so I thought I would pop by and see what you've been up to. Sunday's skirt is very pretty. I am sure she loves it very much. Rosie looks like a very good helper too, it is sweet when they like to do that isnt it. The Jean Greenhowe book looks wonderful, I have a pattern book of hers for the upside down dolls but it is only half completed so far. The little cakes and things look so cute. You could perhaps try to knit them and pop them into your doll's house.
Great post. Loving the skirt! Yup, being a mum is really hard sometimes. We just gotta breath and carry on. Hugs to you. (which is all we need sometimes!!)
I love the growing quilt top & I think the apron skirt is fabulous too.
Hope you had a great walk... I don't see me walking anywhere today - 42 degrees today in my part of the world.
I adore the skirt that you made Sunday. Such a wonderful idea. Such a gorgeous fabric. That stack of hearts is looking pretty impressive too.
Wow, lots of things happening at your place! Enjoy your walk, wish I could take one too.
I like your lavender hearts! I **wish** I was talented enough to knit something other than a big long rectangle (scarf). But, I am not. :-) The book is really cute and someone who is a great knitter will love it!
Love the apron skirt and I hope the walk has pepped you up !
Apron skirt is such a good idea!! But my favourite is the stack of lavender hearts!~~ ^^
Being a mum can be the hardest job in the world some days, I hope the sunshine helps :) Love the skirt, and the hearts. The book is gorgeous but for heaven's sake, please don't send it to me! Send it to someone who will make something delightful from it, I can barely knit at all!
I love that skirt, it's gorgeous Beck. How cute is your little helper, I think that is so sweet.
I see what you mean about the knitting book, those accessories are sooooo cute ( I'm a bit of knitter, but haven't in ages.)
Um, day is going OK, a bit like you crappy start to the morning, and feeling a bit like you, drained and teary, actually it's been a bit of week out it. I've always thought it must be hard being a mum, and admire you all soo much xo
Pockets in skirts are the best!
What a lovely post with so many sunny creative things. You would never guess you had a bad start tot he day. Hope your walk refreshed you. Love those rice/lavendar bags. Mmmm. xom .
What a great idea for a skirt. I cut up my little girl apron for a quilt, bummer! I so loved that apron too.
Those hearts are coming along very nicely and you pile is about it fall over it's so tall. Great team work I'd say!
Now that book is amazing. I don't knit but I'd love it just to gaze at the pictures with my girls. What great food and the balls of wool are brilliant. Please could you pop my name in the hat too?
love the skirt apron! ARG! I swear I'll get a machine soon! April I think... hopefully! and this just might be my first project!
And that knitting book is amazing (no don't put in the drawing I can't knit either :} )
I am sooooooo excited about your quilt in the making. It looks like one of those quilts the women made years ago from bits of worn out clothing and odds and ends. part of their family's history. I LOVE it! XX
Hey, Beck. How are you? I've been absent for a while and it's so nice to catch up :) What cute little people and I LOVE the apron skirt!!
those little knitted balls of wool! too cute- that book is adorable :) love the skirt too
Hi beck! Hope you day turned around. It really is hard work some days. 4 is wonderful but there are those days you know you have 4!
Apron skirt is gorgeous! So clever! xox
See, you've got this quilting bizzo all wrong: you've got to EMBRACE THE WONK.
Please, puhleeze (crossing fingers here) stop me from knitting endless scarves? That teapot is the sweetest...
So here I am looking into my wardrobe wondering how to make skirts into aprons and you're doing the opposite. Huh!
Everything in your place is making me swoon today. Especially the hearts, as always.
Love the skirt! And the book is great. I love the teapot and the cakes - so cute!
Love the skirt - very cute. And that book! so adorable...
GORGEOUS! Crafts & Girlies! ;)
we had a pretty crappy start this morning {really tired kids and overwhelmed parents!} but the day turned out beautifully!
your skirts are really cute :)
All those happy photos from someone brung down by the school run - you are doing well! Hope things have perked up for you now. Two grouchy boys is more than enough for me - all yours at once must be enough to really get to you! I go for a cycle ride after dropping them off and that often helps me to get things back into perspective a bit.
Gosh - what an inspiring space. I love all of it, but especially the knitted broom and scrubbing brush - adorable. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Nic
Such a pretty skirt and a cracking idea too! Love the knitted lovelies. Can't even begin to imagine how you would knit a mini jam tart!
Oh boy - too much! Sensory overload here ;) Everything is just totally amazing - I love it all. If I had to pick one thing I'd say yah! to that skirt - it is so gorgeous. K
That apron was quite a find. It is just gorgeous, and so clever to make it into a skirt. Very pretty.
I hope your day is better tomorrow. As a Mum, i think you take on everyone elses bad days too,and that's never any fun!
My favourite is the dog and the balls of wall - I am tickled by the idea of knitting bals of wool!
My week is improving - which is just as well as the beginning involved dog sick and a computer virus.
Never mind, we will endure!
I so glad to see how the skirt turned out -it is gorgeous! One lucky little girl. Your space is so busy and productive. The quilt is very modern vintage to me. I do not know if I remember how to knit but that book is so cute! I know that being a Mum is tough -hang in there I am sure you are doing a great job.
Oh, Beck! The apron skirt is dreamy...by daughter is reading over my shoulder and has already informed me that she's adding it to my Long List of Things to Make. Your space is so busy and happy this week...thanks for sharing!
I love the little dog and skeins of wool and all the sweet cakes (calorie free too!!) are cute too! I'd love to give this book a new home.
what a lovely post. hope you are feeling better today. and what a great find that book was. they are quite hars to find and full of beautiful things to knit. i love to knit tiny things and i think the cakes are my favorite although the dog with the wool takes some beating. the apron skirt is gorgeous-clever you
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