Lucy & Sunday are big fans of Taylor so I took them to see her in concert last night in Melbourne.

I liked that Taylor plays guitar and piano,

and sings so beautifully the songs she has written herself.

I've had the tickets since November and have managed to keep it a secret right up until we were leaving! I told them we were going out for dinner with some special friends. When our friends turned up who were going too I pulled out the tickets and woohoo! Excitement!! They were two pretty happy girls!

It was an amazing night & we had a few challenges too. Dealing with Melbourne traffic was a nightmare and the torrential rain, made the traffic conditions worse. Added to this was the AC/DC concert that was happening near by (nice contrast, Taylor Swift & Acca Dacca) so there was zero parking & I had to park a million miles away.

But it was all worth it, the girls loved every second.

I liked that Taylor plays guitar and piano,

and sings so beautifully the songs she has written herself.
What a performer and dynamic woman she is.
I did kind of wish though that not so many of her songs were about 'guys' & getting cheated on but maybe I'm just out of touch. She did seem to have a great sense of humour & made a real show out of the concert, lots of fun bits and colour and pizzazz.

It was fun too as we travelled down with friends, Tracey & Niamh. Driving back through mist, rain, fog & wind was interesting too. Fun! We didn't get home till after one so we were all exhausted today. Phew. We just had a lazy day though, eating and watching a bit of tv and I had a nanna nap on my bed.

It was fun too as we travelled down with friends, Tracey & Niamh. Driving back through mist, rain, fog & wind was interesting too. Fun! We didn't get home till after one so we were all exhausted today. Phew. We just had a lazy day though, eating and watching a bit of tv and I had a nanna nap on my bed.

To help the kids wind down tonight they had a warm bath with lavender oil and rose petals. Hopefully they will sleep soundly tonight and have beautiful dreams. Hope you do too, see you soon sweeties xo
I didn't realise Taylor Swift was in town so when I saw the first photo, I was thinking that you took them to see Accadacca!
Thank goodness you made it with the nightmare storm and the traffic snarls. What a fab suprise... you're definitely winning mum of the year!
Wonderful! Our boys are also off school (on the last day of the half term) because of snow. They are parked downstairs with a friend whose mum gave me permission to rescue him too! But I think your whole event sounds a lot more exciting than snow, to be honest.
sounds so lovely! beautiful girls :)
meee too, I thought you went to see Accadacca!
what a wonderful gift for your sweet girls!!!
sweet dreams dandelion household, sweet dreams
Oh gosh, what lucky girls! And you're such a wonderful Mum (how'd you keep that secret?!).
I bet there will be plenty of zzz's coming out of your happy home tonight. Sweet dreams ♥
That's fun, she's pretty cool. Much prefer the real deal performers who write & play their own music, not just sing (i can not do any of those things).
Much more exciting than me pulling my 4 out of school an hour early, so the 3 under 10 could have their turn at swine flu vaccinations. Love Posie
Good job on keeping such an exciting secret, and for braving the weather and traffic of Melbourne. Looks look you had an amazing time.
I was thinking with 2 huge concerts like that on the same night and the weather that it would be interesting actually getting to and from the concert. My daughter and I really wanted to go but I had set a precedent last year when I wouldn't let her brother go to a concert on a school night!!! It would of meant missing a day and a half of school and a nights accomodation in Melb which I'm sure we could of handled!!!
love concerts! How fun and what a good mommy you are! Missing AC/DC for taylor swift.. I fear I would have been very selfish
love concerts! How fun and what a good mommy you are! Missing AC/DC for taylor swift.. I fear I would have been very selfish
You are such a cool mum! I could not have kept that secret. And a nice lazy day to recover too, lovely.
How lucky are your girls to go and see Taylor Swift. She is amazing and Isabelle loves her too, often playing her cd and dancing away to her music. She is singing on So You Think You Can Dance tomorrow night too!
hehee...that was us two screaming...along with the thousands of other girls :-) fun fun night :-)
my girls are very very JEALOUS of yours! :)
How exciting! What an amazing surprise for them, and how heavenly does that bath look!
What a great thing to do with your girls. They look just gorgeous in their rosey baths.
I also thought you were going to say that you went to the ACDC show, and was about to get very jealous! What an awesome mum you are, surprising the girls like that. And what a great night you all seem to have had. So nice to hear. x
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