Swedish strawberry shortcake &
getting busted in my nightie & gumboots.
Garlic hanging in the chook shed...

...and making it's way into boxes.

Flower cake making....
....on a sunny afternoon.
White peaches &
A brand new jar of Vegemite.
Beautiful drawings and a comment by a friend about our children's sense of family.
My sweetheart who peddalled his bike up to swimming lessons to bring me a hot thermos of tea.
A lovely card from a local legend to say thankyou for a heart shaped cake, and our little girls singing him Happy (86th) Birthday recently.
The two new ducks chasing the chooks out of their pen, funny!
Chatting with mates at the above mentioned swimming lessons, always a great way to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Reading heaps and working on projects. Kisses at the front gate. De cluttering and thinking about what the year might hold. Dreaming, eating, sleeping, cuddling, loving. Summer holidays are making me smile.
Hope you are too xo
How sweet this is Beck. It's the simple things in life that are the most heart warming, isn't it?
P.S. Looking pretty cute in your nightie LOL!!
What a lot to smile about. Lovely pictures and thoughts, Beck - Happy New Year!
oh my.. what a snuggly post. can I come live with you?
The best thing is, this kind of stuff is ALWAYS happening. Glad you're smiling :) X
That first picture is almost a Vogue arty shot. I had to take a second look when I read the caption. Obviously a haute ouef hound!
ooo all those things would make me smile too!
Love the all the photos Beck, but that little sneaky dog with a chook egg is very funny.
Psst - I have been making lavender hearts and could not remember where I had first seen the idea...untill I saw your pic below!
I made heaps for Christmas, I hope you are ok with this?
I promise I won't make bunnies!! ;)
Happy New Year!
Chele x x
That all makes me smile too! Lucky you! Can't wait to see your Toy Society drop! :)
Your post is making me smile Beck! I read it and then had to make an emergency dash out to pick some birthday berries before I had a chance to comment. The whole time I was picking I was thinking about the things that make me smile...such a great way to start the day. Hope yours is gorgeous. XX
I loved reading about all the wonderful things in your family Beck! I love that drawing of your family, how beautiful and yes it truly does signify how wonderful yours is and how your children view it too! What a sneaky little doggy you have too, stealing the chook eggs! Obviously he loves them. Hope the school holidays are just as wonderful as they have been so far.
gorgeous post Beck! I remember flower cake making!!! I did that alot as a kid.
Hope you continue to have lovely days.
How cheeky is that little dog!! What a cute picture. Summer days are made of this!
We had a Bearded Collie many years ago that used to pinch the eggs too. Big dog, trying to look small with a mouth full of egg!! Too funny. Thanks for evoking the memory, he was a gorgeous dog.
Some of those things remind me of my house so much (including the egg sneaking dog!) Your nightie is much nicer though!!!
I agree, lots of happy, smiley pics. Love the one of you in nighty and gumboots. Its a reasonably common sight around here some nights and early mornings, thank goodness for no close neighbours. Maybe we could start a new fashion trend??
a delicious post thanks for sharing your beautiful country family moments. life looks idyllic. i particularly love those flower cakes, reminds me of something i would have made when little. am always trying to encourage the boys to make pritty decorative things with me to no avail! might have to borrow your sweet girls one day so i can shake out some pent up kiddy craft yearnings! you can borrow some boys to amp up the starwars/lego factor at your joint! xx
Naughty dog! Made me smile, too.
Such great, smile inducing things at yours!
I love the garlic, am keen to grow some myself this year so would love to hear any tips, although I'm sure you never have to worry about frost, rain and a complete lack of sun like we have so much of over here!!! Sigh...
Did make me wonder on that age old question, which came first? The dog or the egg??!!!
THE most charming post! How delightful. A big yes to all those things that indeed made me smile too reading them...except maybe our dogs sneaking eggs hasn't *always* made me smile here...wink.
Thanks for making me smile Beck... but sharing all those wonderful things in your life... the beautiful people, the sweet words, the tasty treats and that FABULOUS photo of you.
This is a gorgeous post, Beck. What a beautiful place your blog is. Thanks for letting us peek in to your life of love and beauty.
Your post and your lovely comment on my blog makes me smile: thank-you. Summer ( and now Christmas holidays) are memories, so it is wonderful to see such a different light and feeling to your pictures with all the cold and snow here. We are in the thick of the quintessential Canadian winter.
Don't you have tonnes of things to make you smile, just a lovely post!! I think my neighbours have mental snaps of me being caught out in a nightie & gum boots, honestly, why add to the washing if you're about to toss your jammies in the wash & have gardening to do?? Love Posie
I loved seeing you in your nightie and gumboots! that takes me back to when I had to wear my gumboots just to hang out the washing when we lived in New Zealand. It rained constantly.
will you be an angel and post that strawberry shortcake recipe? it's making my mouth water (plus, it's about to be strawberry season here in southern california!) Thanks a bunch for visiting me, you made my day!
oh, and by the way, to beat the heat, put some beans or feed corn mixed with lavender into a biggish pack (like 6x12") and put it in the freezer for a while, then pop it into bed on a hot night... It'll cool off the bed and make it easier to sleep! (it's a reverse hot pack!)
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