On Friday I set off for Callawadda, leaving misty Daylesford for the flat, dry plains of the Western Distric. The countryside along the way was mesmerising as I drove through farming country, past rolling hills & brittle twisted bushland. A quick stop at the Avoca op shop was fun, I'm loving the huge, colourful crotched blanket I found there. The bakery at Avoca is excellent too if you are passing through that way. This is Terry's house, above.
After a long drive it was lovely to arrive to a bowl of Michelle's bean soup...yum.
Then it was off to work. First we marked out our beds and Simon set to with his handy hole puncher. Michelle did an amazing job organising everything. She planned, shovelled, planted, raked, made cuppa's, washed dishes, provided us all with beautiful food, kept us laughing & never complained. What a superstar.
Simon worked away steadily on the hole puncher all weekend, not bad for a Collingwood supporter!
Gracie, our supervisor, counting the holes.
Me with some of the beautiful, organic silver skin garlic.
Michelle planting ANOTHER clove....
Michelle's aunt & uncle, Lesley & Buster arrived from Geelong to help with the planting. Terry whipped us up another hole puncher & Buster jumped on to try it out. Planting garlic by hand is very labour intensive and we are trying to find any way we can to make it quicker and easier.
The girls hard at it while the boys get distracted by an eagle.
Back at Terry's after a hard day's work it was good to relax on his deck, have a chat & watch his washing go round & round on the Hills Hoist. 
Terry's farm originally belonged to his grandparents - he told me a story about his grandmother riding in a horse & cart to church.
Before I knew it Saturday afternoon had rolled around and I had to head back to Daylesford. We had planted just over 9000 cloves & would finish up with about 12,000 when the others finished on Sunday morning.
I feel so much better informed about garlic and about your life now! That was ABSOLUTELY fascinating - thanks so much. I think you've done brilliantly to take on the garlic farming challenge and I hope you have a great harvest!
What to do with my buttons??? It's a tricky question, because I am a horder who just loves to sort through beautiful buttons in a box, but I also do take them out at times to put on clothes or to make cushions or pictures. Watch this space...
When I red about your garlicky soiree I figured you'd arrive home with every joint and muscle aching. You certainly look to have deserved an honest night sleep!
As for that pic of Terry’s washing - IT'S A DOOZY! Love it. That pic deserves a post all its own!
That would be 'read', not 'red' and 'nights’' not ‘night'. Though thinking about it I haven't a clue where the apostrophe - if any - goes on that last one. Off to calm down about proofreading and punctuation over caffeine. Still love that pic.
Wow that sure does look like long hard work...but oh so good. I can't wait to see how it all pans out...how exciting. What a gorgeous part of the country that looks.
What an awesome effort ! You deserve a long hot bath and maybe a wee glass of wine???
Hi again - there is an award waiting for you at my blog...
What a fantastic story! 9000 cloves of garlic - what a super effort! I love the photos - especially the one of the singlets!
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