A tootle up to the Daylesford tip shop is always fun. I found this lovely old handmade pink dolls house this week & $5 later we were heading back home together.

It looks like it's been hanging out in a shed or attic for some time and is in need of some serious tender loving care. I love the little bathroom mirror and each room has different wallpaper, cute! I'm going to pull up the shag pile carpet and look for some carpet off cuts to give it a lift. Or I might just paint the floors white and add some rugs, painted on or fabric? Who knows. It's so much fun dreaming up what might be with this little house.

This weekend has been fun so far but I am also feeling a bit burnt out. It was a busy week and today's trip to Ballet-rat was exhausting for some reason or other. I'm feeling like I am doing such alot lately and am needing some quiet time.

To make myself feel better I started a kind of scrap quilt/bedcover today using some of the offcuts from Love Hearts & Blanket Bunnies, a few vintage hankies & other random bits & pieces. No actual sewing yet, I'm still working out what bits to put where. Anyway it was quite meditative & satisfying (even though there were five kids flying about the house, in and out to the garden, dogs wandering around and the odd chook squawking by the back door) & the only frustration was that I had to stop to make dinner. I'm looking forward to making this for my bed, all the different pieces of material make me feel good.

Another reason to smile is this fab book that my beloved MS Opshop offered up this week.

I adore these illustrations, the colours, the layout and

the everyday scenes depicted so endearingly. Love it.

Other happy goings on have been a mega dressing up session.

See my sleepy lion? Don't be fooled, she can be scary!

If you want to check out some lovely & interesting Flea Market Finds then you must zoom over to Sophie's pretty blog and have a look. Go on, run, see if she is awake yet! Hope your weekend is a fun one, may many treasures (and treasured moments) come your way xo
The doll's house looks like lots of fun to do up Beck! I can just imagine all the different rooms and I am sure you can find some wonderful furniture to put in there too. Hope you can relax whilst making your quilt, it looks great so far.
I love the dolls house, it'll be so much fun fixing it up! I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt when it's done, it looks lovely already! Keep enjoying your weekend.
I love the doll house! I had one like it as a kid (a hand me down from a neighbor) that I tried to fix up and a much fancier Barbie house the my talented Dad had made. Have fun with decorating!
What a find. We love making dolls houses out of cardboard boxes a la Playschool. Have fun giving this one a new lease on life.
I love those old books. It's like a shot of innocence and happy childhood memories in my veins. (Sorry...that sounded like a junkie metaphor). I love your scrappy quilt project too.
PS Saw the lady from Lark in Country Style recently. Sounds like you guys live in the best town in Australia.
Love the dollhouse ! That quilt is going to be so lovely too . I hope you get to have some downtime soon , take care .
RAWR means I love you *giggles* she is so adorable! What a great costume
Can't wait to see what you do with that dolls house.
The dollhouse will be so much fun for you to fix up for your girls! And I love all your dress up clothes! My daughter and son used to play all sorts of imaginative games, dressed as pirates, etc... We kept all the old halloween costumes and capes and old purses and hats, ,etc in a big box... Great fun!
Love that type of story/picture book. So much can be discussed when kids start noticing and discussing what they think everyone in the drawing is doing and thinking and where they are going.....any chance to imagine! I used to love to hear what my kids thought was going on, or what could happen next!
Oh that doll house! That will be hours of fun making it all pretty again. I can't wait to see it again when it's all done up!
How sweet that this poor old tossed away dollhouse will get a second chance in life to be loved and played with by your family. I think there should be a dollhouse rescue squad that go on the hunt searching for thrown away derolict dollhouses for people to revive and renovate! Cant wait to see what you do with it, as one of my goals is to do a similiar thing for when my little girl is a bit older.
what a wonderful day ... doll's house, quilting, ballet ... weekends are the best.
That dolls house is so sweet. Have fun renovating. I see knitted rugs on the floors and miniature quilts hanging on the walls and covering beds. Makes me want my Mum to hurry and and give my little girl her old dolls house.
can't wait to see your finished dolls house, your quilt will be beautiful too!
A mini-reno, that's more my style. Have fun.
I have been thinking about doll's houses so much lately so it will be wonderful to watch you put yours together. The doll's house we have been babysitting for 9 years is about to go back to its owner and I can't decide if we need another. I hope you had a relaxing Sunday, let's play soon. XX
The dolls house is just gorgeous you'll all have such fun with it.
Hi Beck, got a dolls house in the shed, in need of a makeover. Found at Joyces Junkatique about 10 years ago. Ziggy covered the entire roof with tiny amethyst pieces and stuck pictures of us in made up frames, on all of the walls! The pics have gone mouldy and the gems have started falling off, but it does have a certain appeal, and I remember the feeling of happiness it gave us.
I love the look of your 'new' find,
have fun
There will be fun times had by all decorating that dolls house! What fun! I think your little lion is probably too cute to be REALLY scary!
I love your lovehouse! What a find. I quite like it's rustic look though, am I weird? A bit of fixing up would look gorgeous too of course. x
Woo hoo for the tip shop, they are so fab, don't you think! I just love that doll house, what a great find! Can't wait to see what you do with it. Thanks so much for playing.
Sophie x
Yet more reasons to visit your neck of the woods (again... when you don't think I am a Jehovah... did I even spell that right...?!).. I must go to this mythical 'tip shop' I keep reading about!
Great find with the dollhouse (I just picked up a $5 number too - no wallpaper though... boo!) & that sweet SWEET book.
Just found your blog and had to comment on the dolls house. What a find. It will be so much fun doing it up.
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