My space is also a bit scattered and chaotic this week. What's new, I hear you ask?

Lots of projects on the go as usual. I'm attempting to make a vintage linen quilt, so I have been looking in the oppies for special pieces. The above photo is a shocker but I'm blaming that on autumn/winter light, or lack of it...

I was so excited this week to recieve a lovely tea cup from Jess and, from Kate, the dearest little bear (made by Jess!) Thanks so much to both of you.
As you can see Moby has taken to living in the cup, I wonder if I will ever be allowed to use it for tea...? He is so beautifully made & adorable, isn't Jess clever?

And now for the not so clever.... it seems it will be a wet and rainy couple of days as we plant our garlic so I had the brainwave to make us some water proof pants. I found a couple of yellow plastic poncho's in the cupboard and ...

traced around a pair of jeans, so far so good.

Here is me modelling the finished pants (I like to think of it as my Dottie Angel pose, minus the caravan & extremely beautifully arranged background......and no, I am not naked underneath..)...just before I bent over to pick up a pin off the floor and... RIP!!!.....we're talking major tear action. Yep, it appears that plastic footy poncho's are made from the thinnest, most easily torn material, it wasn't pretty. So, I'll just have to take a few pairs of spare clothes instead. Shame really as they did look so fetching..

A big chunk of my week has been taken up with preparations for garlic planting. So I've been peeling and popping the bulbs like crazy so that they are all ready for today when Michelle and I head up to Callawadda. I'm looking forward to planting but I have that funny anxious feeling I usually get about leaving the kids. Silly really but I guess it's because we are together such a lot. I'm sure I'll be fine once we hit the road.

Before I go thankyou again to everyone who left comments on my Celebration Giveaway post. It really blew me away and made a happy day even more fantastic. If you haven't entered yet then feel free, the giveaway will be open until Monday when I will draw out three winners!! Hope your space isn't too scattered today, lets go and see what else is happening over at Kirstys, see you soon xo

ps: Do you like this little bunny dress that Mum knitted?
The little bear is just adorable and I would gladly let him live in my teacup if I could look at him all day. Pity about the plastic pants, maybe you need some of those fisherman pants! I love the little bunny dress too, so cute and I could imagine tiny bloomers in flowery fabric underneath!
Fantastic you have so much going on! The vintage linen quilt looks great! Would you like a square of my yellow retro sheet? (Check my blog, I have leftovers from my daughters dress)
Good luck with the garlic plant, it looks great in the photo!
I love garlic so much!
I've put mine in but I think my little patch is about 1/1000 the size of yours!
What a shame about the yellow pants Beck! If you can be bothered, rip stop nylon would work well. Hope the garlic planting goes well. Looks like a huge job! Love that little knitted dress! That's going to look adorable on one of your bunnies.
Love the garlic pants.
My fruit shop guy told me that garlic is soon going to be $100 a kilo!
Hope the planting goes well.
Moby is so adorable I think you need to forgive him for sitting in your tea cup and preventing you from using it.
I love your footy poncho pants! I'm very partial to yellow you know.
Moby looks sooo happy in the little cup. Now I understand why he was sooo keen on that particular cup going to you..... thank you for your lovely words about him too.
Good luck with the garlic planting. Your garlic is just delicious! xo
the tarts looks so so yummy!! and Moby is totally adorable...
Love, love, love that pink floral sheet at the bottom!
I tell you, I'm jealous of the bunny clothes. Is that wrong? That dress is do cute!
Hope you had a great Birthday! May IS the month.
So much is going on - this is great!!
The linen looks promising!!
ooh and the garlic images....I can feel its smell by now all the way over here =D
They are indeed very fetching pants. You could potentially start your own fashion revolution. Hee Hee.
Have fun with the garlic and yes Jess's teddybear is gorgeous.
Oh Beck what a post ...
Neenish Tarts ... OMG they were my most fave cake shop treat till I became gluten and dairy free - my taste buds are running riot ;)
The pants are a scream - what about some of those fishermans pants, you know up over you waist kind - any disposals stores nearby?
You're a wonder woman, garlic planting, leaving your sweethearts, pressies arriving plus heavns knows all the other stuff you're doing too ... you're my hero!
Take Care, Have Fun and Hurry Back. xo
Oh, happy birthday! I got behind in my blog reading and missed it. Sorry!
BUt those little tarts look scrumptious ;)
love the bear, love the cup, love the bunny dress, love the poncho pants but most of all love that you weren't nude under those poncho pants regardless of splits. and i love tarts which is why i could never ever pose in a pair of poncho pants
That bunny dress is so cute and adorable. I just love it! Also a perfect pink for a little girl. Those pants are quite smashing shame you can't use them. How annoying after all that effort that they rip after seconds. I would be gutted!
I love how the dog is perched next to you.
I tried to take some shots with the dog this afternoon for my creative space post but it was such a bad idea as ive been neglecting him and now have so many scratches and even a bruise on my hand where he bit me in the excitement because I was actually outside for a change.
I did take him for three walks this week but apparently not enough for his liking.
Thanks for visiting me lately and for your comments, x
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