I love Autumn. The cool nights and sunny days are just my cup of tea. Daylesford really turns it on at this time of year, Wombat Hill is awash with red, orange & gold. Actually when I first saw our house it was April 2004 and I can remember thinking how beautiful it all seemed, golden leaves in the garden, green grass and blue sky above.

I liked the house too of course, but the garden really won me over. The empty, old chook pen was tempting too, I couldn't wait to fill it with fresh hay and some happy chickens.

Did you have a good weekend? We spent lots of time outside - although Billy & Lucy were pretty exhausted after their school camp.

Later in the day Sunday & I went for a bush walk, this time down to Hepburn where there are so many great walking tracks. We found an old fallen down house surrounded by fruit trees and old stone walls. I find these little scenes so poignant, almost spiritual, you can feel the sense of pioneering, of family, of daily lives. The shadows of the people who once lived here seemed to be there still, darting in and out of the sunlight.

Life would have been so different then, no internet, supermarkets, technology, electricity. Who knows what hardships this family faced? What joys, what happinesses.

I think it's important for children of today to know about the past, to learn about another time. I wonder what it would have been like waking to the beautiful bush, birds in the trees, giant gums and the sound of the bubbling creek below.
The rest of our weekend was all about cubby houses, playing shops, roller blades, picking tomatoes, tree houses, hanging with the ace kids from next door and lots of cooking for me!
Good old lamingtons, yum. You should make some soon, they are so delicious. If you would like a recipe send me an email.

And talking of delicious we also roasted baby garlic, oh my goodness does it taste amazing, so velvety & buttery..mmm!
What did you get up to? I feel like I haven't caught up with everyone lately. It's hard to keep up with so many lovely blogs. Hopefully I will be around soon for a visit. I'd love to sit down with you over a cuppa and have a chat & hear your news. See you soon sweeties xo ps: look who was in The Age today!!
I can just imagine how beautiful Daylesford looks at the moment with all the wonderful leaves changing color. I think autumn is my favourite season too. Congrats to your mum too on her story in the paper. I love looking at old houses too, wondering about the past and who lived there and what the township was like, and who they had as neighbours and friends. It is like a mystery standing there right in front of you isnt it! The lamingtons look delicious Beck, any chance of popping me a copy of the recipe so I can try it out. I am trying to get my baking mojo back at the moment so these would be perfect!
You live in such a pretty place. Glad you had a nice weekend, we did too, just pottering about at home mostly. The boys love being home & losing themselves in their imaginations outside..just what they need after a busy week of fitting in with schedules...
What a gorgeous weekend. Those autumn colours are stunning and your chooks looks so happy!
Очень великолепная природа!!! Красиво у вас!! А у нас весна!! Погода замечательная, тепло...
Very wonderful nature! Beautiful you! And we spring! Weather wonderful, warm ...
Привет из Украины!!)))
wow your mum is a star!!! those lamingtons look soooooo nice mum used to make them and I remember lots of mess but it was so worth it
Now she's even more, officially-er FAMOUS, your Mum. Way to go Mum. And thank you for the lamington reminder. I'm digging out that recipe from the depths of my Gmail account, printing the sucker, lamin(gton)ating it and sticking it to the fridge!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful images of your neck of the woods.
Your home and surrounds are beautiful and it must be fantastic to be a child there.
Autumn is my favourite time of the year.
best wishes and I hope to make my way back here again.
Robyn :)
sigh.....so many lovely things in one post. Its such a beautiful part of the world Daylesford.
very lovely.. and oh my god is that a real mushroom?
Such a beautiful thoughtful post! I loved the ruined cottage - what a different life they must have had but the same joys and sorrows as us.
And I also wondered about the mushroom. Did faeries put it there?
Gorgeous weekend and beautiful photos...I love the one with the mushroom!
oooooh what a beautiful mushroom :)
I too visited Daylesford recently, and it truly was delicious.
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