When things aren't going well, when the kids are narky, bad tempered, moody & grumpy it can be really hard to be the patient, loving mum that I want to be. I've got better at riding through these times, better at managing them and working our how to deal with the different moods and personalities but it's still a huge challenge.
Individually my kids are all great people, all different, interesting, good people. Sometimes it's just hard to be together in a harmonious way. Lying in bed last night I was thinking about all the fun we have, the games the kids play, the silly songs & funny dances, the loving cuddles, the caring for each other - and I was thinking how we are all just growing up together, Mark & I as well. Learning to be together, learning about each other, it can take a life time.

Creative, beautiful, brown eyed, funny, gorgeous, thoughtful, special girl.

My blonde, blue eyed baby. Gentle, tall, dreamy, crazy, fun & sweet.

Funny, clever, kind, lovable, cheeky, chatty, enthusiastic, helpful, lovely boy.

Gentle, loving, wacky, sweet, intense, sunny days, blue skies, purple hairties, long soft hair & sleepy goodnights, our sunshine girl.

Lively, moody, passionate, loving, soft toys with funny names, colourful, energetic, huggable, beautiful, imaginative whirly girl.
Yes I think it's the hardest job in the world sometimes but there is nothing else I'd rather be than mum to my five. Hope you had a happy, loving weekend, see you soon xo

Lovely post Beck. It sure is a challenge living with so many different little beings, personalities & needs. I love how you said that you're all growing up together, it's true isn't it. We all change and discover something about each other & ourselves as time goes by. There is absolutely nothing better than being a mum, it's the best job in the world watching those babies grow into little people with individual quirks, thoughts & endearing qualities. Yes it's hard & tiring and often worrying & stressful, but all totally worthwhile! Have a great week...
Oh yes, there is so much to learn! Five must be such a challenge, but such a blessing too. We're going through the 'on and off ill' stage - miraculously (?) well this weekend and now feeling ill again on Monday morning. So I'm off into the breech again...
So many lovely personalities in your family, and such a warm and loving post! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!
So lovely to meet all your little ones and have them described with such beautiful words. I love how you've honed in on all their unique qualities. Enjoy your babies!! Gorgeous :)
What a lovely post reflecting the wonderful spirits of your children. Mothering is a tricky job...but very rewarding!
You are a rad mum! There is no denying it's a hard job....I'm constantly amazed with how Kim handles it....and we only have two!
I like the way your honest....it's not all tea and cupcakes with kids......but there love outweighs to frustrating times.
I loved this post - I find it difficult finding a quiet space where everyone is getting along! (I have a 4yr old and 2 1/2 yr old twins) But I am going to try to appreciate their different personalities and focus on their strengths. Thankyou!
How do you do it?? (!!) I spend large chunks of my life very nearly mad, with just the two of us knocking around together ... and he's an affable, sweet boy ...
Well done, you !!!
Such is motherhood. Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.
what a lovely brood you have :) Glad you are surviving the Family plague and hope you all feel tip top soon
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