I'm so excited today as I've been plotting a dandelion giveaway! I have just passed the 200 post mark & it's time to give something back to my lovely, loyal, funny & fantastic friends! I love to celebrate special occasions, well actually I just like celebrating! So this little giveaway is my way of saying thankyou & also having some fun myself.

So here is what you might win. First off is a dandelion bunny, it could be like this one above....

or like one of these twins. Or it might be totally different, you get to choose! Whoever I pick out first will win a bunny & I will custom make it using colours/patterns handpicked by you.

I have some lovely new alpaca offcuts too & some gorgeous vintage fabrics so matching them up will be fun!

Number two out of the hat will receive a String of Hearts similar to these, but again you can choose your colour combo. Yay!

Number three will be getting two Lovehearts of your colour/pattern choice.

All winners will also receive a mixed bag of beautful biodynamic garlic from The Organic Paddock. If you are an overseas friend then you might have to put up with something sweet instead.

This giveaway is open to all my dear mates far & wide, I really appreciate you all and love to read your comments & visit you. I love the way we can chat about everything and nothing, how I can be so inspired, moved and captivated. I love that I can see into other peoples worlds, see colours, patterns, moods, through someone else's eyes. It's such a relief to read that someone else feels the same way, has similar flat patches, or finds the crazy whirl of motherhood/creative life/inner life at times a struggle. I love to read of other people's successes, their joys, new babies, new idea's. Blogland has been a very rewarding & welcoming & fun place for me and it has become a part of my day & life that brings me a lot of pleasure, and some much needed space at times too. So thank you my dear friends, lots of love to you all!

Before I go a couple of important things I should add. To be in the running for this giveaway just leave me a comment telling me what you like about my blog. If you are a regular reader (follower) let me know for an extra entry. Good luck to all & I hope you have a great week, see you soon xo
ps: Oh, I almost forgot, it's my birthday today!

Awesome! Congratulations for writing 200 posts... :D
I follow you now on google friends but have had you on my google reader for a while now. Love your posts!
Happy Birthday, Beck and congrats on your 200th post milestone. What a gorgeous giveaway!
I can honestly say your blog is always one of the first ones I pop in to as I love the way your words and beautiful photos paint such a vivid picture of your busy, loving,crafty life.
PS I thought I was already an official follower but wasn't - but I am now!
Oh, cool, a double birthday! Hope you get spoilt by your great family! That's what I like reading about on your blog, being a single parent I like to dream of the next chapter, more kidlets and running amok somewhere. And you do it honestly, which I like. Oh, and i'm a follower already, have been for yonks! Great to chat at dinner too, although briefly! There was so much going on!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your day is filled with love, hugs, bunnies, laughs, cake, sewing, wine (or at least a glass), lollies, prezzies, flowers, good health AND family.
Have a great day Beck.
Oh and throw me into your giveaway. I want to win me some Dandelion love for my house! You know what I love about your blog...I told you in my last comment. I must be psychic.... :o)
I was just admiring your bunnies in your side bar funnily enough. And there you are giving one away. What a lucky person that will be. A bit Happy Birthday to you today!!!! I hope you are totally spoilt. I follow your blog but haven't had a great time to comment lately I'm sorry to say. My favourite thing about your blog, and most of the others, is seeing what wonderful things you make. I love to see new ideas.
Happy Birthday!!!!
I am a follower too - love your blog, especially the fact that your bunnies remind me of my most favourite bunny that I had when young ;)
happy birthday Beck!!! hope you have a Fabulous day!
congrats on the double birthdays & I love popping by your blog and seeing what you are up too and your pics are always so wonderful.
of course I follow your wonderful journey & wish you many many more bloggy birthdays sweet lady.
Happy Birthday! Have a fabulous day...
I would so love to win one of your gorgeous creations.
I love reading your blog because you have such a unique, honest, positive and upbeat attitude. I paricularly enjoy reading about your visits to see Charlotte.
I am a follower too.
Happy Birthday!
Its lovely to visit your blog and see what you and yours are up to. Your photos of your gorgeous creations are very inspiring!xx
AAARGH! What do you mean "Oh yeah, it's my birthday!?!?!?!" Happy birthday to you, lovely. Wishing you a joyous day without any of the flat patches.
Happy birthday...I'm a regular follower :)
I love the hand knit sweaters that the bunnies wear. They make me smile. I can crochet-but I don't knit so they are especially precious.
I love hearing about and seeing life in a different part of the world....and I would love some garlic to-yum.
Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a really lovely day with your family. Secondly, 'NO WAY!!'- this was my immediate reation to seeing your extremely generous and gorgeous giveaway...ooohhh to win one of those, my goodness! You know, what I love about your blog I think is that you are so inspiring as a mum a crafter, a member of your community..I always enjoy reading your posts because so often I can relate to you & the joys & challenges of everyday family life..it's a bit like catching up with a friend in person. Enjoy your bithday!
Happy Birthday, Gorgeous. I love your blog because you are so generous with your photos, your thoughts and your stories. I feel like I am sitting down to have a cuppa with you. In essence you give a part of yourself with every post. Added to this is your generous spirit, that I hope will enable me to win one of your coveted bunnies or a heart or two, thanks from a devoted follower xxx
Happy birthday
What a lovely giveaway, and Happy Birthday to You.
I love to visit your blog just to see what you are up to. Love your rabbits too! And I am a follower too.
Ohhhhhh Bec Happy, Happy Birthday To You Gorgeous Girl {{{{{xx}}}}}
I've loved and followed your blog for ages.
Your generosity, your ideas, your beautiful photo's are a treasure to devour at every read. I'd adore a Dandelion Bunny for my great grandbaby Isabella. Dandi Bunny could stay here with me for Bella to cuddle when she comes for to visit me, her MaMa.
Congrats on 200 posts.
Hope your day is totally fabulous in every way. xo
Congratulations Beck!! I love your honesty in your blogs, and your lovely piccies! Hope you have a wonderful week :)
Happy Birthday Beck & Happy Blogoversary. Im only a new Regular (follower) but I love your blog , Its such a calm and pretty place to visit and how can anyone resist those bunnies? They are the sweetest thing Ive ever seen. Have a great birthday!
Happy birthday and thanks for giving us presents ... it's like at work when the birthday girl/boy brings cake. Congrats on the 200th post and the reason why I signed up so long ago (I think you were amongst the first blogs I signed up to) is because I love the way craft embraces every part of your life. Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday and congrats for making it to 200 posts.
My fav parts of your blog..is that you keep it real. I love your photos and reading about your lovely family.
p.s I subscribe to you on bloglines but now I am an offical follower. By the way my family also grow organic garlic on the mid north coast of NSW.
Happy Birthday! I like the variety of posts, simple craft ideas, beautiful photos, and I can identify with kids and family busy-ness!
Have a fabulous birthday! I subscribe to your feed, but am now also following you. Dear Prudence recommended me to you, because of your wonderful outlook on life and your family.
I am thoroughly enjoying what you writing and congratulations on your 200th post :)
Happy 200th Beck! If only there were a comment from the Queen to celebrate...I'm a follower and very happy to be one too- I love this space and it makes me happy to visit. xx
Oh my goodness, Happy Birthday to you Beck. What a lovely day for it!
Hope it's filled with family, friends, love, happiness (and a little bit of craftiness too).
I love that your blog has a great mix of everyday family life, living in the country, craftiness, op shopping.... all my favourite things to read about.
Happy Birthday Beck! Congratulations on 200 posts and may there be many more. I cant think of one particular thing I love about your blog, there are too many. Your honesty and the way you express your feelings in your daily life, your gorgeous family, your beautiful bunnies and your home town, and those little visits around the countryside all make it worthwhile to visit you! You also have a very generous heart!
Happy Birthday!!!
Big congratulations for 200 posts and 200 lovely posts at that.
I would love NOTHING more than to win one of your gorgeous Bunnies.
what do I love about your blog? I love alot about it, the gorgeous images, your bunnies, your amazing op shop finds. But I think most of all I just like it because well I like you, I like your voice, your take on the world, your mix of light and serious posts. I like it all.
Oh yes and I'm a follower.
How exciting and Happy Birthday :) I don't follow you through the follow button but I do have you in my google reader!
Hope you have a wonderful day and that all the sweet comments make you smile!!
I am almost at 100 posts... i don't know how it has happened so quickly!
Thank you for sharing your crafty adventures with us. I like seeing the bunnies = the photos and colours always make me smile. I also love the hearts... I think they make a splendid decoration.
Happy Birthday Beck! I do love the photograph of the Dandelion Clock. I always get a little bit excited when I find one for my girls to blow. I love reading your blog to see all the beautiful things you are making (I love how you dress your bunnies in little cardys) and finding and hearing about how much fun you have with your kids. (and I'm a follower too!) Hope you had a great day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Its my Sister in Law's bday today too!
I like your opshopping finds, cragty stories, anything to do with your lovely bunnies, and stories about the adventures of your lovely family.
Congratulaions on 200 posts Beck. I read your blog frequently well as often as you update. I love your blog because you have the ability to write so well that I feel like I am in the moment and right there chatting too you. Coupled with your photos it is like reading a beautiful book about life x
Happy birthday & congratulations on your milestone. I follow your blog for your gentle inspiration, great photos & to see the fun things you make.
Happy Birthday. I am a follower.
I really like the last photo, of your son. I think his name is Charles?
Hope you had a great day and I hope I win!
Love from Bunny xx
2 Milestones on the one day! Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 200 posts. I feel a bit cheeky putting my name down for a chance to win your wonderful give away. I've only just found your blog, and this is my very first visit. Blushes. Needless to say it wont be my last! :) Kim
Happy Birthday for today and on your 200th post.:) I am a new follower to your blog and what I like most about stopping by is looking at your beautiful creations and reading your journey through life and being able to relate. Thank you for the chance to win one of your sweet bunnies and here's to a wonderful birthday! xo
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you...........
Well it was your beautiful bunnies which first drew me in, but it's your candid, honest way of sharing both the highs and lows in your neck of the woods which kept me coming back!
and yes I am a follower!!!!
Happy birthday snd happy blogday
I love how your love of family just shines through your posts. You honour them each time you share a tale.
My little one would love a bunny.
Count me in.(twice. I'm a follower)
Ps my verification code is unpress which is the opposite of what you do
Happy Birthday! I've loved reading your blog since I discovered it a few months back. I love to see and read about Daylesford and your family and all the things you get up to. And I've admired those bunnies so deeply every time you post a picture of a new one. I'd so love to win one of those! I suppose I should say it would be for my little girl... but really it would be for me!
Happy Birthday!
I'd love to enter your giveaway please - congrats on 200 posts, too.
What a wonderful giveaway! I've always thought it would be fun to have one of your lovely bunnies and your hearts are so sweet. Can you believe 200 posts?! I look at my numbers, I think I'm at 169 or something, and I just can't believe it! Of course I'm already a follower ;) Happy Birthday Beck! Mine is June 5th, I'll be 35. Ouch!
happy birthday Beck!!! I hope you were totally spoilt and congrats on 200 posts! I love your honesty in your blog, about the flat times and needing time out etc, I also love your op shop adventures and all the treasures you find!!
Best wishes for your birthday! I enjoy all your photos and your down to earth attitude.
Elaine R
Happy Birthday to you!
I love reading about your gorgeous family and your country life. It sounds so lovely!
I am a follower too. ;)
First of all happy birthday!!!! Hope all your bunnies do something special for you.
I love reading your blog because I can relate to so much in it, kids, landscape, opping, craft. I love your photos too.
Happy Birthday. May IS the month!
I do follow your wonderful blog, and would love to have chance to win one of your lovely bunnies, which are why I started reading it in the first place. I don't know what it is about them but they are just right- shape, cardigan, ears, fabric choices, they are just right!
Why do I like your blog? Too many reasons to mention, but I think it comes down to the tone of your writing, and your eye for taking photographs; they are just so right. Very nice job!
Happy Birthday Beck!
Happy 200th post too!!!
I really enjoy reading dandelion blog and I like to come back often to hear what you've been up to and how you are.
One reason I come back is because I can relate to your ups and downs (the blahs) …one of my favorite posts ever is your post "on aging”
It is so useful to hear people expressing real emotions - not just showing lots of pretty things! I also share a changing self perception that comes with getting older but, my tummy sticks out and I getting flabby jowls!!!
Another reason I return is for inspiration, I do think your bunnies are fantastic, the hearts too and the loved the doll with the blanket hair – I hope you make some more!
I hope you have a beautiful birthday Beck, keep celebrating all week!!
Michele X
I do love to see your flee market finds too – we’d be no good shopping together – we would be over the same things – you would have to give me a head start! ;)
Hi Beck...Tilly and I are keen on all your stuff so throw our names in the hat. Nice of you to be so generous to others on your Birthday, and we feel lucky to know you!!
Happy Birthday! And congrats on reaching 200 posts! Your blog is one of my favourites as I love seeing your gorgeous bunnies and heart strings, your photographs are beautiful and you make me jealous with your fantastic flea market finds! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oh and yes I follow you.
Happy birthday beautiful girl!
I love your blog because it is all about you and the way you see the world. I think you are the acest and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. XX
How good is that 200 posts and a birthday ! Congratulations on both .
dear Beck
I hope you had a lovely lovely birthday. From the moment I found your blog I felt like I had found a kindred spirit. Thanks for sharing yourself with such an open heart.
love Manda
Happy Birthday to you!!
I first found your blog about a year ago. I thought your bunnies were so cute!
I've been a follower since then. I enjoy your photos and creativity.
Thanks for sharing!
loko6 at peak dot org
Congrats congrats Beck!!!! Hope you are having a very happy birthday =) with all of your loved ones around you.
Thanks for having this super sweet giveaway, I adore your bunnies and love reading and browsing through your images in this lovely blog!
Thanks again
oooh I am of course follower of your blog =)
Kudos! So much fun to hit these milestones ( and a birthday to boot!)
I am, of course, a follower.. but my oh my I wish I didn't live so far away those garlic shots are always to tantilizing!
Ooh what a wonderful giveaway. You generous thing you! Happy birthday for yesterday. You know my fav thing about your blog is of course your bunnies. I love seeing all the different combos and I love your hearts. they are so sweet. I also like your blog even more that I have met you in person. You are so sweet and I could talk to you for hours. and of course you know that I follow your blog.
Beck, your blog is awesome! I love the way your always up to date with everything. Happy Birthday! How young are you?
Congratulations and belated happy birthday to you! My birthday is tomorrow. Us Geminis are great ;-)
Your bunnies are so adorable. I'd love to give one a home in Ireland!
I love reading about your fleamarket finds and your creations. I dream about living in Melboure (was there last year) so I love any posts you have about that fabulous city!
And I'm already a follower.
Happy Birthday Beck. The beans are still in the fridge...I've topped and tailed them, but i was feeling poorly...I think I overdid the 'tasting' of the chilli sauce yesterday. I think my innards are scarred! Bloody Masterchef "Every good cook should taste as they go" Hmph. Maybe they should put a disclaimer "but not ultra hot chilli sauce!"
Getting down to brass tacks...the blog I think it is because you are a truly loving and open person...which I am not...I am closed and bitter...but I am trying!
happy Birthday Beck and congrats on 200 posts!! Hmm, what do I like about your blog, well I've had you in my reader for awhile now and I think I like the liitle peek we get into your life. You have a beautiful family and youall seem happy, yet you still manage to keep your blog feeling real. (oh and your bunnies are super cute)
Always a delight popping over here to see what treasures you've found, creating you've been up to or musings you've been, well, musing on! Happy birthday to you, happy 200 posts to Dandelion, and thanks for the fodder, creative and ruminatory...
Hi Bec
I like reading your blog, 'cause I've met you in person and I feel like I am "visiting" you.
I follow you, but I don't know how do do the RSS thingy.
Plus I like to see the bunnies! I sleep with my green cardy bunny tucked into my arm every night. Took bunny with me when I stayed at my Mum's recently and my nieces (4 and 6) saw it. Had to explain to their confused little faces that the bunny helps Aunty Simmie sleep better!
They both said "can you make me one?" Explained that a lovely lady makes them. Looks like I will be ordering 2 at Christmastime, ha.
But, hey, if I won another one, I could tuck one under each arm!
See you soon
Hi Bec
I like reading your blog, 'cause I've met you in person and I feel like I am "visiting" you.
I follow you, but I don't know how do do the RSS thingy.
Plus I like to see the bunnies! I sleep with my green cardy bunny tucked into my arm every night. Took bunny with me when I stayed at my Mum's recently and my nieces (4 and 6) saw it. Had to explain to their confused little faces that the bunny helps Aunty Simmie sleep better!
They both said "can you make me one?" Explained that a lovely lady makes them. Looks like I will be ordering 2 at Christmastime, ha.
But, hey, if I won another one, I could tuck one under each arm!
See you soon
Happy Birthday!
I love all the beautiful colours and pretty things that pop up in your blog all the time. I also appreciate your openness and honesty about the less pretty aspects of life!
PS hope your quilt is coming on nicely!
PPS I am a "follower"
I already feel so lucky to have been a previous winner of the lovely Holly the cardi bunny but just wanted to drop by and say big YAY! on 200 posts, very impressive. I also totally agree with your reasons for loving blogland and feel that your blog is one of the really inspiring and motivational blogs that I LOVE to visit, all the time. Happy Birthday too. x
Your bunnies are just so beautiful, I would love to own one! The thing I love about your blog is that the passion and love you have for what you do is always present in your posts. And you have the most amazing eye for great finds!
Oh, and Happy Birthday for Monday, it was mine on Sunday!
hehe, I just had to comment again as the word verif that popped up after leaving the last comment is "found", I wonder if that is a sign, as in you have "found" your winner??!
oh, and I just starting following, does that count as an extra entry??
Hi Beck, happy birthday! I've been reading your blog for a while now (I have it on my google reader) and I love your bunnies and reading about your craftiness. Happy blog anniversary too!
Congratulations on your bi-centenary posts.
I'm a relatively new follower of your blog and would like to take this opportunity to enter your competition.
I do like your Aussie 'down to earth' view of the world around you.
I'm only in Pakenham, but a lot of my day is spent travelling to and from work, with not enough time to slow down and relax.
Congratulations again - the bunnies are cute.
Happy Birthday for Monday my dear friend! Hope you enjoyed it, sorry I missed the big day. Wow, congratulations on 200 posts, that is a wonderful achievement. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your beautiful world with us, I love reading your blog and getting your take on life and things, you have a very refreshing way of looking at 'ordinary' things. Keep up the good work Beck, love Gyp xx
happy birthday to you and congrats on post 200.
what i love about your blog is that it is like a little haven to pop in on. always inspiring, always positive, always honest, always pretty and all about you, your family and straight from the heart stuff
Happy belated birthday xxx
I follow your blog but seem to have missed a few posts. I love your trip to the farm. Yep! The country life is just dandy alright. Is it too late to win a lovely bunnie for my brand new niece?
For the last 3 1/2 months you have been my Sunday Inspiration time. All week I work and chase a toddler and look after a studying husband. Sunday I wake up knowing I will have a glimpse into a life filled bunnies, big families, crafting and the country. Is it the escapism that makes me adore your blog, the images or the honesty? I'm not sure, all I know is I love sharing my Sundays with Dandelion.
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