This little project has been lying around the house in various stages over the last week.

Every now & then I have made a mad dash for the scissors or the sewing machine in an attempt to keep it going.

I have a set of metal hearts that hang, and swing from my front verandah and they were the inspiration for my own little fabric string of hearts. You probably know I'm a bit obsessed with this shape, it's so appealing to me.

I've used little scraps from vintage sheets and sewn them onto alpaca blanket, bits left over from bunny making. I think they look sweet hanging on the tree, I wonder how they will look in a baby's room? I wanted to make a present for my cousins new baby, do you think they will like it?
Max thinks they're ok..

...and so does Daisy.

But this is what they are really looking at!
Freddie & Emily! Quack, quack...
Freddie & Emily! Quack, quack...
It's been a busy & at times, scary week here. Sunday has had bad asthma & was in hospital on Monday night. All the kids seem to have either asthma or are still recovering from their colds which has been hard on everyone. But hopefully they are finally getting better so fingers crossed!
I'm trying to get the kids to eat more garlic as it is so good for helping ward of nasty bugs and for keeping healthy. The garlic I grow with my friend Michelle & The Organic Paddock is selling really well & we're excited about planting our next crop in a week or two.
I'm trying to get the kids to eat more garlic as it is so good for helping ward of nasty bugs and for keeping healthy. The garlic I grow with my friend Michelle & The Organic Paddock is selling really well & we're excited about planting our next crop in a week or two.
Besides little hearts on strings I've been bunny making, taking photo's, cooking & reading. I also had a fantastic time at our craft group this week. What a great bunch of local women, it was so much fun having a laugh, making this grey bunny, above, and seeing what other people are creating. We managed to cover some interesting topics too, hilarious! Have you had a creative week? Sometimes it's a matter of making it happen in between the chaos isn't it?
Hope you have a happy day, I'm off to check out some other spaces at Kirsty's,
see you soon,

...lots of love to you xo
Love love your hearts!
The wool rug backing looks great!
I hope your little one is okay. Asthma is scary sometimes! (our Miss 4 has just started weezing again with this cold weather - had hoped she would grow out of it by now!)
Love those hearts!!! Hope your household is better super quick.
LOVE your hearts! Hope the kids feel better soon. Asthma is really awful.
hope u all get better soon x your rabbit is so nice :)
Did you go to hospy after craft group love? I hope she is ok. Things are much the same here with everyone but me sickly.
I LOVE your hearts, the little birdie is adorable and your bunnies are just divine. Charlie loves hers, it goes on outings in the sling and it's called Mopsy :)
The hearts look great. I have the yellow fabric in a pillowcase somewhere.
Hope you're all fit & healthy super quick.
Hearts and Bunnies all total gorgeousness!
I love your string of hearts! They will look gorgeous in a baby's room. Hope everyone is feeling healthier soon.
Oh my goodness, how do you squeeze so much into a week?? Love the little hanging hearts!
Hope everyone gets well quickly!
p.s. love your blog! I'm following you now!
Your hearts are really lovely! I adore the heart shape too, i was just thinking one can never have too many hearts around the home...I hope your sick little girl is better very soon, it sure is a horrible frieght & worrying time for everyone when a child is in hospital x
Wow, really lovely photos-love dogs and these 2 are adorable.
I feel for you with the asthma...I also think extra vitamin c can be helpful&cutting out peanut products (even if not allergic) helped with my kids and me...both my sons have fortunately outgrown thier asthma so there may be some light ahead for you too...best wishes for a healing week ahead
From one heart lover to another - love those hearts!
Sorry to hear about your poor little girl ending up in hospital in asthma. It's horrible when that happens. I love your hearts and I reckon they'd make a great baby gift. Love the names of your animals. Particularly Emily the duck. Perfect!
O love them! Oh so sweet....and the bunnies too. Can't go wrong with hearts and bunnies.
The hearts are spunky, Beck, and so are you!
Your hearts are just fabulous - love them almost as much as I love your bunnies :) k
Oh that grey bunny is soooo cute beck. and your hearts are lovely, the wool backing is a great idea.
Hope your kids are feeling better soon xo
Perfect for a new babes room!
My asthma is bad too. Something about the change in weather sets it off. Hope all are on the mend.
The heart garland looks great, I was thinking of doing one similar, but with monsters! Anyone would be thrilled to receive one for their new bub.
hearts are absolutely the best shape ever!
beautiful garland Beck.
lots of love to you too
Love those hearts!! They look fabulous and perfect for a baby's room. They'll keep a little bum still while mama's trying to change it. xo m.
The heart strings are gorgeous and would make such a lovely present for a new bub! I love the details in the fabric pieces especially the little birdy.
The love hearts will be perfct in a nursery. I am sure they will be treasured.
One busy lady this week, Beck... Hope all your crew are feeling better soon!
Love the hearts! They'll be very sweet for bubs room.
Sewing was fabulous fun...the things you learn hey? :o)
See you sat,
I agree with Max & Daisy - the hanging hearts are ace.
Your hearts are gorgeous!! Hope everyone is on the mend...hopefully they'll grow out of their asthma...I did! Olive Leaf Extract is magic at this time of the year. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
The hearts are great! I love it! I also give my girl garlic =D she is used to it by now, I started with just a little in ger omlette and now it is cooked in our kitchen almost with every sauce or meal =)
Just make sure they give their teeth real good brush =D
Oh Beck they are heavenly, I would definitely hang them in a baby's room. Heck love, I'd hang them in my room, they're divine.
The hearts are really sweet Beck, perfect for a babies room. I hope the sickness in your house disappears soon and everyone feels better. xo
With a week like that, I can imagine having a speedy sort of hearty project on the go must have hit the spot. A quick idea, a cut and a stitch and voila! another piece of joy. Hope all are well and truly on the mend...
I love your string of hearts! It's sew pretty :) I like the owl and the other bird print. Very sweet. I'm sure your cousin will love it!
I sure hope Sunday is well now and your other kids are on the mend soon too. You stay well too!
your work is lovely. the hearts look gorgeous and i am sure the new mummy and daddy will love them.
i hope that poor wheezy girl is well by now. i feel your pain having spent years in and out of hospital with my eldest son who is now a strapping 6' and only occasionally wheezy 27 y.o.
Oh I frikkin adore your hearts on strings - especially the birdie one, such a lovely idea & beautifully executed.
sorry for the scare! Hope Sunday is okay and everyone is on the mend. Thank goodness you have so much yummy garlic! And thank goodness garlic can make everything delicious!
Love your owlie heart :)
I love the ducks, and Daisy looks alot like george are little shaggy poodle. I don't like those fussy poodle cuts I think he feels more like a man this way.
Your hearts and bunny are too sweet for words...and yes your right I'm Swedish, norwegian,and Danish. I enjoyed visiting your blog its lovely, I'm off to read more.
I love your hearts! I think they would make a FAB baby gift to cheer up the nursery.
Sending over healing vibes...
I love you hearts.......If you don't mind I would like to steal your idea to make some for a little girls birthday gift this week. Let me know
these are gorgeous... I love the look of them hanging from the tree. I've a couple of standard bay trees in my yard that would look good with something like this hanging from them... I have been inspired! Thank you!
Love love your bunnies - they are simply the only gifts to give.
The almost look like they are alive and their own lives as they are so individual unlike all the other toys around.
It is so inspiring to see people like Beck
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