It's funny how things can change from one week to the next isn't it?

Last week I was all about taking it easy creatively, not stressing about lack of output, taking in things around me in a mellow (ish) kind of way, blah, blah, blah....

I guess my problem this week is that now I'm all inspired I haven't got any time!! I'm fired up to make some brooches out of these magnetic letters but I haven't had a chance to even get out the hot glue gun. I'm keen to work on my little cloth book, to finish some bunnies, to unearth my scrap quilt, to frame up some photos.

Ahh...what's the hurry? Three of my kids are sick this week & need looking after so that's where my priorities are right now. It's raining and cold outside to we'll crank up the heaters, have a quiet day and who knows..I might find a little creative space for me.

I'm sure I'll find some time to day to work on my Love Hearts, early in the week before sickness hit I got into a rhythm with these little colourful lavender hearts. Choosing, cutting, pinning, sewing, filling...boy it was satisfying. I hope to find a more regular space in the day/evening so that I keep in the loop and stay inspired. When do you do your creating?
I love that little fabric book!
I find that desperate need to sew both a blessing and a curse. At times I wonder how it would be to totally immerse myself in the household stuff without constantly sneaking off to sew a seam or press a hem. The house would be cleaner and the girls more organised but imagine a life without inspiration.
its an ebb and flow isnt it? And you can't always line up the time and the feeling of inspiration to meet...i hope your little loves are feeling better soon and that you do get a chance to use some of that creative inspiration.
I know exactly how you feel, when you have kids you can't plan time to do your craft you just have to grab it when it comes. For me that is when they are asleep either through the day or at night. I'm definitely staying up later and later. I love your cloth book and the brooches from the letters will be fantastic!!
You've described a frustration that I am all too familar with. I haven't fully developed my thoughts on the topic but perhaps it is a matter of faith? Faith that time and inspiration WILL meet when it is truly the right time. I think this needs to be balance with Kate's approach - a little bit here, a little bit there - snatching the small moments do all add up and leaves you at least with a sense of going forward rather than standing completely still. Appreciating the little steps rather than the mass production.
Mmmm... time for me to go and make a cup of tea and ponder this some more. Thanks for the food for thought.
There was a great article in Viva Magazine yesterday (NZ Herald's Thursday style supplement) on how we have forgotten that feminism was always about giving women a choice and not about women being super Mums and doing everything with the house, the kids and the high flying career. It's about balance and doing what works for us and our families. It's nice to have someone put it in words and to have it acknowledged that its okay to make our own choices, especially when 'crafter' and 'stay at home mum' are often still seen as dirty words. You seem to have a great balance going on at your place and how fantastic to have your creative mojo flowing so strongly! Hope those kids of yours are feeling better soon and things get a little easier for you to indulge your passion.
OH Beck I'm loving that cloth book. It's gorgeous!!!
i totally know what you mean about the lack of time and too many ideas. Had that very much at the moment. I agree with Kate, it's like both a blessing and curse. My head is so full with all these ideas and bears, at times I think I'm going crazy. xo
yep, yep, yep!
we are also sick here so it's not the best of weeks.
book is looking beautiful, hope kids are feeling better soon & your creating resumes.
Oh, Beck...your book is lovely. I hope you find some space for you and that your little ones are well soon. Hang in there, and grab your moments when you can!
great post, love the sunshine on the fabric book.
sometimes I find the inspiration does flow more when you haven't got the time to address it - and then it disappears when you're all ready to go! Must remember to jot the idea down when it hits from now on...
men don't have that guilt thing. They just aren't programmed that way.
Hope the little ones are well soon and that you don't head down the sick path. Also can't wait to see the letter brooches
That book is just beautiful! I hope everyone is feeling much better at you place very soon..looks like a cosy spot your little sick girl has found there...
I think your fabric book is just gorgeous - my fav page would be the sunrise with the beautiful blueish sky!
Hope your kids get over their colds soon... my family are just about finished with our colds, so I know how annoying they can be! And what a very cosy corner you have there!! :)
Have an inspirational week!
Oh Beck, that happens to me a lot!! I also think though, that it's when you don't have 'proper' time to create stuff that's when the best ideas come along - the odd times when I've had some clear time, it feels a bit like 'okay, what now?'
I think you do amazingly well to create as much as you do and keep your family so happy and cared for, your space always feels so lovely and content. I hope you do find some time today for a little bit of creating just for you! xx
Ooh I know how you feel =D!! And when you have kids it is like life alone and plans alone... but I see that some how you do manage to juggle in between, ans as I told you before I adore ya' for that!!
I think, and see, that many of us can relate. Hope they are all feeling better soon. I can't wait to see the brooches out of the letters!
Oh I so know that feeling... So many things and where to start? And with what time? Wishing you all a snuggly time getting healthy and some time for you to get your teeth into something, Beck. x
Jeez Beck, you have hit the nail on the head with your life / parent/ kids balance observations. I think about it a lot, and have made no progress with my thoughts on this topic at all because my stinking kids keep interrupting!! Thanks too for the dancing today...hope we get on youtube!
Isn't that always the way?! I am exactly the same... when I want to make, no time... also I find it works with clothes shopping: when I have money, there's nothing I want to buy !! ;) Loving your fabric book and I hope all are well in your home soon. Kx
Oh yes, I recognize that craving, for knitting in my case. I hope your family will feel better soon and that you find the time to finish the book and do all the other projects you want to do!
I am sooo hearing you!! We do seem to keep everything ticking along don't we. I'm always saying to myself...I'll do that bit of creating after I've done the dishes, hung out the washing etc.etc and then end up in bed at 11:30! There isn't enough time!!! And you're all sick too...bum to that!! Hope you all get better in a jiffy and that the day magically becomes 2 hours longer :)
I hope everyone is fit and healthy soon Beck and you can catch that creative wave before the red hot inspiration wanes…the magnets will make fantastic broaches and the appliqué in your fabric book is magic! Record your ideas so if you don’t get it all done you don’t forget any – it is easy to loose things when you have that absolute flood of ideas.
Try to worry less about the things that don’t ‘need’ to be done (much easier said than done, I know) let it pile up a while and reward yourself with time for the creative tangents…the energy you will have after a great spell of ‘making things’ will make sorting out the mundane crap so much easier!
P.S. If only I could practice this more often myself! ;)
Sincerely Michele xx
Hi! Love that book - what a treasure you are creating there!
Time and creating does not always meet up perfectly does it, I think that is what makes the stolen time after kids are in bed, or lunch in the park having a knit so special.
I love the idea of a fabric book - and the letters will be brilliant as brooches!!! It is so typical to run out of time just when you feel like getting things done!! Its just not fair sometimes!
what a great post bec. i think you might have peeped into my head before you wrote it. the juggling act can be a tricky one to manage. sometimes i get an idea and i have to get it done and by the time i lift my head a bomb has hit my house. hope the sickness train pulls out of your station soon. love your book & hearts. glad to hear the pincushion has made itself at home
Yes, swings and roundabouts of time and inspiration, it's always the same. It's difficult to find that creative space equilibrium. I often spend the day thinking of my time at the end of the baba's day when I can get on with my stuff. Inevitably that time arrives and after dinner, laundry, cleaning etc....I'm slumped infront of a trashy movie!!
Lovely fabric book and cool letters - will make fab brooches, so retro! x
Oh I know what it's like what you have the intense desire to create but the "important" stuff has to come first. It's frustrating. I really hope you find some time for you, to create and feed your own soul.
I hope your children are feeling better now? Your little cloth book is gorgeous, I really like the page with the sun. (And I think it is definately easier for men!)
: )
hello there - hope you wee ones are well again ... I found you via hester - she talks a bit about you and your lovely home and family ... I am enjoying catching up and can see the attraction :) cool weather ... I wish we had more ... loving the hearts best le
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