What's been happening in my space lately? I think I mentioned last week that I'm not making that much at the moment, I think my head is in a different zone right now. I have been enjoying making cosy spaces to nest in though, now the weather is getting colder. Little spots within the chaos to rest for a minute, a place to snuggle or read a book. Although I may not be pumping out work I'm always thinking. looking, appreciating, dreaming, photographing, collecting, mothering, partnering - all of which takes creative, and often, emotional energy.

I'm concious lately that it takes a lot of get up and go to run this ship I'm on. I'm finding that I really need more time for myself, and although it's still crazy busy here I am making that happen more than I used to. Looking after the needs of five children & one partner & numerous pets (don't make me count...) all of whom I love and adore, is pretty much a full time job. If I can make a few things too along the way then I'll be as happy as a clam.

So I'm going a bit easier on myself, slowing down a bit. I feel happy with my space, it's work in progress!

These two bunny girls were finished last week and are probably living it up in Paris with their new little girl owners.

One of the joys of bunny making is the thought of them hopefully becoming part of someones life, part of their history.

I loved my toys so much when I was little. Not many of them were new, some were missing limbs or were a little wonky, often they were handmade. They all had names and were loved & treasured and played with endlessly. They were a big and magical part of my childhood. I hope my little bunnies are busy making happy memories too.

I'm working on two new bunny girls, another set of twins-

Well I'm off to have a look at some more creative spaces over at Kirsty's,

I'm working on two new bunny girls, another set of twins-

I'm thinking of using this gorgeous fabric, given to me by a beautiful friend, for their ears & skirts. It's just so adorable & should look pretty snazzy paired with one blue & one red cardi.

What's been happening in your world? Are you managing to find some time for you?
Yesterday two of my children went on school camp, one for the first time. They are off to Sovereign Hill to experience life in the 1850's, wow! Bill didn't even say goodbye, he just hopped on the bus and that was that! At least I got some cuddles from Lucy (far right), who looks like having a fun time with her mates. I'll be glad to have them both home, safe & sound on Friday night.

Well I'm off to have a look at some more creative spaces over at Kirsty's,
hope you are having a wonderful week,
see you soon xo

It is totally a full time job and then some! And even though it is fantastic, it is also draining. I'm not so good at looking after myself. Will make the time today :) Hope you enjoy your nest xox
I love your post.
Its so hard sometimes to fit everything in, and then somethings have gotta give.
Have a great rest of the week - i love your cosy spaces!x
My niece had the BEST time at Sovereign Hill, hope your little loves do too. I try to find happiness 'in amongst it all' but wow, you do have a big household, so I hope you find ways to be gentle on yourself.
Thank goodness you do make the time to create. Those bunnies are just divine. I LOVE that bunny and toadstool fabric. Perfect for ears. Hope you get a bit more time for yourself this week.
Your bunnies are always so sweet, I love the colour of their little cardigans. I understand about time to yourself it's good that you are making time, it's easy to get lost in amongst all the busy day to day things and forget about yourself. I hope your lovelies enjoy camp!:)
Your home looks so warm and relaxing Beck! I dont know how you do it all as you must be very busy. It is always good to take some time for yourself. Those little girl bunnies are just so adorable and the new fabric looks perfect for bunny skirts too. I remember going to camp at sovereign hill when I was in Grade 6 and attending the school and dressing up in costumes. It was a lot of fun but a long time ago now!
Hey Beck, I'm so pleased you are being a bit easily on yourself. To be honest, mum and mothers always amaze me, I have the greatest respect and admiration for what you do. It really is a full time job. I don't know how you do it.
I'm also loving your french bunnies, and totally agree with you about the joys of toy making. I'm sure they are already loved and treasured, and will only become more so over time.
keep looking after yourself xo
I love your bunnies and the fact that your mum knits the little cardies. That is so special.
Saying goodbye to kids is funny. This morning my 17 year old said goodbye with an additional "I love you mama" and it was the first time I realised that she often calls me 'mama.' I'm a bit emotional at the mo, and sat down and cried...it was so sweet.
As a mum who has been hard on herself for nigh on twenty years take some time off to give yourself some space and pat yourself on the back. Five kids. Ye gods! Just remember to take it easy and just being there and creating a home is often the most important thing and pays off in the end. (I told you I was emotional)xxNick
Honestly, with five children & managing a home it's amazing you are able to find time for anything else! You should be very pleased with what you create in those little creative windows, you know I just adore those bunnies & I'm sure they will definately become airlooms to be passed on through generations. I still have all of my most special dolls. I didn't have any little girls to pass them on to but I plan to pass them on the the grandkids one day...
Those bunnies are just divine Beck! Can't you just imagine the squeals of delight when their packaging is opened? I think it is very special indeed that you are creating family heirlooms. So looking forward to that cuppa in the morning. X
I love your 'snuggly' corners ~ this cooler weather is just wonderful for time spent in quiet pursuits in comfy places. And tea!
I adore you for finding the time to create =) sometime it does get so hard to try to be THERE all around.
Hope ya'll manage to get some rest and quality time soon
What lovely words!! We do put high expectations on ourselves at times...so nice to be reminded to chill out a bit. Hope you have a relaxing and reviving weekend :)
Great that you are taking good care of yourself, Beck. You are one BUSY woman with so many people and activities that you love. So snuggle up on that comfy couch...
Beck - what a lovely post. I can totally relate to what you're saying - always juggling, and always wanting just a little bit of quiet time now and again. Your bunnys are lovely - how wonderful to be part of someones life around the other side of the world. Hope to see you next week at the Show. Nic x
I love your little nesting places Beck. Enjoy the 'moments' you take for yourself,
Ab x
those new bunnies are adorable how wonderful to go to Paris! I am so glad you are trying to make some time for yourself, we all need to do more of it, it's the only way to stay sane really and refreshed
Such a nice post to read. I love your bunnies and that comfy nook looks very inviting. Hope you get some time to yourself soon.
i have piece of that very fabric somewhere in the stash. i don't think i could bear to cut it though. your bunnies are to die for. i love your cosy corner and all of the rest of your space for that matter
I love your cosy space, especially that granny square blanket. Did you crochet it yourself? I can just imagine curling up there with a good book. x
I love those little nests you're building Beck. I'm finding myself at capacity looking after two kids right now, so with five it's even more crucial to keep an eye on your own head-space and make sure you're truckinga long OK. If Mama ain't happy...etc etc.
Great post.
I love the idea that those sweet bunnies might be called Coco and Madeline ;)
great photos~ I love your crochet granny square blanket. it looks perfect for snuggling up to on the couch ;-)
A wonderful creative space and a lovely post :)
enjoy being kind to you
best wishes
I simply adore your bunnies. My fav pic of them by the trees,ever so cute!! I feel the same about sewing. I have all these ideas but not much action.
What a lovely post - it seems that if you have a moment to reflect on needing time then you are at least having a small moment to yourself. And I love the rabbits you make in your "spare" time.
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