How exciting! Today is the day to draw out two, possibly three winners of my giveaway!! Lets get started. Bill, Lucy & Sunday have helped me to fold up all the little bits of paper with your names on them.

Here they are in the basket, ready to be plucked.

And the winner of Archie the Bashful is.....

Well done Yardage Girl!
And little Holly the Cardi Bunny goes to......

Yay!!! She will be flying over to Sarah in the U.K. soon! Philly & Tilly left a lovely comment saying they hoped the bunnies would go overseas to be ambassadors for love and peace isn't that a beautiful thought?
We now have to pick out a third winner as neither of the previous winners were after a red dress so here goes....

If you could all email me with your details I will send you out your bunnies and dress. Woohoo!!
Thank you so much to everyone for entering and for all your dear, sweet, lovely comments. They made me feel like a winner too!! I wish I had a bunny for everyone! Anyway, this has been so much fun I think I will have to do more giveaways in 2010 and spread the bunny love. Take care and have a happy and fun weekend xo
WOW - I'm am so thrilled to win Archie - I can't tell you what a boost this has given me at the end of the very long week. Thankyou so much!
Hooray!! Congratulations to the lucky winners, they are pretty special prizes. Ace to see you this afternoon twice. I've been thinking about the community thing ever since. XX
Oh congrats girls. And thanks beck for a thoughtful giveaway...xx
Congratulations to the lucky winners . Those photos below of the old towns are fantastic !
Oh thanks so Much Beck! Woo hoo , I'll not buy the dress I was thinking about tonight now! I'm so excited!
Hooray! I'm so excited I never win anything!! Guess what? Yesterday it was my birthday too!!! How positively perfect is that!!! Thank you sooo much. Holly will be much loved in our home, and if she's lucky she may even catch sight of some snow!
Will email details asap. xxx
Oh what lucky ducks! Seriously, these are just the sweetest critters ever! I love that wee sweater :)
OM MY GOSH!! Lucky lucky girls!! I don't even think I entered that draw! I must have missed it when I was flying! Boo hooo! Congratulations to the winners, you are oh so very generous Beck. xo m.
My envy and congratulations to all that won your gorgeous bunnies. I f only O have not been so crazy bust I would've entered...alas, next time?! Cheers
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