...is all about our Bill turning 8...! It's so lovely to be celebrating our boy today.

I'm thinking back eight years ago to the night he was born and remembering how happy and relieved I was when he was safely in my arms. The biggest baby with dreamy eyes and black sticking up hair. He was a quiet and happy baby who slept like clockwork and had the sweetest smile. And then when we moved to Daylesford when he was a little three year old with a big voice. He wore a pirate scarf for about six monts, day and night, and was obsessed with skulls and crossbones. Now he is into Lego, his DS, climbing, running, his mates (six of whom will be sleeping over on Saturday night...!), making things, having fun and mucking around. Later on today I'll be making sausage rolls with Rosie for a special birthday dinner followed by a good old homemade chocolate cake.

Bill's hair smells like hay, his sense of humour makes me laugh, his big smiles and big hugs always make my day. He's kind, he loves to read and he wants to be a builder. He's impatient (wonder where he gets that), impulsive (hmmm) and a great cuddler. He wanted a tool box for his birthday so that's what he got, and a lavender filled turtle of course.

In my creative space today I'm thinking about Bill and how he loves to make things. When he was in kinder he was keen on painting and would carefully cover the whole of the white page with paint. Like most kids he loves colour and isn't afraid to use it.

I love my girls and the things that girls like but I really love boys and boy things too.

I was talking to a friend recently about sons and we came to the conclusion that maybe we are close to our sons and relate to them well because in some ways we are like little boys ourselves. Maybe it's not so much a gender thing but more a love and appreciation of the innocence and freedom of children. That outdoorsy, climbing trees, running in the wind, laughing at silly things kind of thrill. That fresh & new, uncomplicated magic they carry with them, like stardust. I know I haven't ever really grown up so the child in me connects with the child and person that he is. Isn't this the beauty of having children in our lives?

Also in my creative space today is a bag full of offcuts from bunny/loveheart making. It's off soon to the childcare centre where it will be put to good use at the pasting table. I might keep a basket of it for Rosie. If you have these scraps yourself they are good to hang onto as kids love the different colours and shapes. I'm so happy to have orders for ten more bunnies so I'll be collecting lots more scraps along the way. Hope your day is tootling along well, for more creative spaces pop over here xo

Happy birthday Bill, hope you all have a great day. Lovely post Beck :)
Happy birthday Billy!! What a great post Beck. Not having a boy myself I have often stared in awe at some of the boy stuff in your house (especially in your laundry pile!!). Boy energy seems so much less complicated and emotional than girls'. I hope you all have a wonderful celebration of your gorgeous boy!
Ah, happy birthday to your officially big boy, Bill!
Loving your space today sweets, it's made me smile.
Beautiful to see Bill is so loved by his family! Happy Birthday!
What a sweet post...happy birthday bill...I have to agree and couldn't have said it better...Boys are awesome I have 3 and they just grab my heart...
Happy Birthday Bill! What a handsome boy you have Beck. It is nice to have boys. I still get cuddles off my 15 yr old (sometimes) when everyone else has gone to bed as a goodnight hug! Those are my favourites you know. I never had a brother growing up so I appreciated the fact that there was finally a boy in the family. Now I have 3 nephews too and add Paul's 2 brothers and it seems there are more boys than girls. The turtle looks great, what a nice pressie. I hope he enjoys his sleepover party on Saturday night, they are the best sort of party.
So sweet! Happy Birthday Bill. My nephew turned 11 yesterday and he also received a toolbox. It must be the coolest present ever.
Have a great weekend with all those boys running around the house!
Happy Birthday to Bill. Love the little turtle and what a fabulous idea giving your scraps to the childcare center to use for cut and paste! xox Meagan.
I felt a bit emotional reading your post - what a beautiful boy you have, I hope he has a stellar day!
a very sweet space
Happy birthday to the boy ~ sounds like you have lots of celebrations planned.
And yay for orders!
Oh Beck. I bet that night 8 years ago doesn't actually feel like 8 years ago! I am convinced that children's years pass quicker than grown ups! Hope your boy has had a great day... and nice choice for dinner. I hope there is plenty of sauce on hand.
And you are right... my life has found more beauty because of my kids.
Happy birthday Bill!
Yup...the mum/boy bond is something quite special.
Happy birthday Bill - and happy giving-birth-day to you, Beck.
He looks like a sweetheart, and I love, love, love having a little boy too.
Thanks for the scraps idea. Think I might pull out a pile tomorrow - have you seen the little fabric garlands in Handmade Home? V. sweet.
happy birthday to your grown up + gorgeous looking boy ~ boys are such fun!
hope it was a great day :)
Happy happy birthday Bill =) Have a lovely day with you loving family and friends!!
such cute photos!!!
Such a lovely emotive post. Happy Birthday to your "little" man. Bring on the sausage rolls and chocolate cake!
Happy, happy birthday Bill. That was a really lovely post Beck. x
I'll let you off, just one more time, because I can tell Bill is one excellent eight year old who knows how to do birthday. However, next post, could you see it in your heart not to write so straight from the heart (again) and turn me into the blubbering mess? Please?
Happy birthday Bill.
Aw lovely post, happy birthday Bill:)
Happy Birthday to Bill.
You're very right about the boy/girl differences - but thank goodness they are so different. I feel so lucky to have one of each.
Happy birthday Bill!
i have an eight year old boy and yours sounds a lot like him. your post is really lovely. you articulated your love for him so well. happy birthday Bill, i hope it is a great one. and good luck with the sleep over
So lovely to see some more of Bill. Hope he has a great birthday. He looks like a gorgeous son to have.
Happy Birthday to Bill :)
Beck I loved reading your sweet post! beautiful words for a beautiful boy.
hope he had a great day.
when I had a boy I thought .."what...what do I do with him.." but 2 years later and my life would not be so complete and I love the kisses & hugs and the "mammma" I get from my little man.
all the best Bill!
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Bill... what a lovely way to celebrate. You also reminded me that the off cuts of my off cuts could also get donated to our local child care centres!! Thanks You for that!! I hate parting with my scraps!
xo Steph
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