It's that weird week after Christmas, but before New Year, when time seems to go all floppy and loose, it's kind of a nowhere land where you're not even sure what day it is. Perhaps it's one of those lands at the top of the Faraway Tree and in a moment we will spin into another...

How are your holidays going? I'm still adjusting to the lack of routine but I am liking the easy mornings and the space. Ok, theres not that much space with all five kids home but it's a different KIND of space I guess.

Speaking of the gang here is all of us plus Mum taken by Charlotte as part of her Year 11 Photography unit. I just love it!

For Christmas this year we made our Kris Kringle gifts, Mark got to make for Dan who we hadn't met yet. Dan goes out with my cousin, Sally. Anyway all we knew about him was that he was a 'typical Aussie guy, into sport etc'. Mark found this old cricket bat at the local oval and turned it into a Swedish Advent candle holder! Cool huh? And there I was thinking he would just get him a bottle of red...

One thing I'm loving at the moment is reading. So far I've read The Cutting Room by Louise Welsh (pretty dark but good), The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas (an interesting Australian book, great for discussing with others), Revolution Road (really enjoyed it, sad, of it's time, would like to see the movie) and now I'm onto Love Song, the new book by Alex Miller which my Honey gave me for Christmas. I'm loving the way I'm travelling the world and seeing different lives & ideas through books, it's a blast. Yesterday I went to the library with Rosie. She got two animal stamps on the back of her little chubby hands and I got these...

more books! I was recently visiting Tammie (who always makes me laugh) and she has inspired me to count how many books I read in a year. So I'm off to a good start and it should be interesting to see how many I get through. What are you reading at the moment?
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, see you soon xo
No reading for me I'm sad to admit... I'm frantically trying to wrap up the year ready to start another one.
... but it is difficult to get frantic in this lazy no-man's land between Christmas and New Year. Love your description of this time of year.
Adore your daughter's photographs. Brilliant. She must have topped the class.
I have no idea what day it is and i love not needing to know :-)
Your book adventures sound like a perfect summer holiday. Happy New Year!
manda x
ooh im so excited that i provided a bit of inspiration to you, since you always provide it for me. :)
i love the candle holder.
i enjoyed Revolutionary Road as well. there were times i thought it was dragging a bit but when i finished it i ultimately liked it and appreciated the slow pace. i just recently saw the movie about a month ago. it was also good, they hardly deviated from the original story at all.
Happy in-between-Christmas-and-New Year! I am reading the last Inspector Rebus novel, which I have saved until arriving in Edinburgh. It's really good to read it and know that I'm in the same city, passing the same dark entrances to small alleys... or is it? I made it sound a bit spooky there!
Thanks for your book list. I don't think I could count the books I read in a year - I tried listing them on my blog but got out of date too quickly. Best of luck to you!
I love the photography project, it's fantastic, what a clever girl. I am reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver one of my favourite authors that Andrew gave me and i am loving it.
Ooooh, I can't wait to hear what you think about my Mum's book. I hope you have a great one! See you tonight? X
I actually plan on keeping a list of books read in 2010 on my blog (when I can work out how to!!). I used to be a big reader but its really slipped this last year. I've actually saved the last chapter of a book I started boxing day to finish in the morning so I can put it on the list!!
I have a few books that I'm reading lately. Normally, I only read one at a time so I'm not sure how this happened...
I've started a Nancy Drew Mystery (one of the old ones) that my son got out of the discard box in the school library.
A book titled What Mary and Joseph knew About Parenting. Some good stuff in there.
And Traveling Light by Max Lucado. A deep look at the 23rd Psalm. Really enjoying this one.
oh thats what I need - a good book! that cricket bat advent candle holder is perfect!!
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