I love this week's meme, MyCollection, hosted by lovely Kate from Foxs Lane. What an interesting theme, Thanks too, to Pip for hosting, I'm loving this weekly fun! I can't wait to see what collections are out there.

When I started to think about what I collect it took me a while to define one thing/group. In the end I realised that I collect collections! I won't try to list them all on this post but here a few of the things I love.
I've always liked old photo's and I adore my group of 'lost people'. Why and how these sweeties ended up in the op shop I'll never know, but the mother in me gathers them up and brings them home to be looked after and loved.

The War boys are so special and they become like great uncles who we've never met. The two little girls with their dear little hair cuts and toys will always be children, they make me smile.

I seem to have collected a few of my own children along the way too. They are my most prized and loved collection. As far as collections go they are the least predictable, most argumentative, definitely the most diverse, the funniest, most loving (and at times the most challenging). An extremely treasured, colourful and ever changing collection.

Ok then there is the dog thing. I've always loved doggies. I've had a few real ones (Ruby, Jem, Toby, Jack, Spud, Gidget and now Max & Daisy). I've also managed to gain quite a few china dogs and assorted other dog paraphernalia. Although I don't actively collect them anymore I still love to look at their sombre expressions and their lovely shapes and colours.

Little weeny cups are fun to collect. They don't take up too much room and are good for storing baby teeth!
I haven't even got to the kitchen where lurks....

...more collections. I'm starting to worry about myself. Is this collecting business healthy?

I haven't even touched on my Daylesford collection, or the box of snow domes out in the shed, or the pet collection, the vintage sewing books, the teddies, the wedding cake toppers, the shells and special rocks, the rubber bands...oh someone stop me!!! ahhh!!
Kate, you asked some great questions of us collectors and I don't know where to start to answer them. I do know thatsome of my collections are ongoing, some will stay as they are, gathering dust, the group of five will be ever precious and are growing every day, and all of them make me happy! I really can't see that there is a limit to collecting, it's seems a very natural hobby.
Collecting quirky bits and looking for specialness in the world are two of the best things in my life.
I hope you have you enjoyed looking through some of my collection. Now I've shown you mine will you show me yours? I'm popping over here for a look xo
Great post - you have some wonderful collections there. I also wonder how some of those old photos (especially wedding photo's and baby photo's) end up in junk stores - it makes me sad too, but I was so pleased to read that you adopt them. I hadn't thought of approaching it like that - I will next time I see one. Have a great weekend!
Oh yes! You've got it BAD! In a very GOOD way! I think I'm a bit like you with the Blankies. Never too many, I think, and they look so cute and cheery piled up like that! I'm loving your collections, Ms Dandelion! Thank you for showing us the tip of the iceberg! x
loving your photgraphs. Blankets are irresistable. I am sooo jealous of that vintage $5 blanket from Savers. How gorgeous! Adelaide does not have a Savers and it kills me. Your teacups and saucer collection is lovely too. :) Thanks for sharing x
Great collections Beck! Those blankets look lovely, Isabelle and I were deciding which ones we liked best, and the teacups are nice too. I like how you found those photos of those people, wouldnt it be funny if someone read your blog who actually knew who they were, how exciting would that be. Hope your enjoying the cooler weather today!
i love your collections. im working on a tea cup collection myself.
I love searching through family pics at shops. I actually found a group of pics of my grandpa and his family at an antique show that was half a state away from where he grew up. Keep up the collecting!
I love that you collect the 'lost people'. How lucky for them to be taken home with you and loved. All your collections are fun but that one really touched me. XX
Lovely collections... You are a doggie collector after my own heart.
Lovely collection! I have a few of old photo's of my family and I love them! It's really nice of you to look after all those pictures.
What about those doggies! So cute!
Thanks for showing us all that great stuff!
WOW! You're a champion collector! I think the blankets are my favourite, so lovely and cosy!
Your collections are great! I LOVE the tea cups - gorgeous! And your old pictures are just lovely...
wow. you are a frequent flier! your collections are ace and i do see some of my stuf amoungst yours. i especially love those little lost soul photos. they are too sweet. i think i would have to lie and say it was me
That little sweet deer...e n v y
Oooh! Lots of collections! I love the old, lost photos. I found an old album in the op shop recently. The photos are so intriguing!
i adore your OLD photos..what a perfectly lovely thing to collect!..btw i pretty much like everything you're sharing with us today :))
Oh lovely!
It's both sad and beautiful finding old photos, or books with messages, anything like that... it can keep me awake for hours at night wondering about their stories.
Thanks for sharing!
Oh I love your collections ... beautiful and so very thoughtful! I only skimmed the surface of my collections ... isn't this fun :)
yes, cups.. I love them. stop by for a few cups of my own
you are so cute. i love the linens collection. that seems to be what i collect too. this is inspiring me to maybe do my own collection show-and-tell post now....it looks like fun!
Your Collections are wonderful and the photos are something I never thought of collecting. What a lovely thing to do.
I'm really enjoying taking part in this game. Such interesting and lovely collections. Like Kate, I especially love the way you have adopted the lost people in the old photos and given them a new family. How lucky for them and how enriching for you.
Great to know you are another mass collector!! Lovely your collections, I really love those blankets and the cups and the casual but so pretty way you have them displayed! as always lovely visiting you blog!
I love your lost people. I picked up a whole heap of old written on postcards when I was in East Germany about 18 years ago, I wondered about how they made it to an op shop and their history
Oh Beck Thank YOU for giving me that honour ... great minds at work in the collecting department methinks ;)
Crikey! That's alot of collections. & here I am trying to think of one thing, ha ha.
I do love the photos, oh & the blankets, & of course the tea cups too... but the kiddly-pinkles are the best & they're a collection that really give back.
Thanks for the sharing.
What an amazing collection of collections! A perfectly healthy pastime in my opinion! :) I wonder if we collect the way we do because it's capturing memories/feelings long forgotten? Thanks for the peek at yours.
he he i love that your children are your most treasured collection...i hope to collect some more one day too! we will have to say hello at the market...i'm in ballarat, not so much in the country, just outside of the city...kinda the burbs i guess! but i do bake bread and am aiming for a rambling garden with fruit trees and veggies and lots of flowers and treasures! so, your blog is a real inspiration x
he he i love that your children are your most treasured collection...i hope to collect some more one day too! we will have to say hello at the market...i'm in ballarat, not so much in the country, just outside of the city...kinda the burbs i guess! but i do bake bread and am aiming for a rambling garden with fruit trees and veggies and lots of flowers and treasures! so, your blog is a real inspiration x
Your collections are all beautiful and I love that so many of them are out where you can look at them and love them.
It is sad about the lost photos. You're a kind person to adopt them, Beck.
Those old photos are so wonderful - a real treasure. Looks like you have lots of collections going on - the quilt does sound like a great find. I love an op-shop win.
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