It's been a week of extremes - ups and down and round and rounds. Rain, fog, sun, wind, thunder and blue skies. Phew! I'm obsessed with these wonderful hay bales that sit like butter pats in the fields and paddocks. Their shape is so pleasing, individually and together. They remind me in a way of people, happy and complete on their own but also comfortable & secure enough to sit with their friends, companionably in the quiet of a hot day.

I used to think it was hard to make new friends but it's the work that you put in with them, the care & shared love, fun and respect that makes good friends, not how long you have known each other. All friends, old & new can bring so much joy and happiness into your life.

Driving past the hay bales on the way to Castlemaine (or Mastlecaine as Rosie calls it) I was thinking about life and friends and family. I find the landscape really soothing which for me is one of the best things about country life. It was a good morning, we had some fun and a cup of tea and managed to squeeze in a couple of oppies too. Found some gorgeous chenille blankets and a clock for Rosie.
That night we came to this lovely old building, (which someone told me was once a school in
Glenlyon and brought on a truck to Daylesford,) for a special event.
Glenlyon and brought on a truck to Daylesford,) for a special event.

After being in Girl Guides for almost two years it was time for Lucy to make her Guide promise. She was extremely nervous and I am so proud of her for being brave and finding the strength to get up there in front of everyone to become an official Girl Guide!! How exciting.

I love the way Guides encourages girls to be adventurers, to try something new, to be brave and take responsibility, to care for others and try and do good every day. Aren't these good ideals for us all? The guide leader talked about the sister guides all over the world. This made me think of my blog sisters out there who I have never met but who I love to hear from, and about.These friendships from far away and nearby have really opened up & enhanced my world.

The rain has come down and with it the sweet smell of spring, finally. The days are muted and warm and quiet. I feel like the madness of earlier in the week has subsided and even though the market is tomorrow and I could be feeling overwhelmed and under prepared I am instead quite calm and excited to see all the lovely people and colour.

So looking forward to catching up with new and old mates tomorrow, it's sure to be a memorable and lovely day. See you there sweeties xo

What a beautifully written post! I found it very moving.
I agree, it is hard sometimes to make new friends. Sometimes it's surprising that the really new friends are like the old ones: you feel like you've known them forever!
As I get older (and older...) I realise I'm still learning how to make friends and maintain friendships. It's not something that just happens, they have to be worked on. This is something I'm realising and learning, learning how to get along with people. Not something that comes naturally to me, as I am fairly reserved but I'm learning that if I give a little to people, they respond. People really want to be friends too! (Sorry about the essay! Of course, there are the 'hard-work' friends and those who only give you grief. Are they really friends? That's for another day...)
Guides! I love them!
Carolyn x
I love those blog sisters too. It's a womans world, blogland - interesting, isn't it? Congrats on the Guide promise! I have sweet memories of Brownies and Guides myself, and can't wait until Ivy is old enough to join. Happy weekend.x
I loved reading your post Beck, very true about old and new friends, each one of them is very important, even the ones we have never met in person. I loved your photos too, the foggy one has to be my favourite I think. It is very relaxing driving through the countryside and your lucky that you live there to be able to do it often. Congratulations to your daughter for being brave, and I agree that it is fantastic that they encourage them to be brave and strong too. Hope you have a wonderful day at the market tomorrow. I am secretly hoping that Paul isnt working just so I can pop along too!
So true about friends. I love my old friends and that we are able to catch up after months of no contact and its just like we saw each other yesterday and I love making new friends too, lots of that coming up tomorrow, can't wait.
We move every few years and I find it harder and harder to make friends as time goes on. It is me I am sure as I fear I am not a great friend. Thank goodness for my childhood chums who knew me before I became a crazy lady with a lot of kids.
I love the hay bales, we have some in the field next to our house..our terrain is very flat and brown. Yours look so pretty among the green grass.
Lovely thoughts Beck. I have been taking photos of haybales sitting in paddocks too. The ever changing landscape entertains me on the monotonous drive up and down the same long road each day. Every now and again Im forced to stop and take photos because its too beautiful to not to.
So looking forward to tomorrow and meeting the sweet girls behind their sweet blogs..
Manda :-)
A beautiful, reflective post - thanks! I got a lot out of guides too - I'm glad your daughter can get involved. Our boys don't have a French scout troop nearby, and I'm not interested in the ex-pat one, so they are missing out on that part of life. Thanks for your friendship and have a wonderful day tomorrow.
aw Bless her - my lot did guides & scouts - wonderful !
I have made some wonderful new friends through blogging & I'm sure will meet up one day.
Recently saw someone I hadn't seen since 16 - I'm now 46 we nattered & nattered and fully intend to see eachother again .
What a thoughtful and beautiful post. Your lovely photos and words stirred up memories and thoughts in me too.
I always think those round hay bales look as though the paddock has been rolled up.
I was a Girl Guide and all these many years later I still remember how seriously I took it all and how much I learned.
I agree with you about friendships too, how the effort you put in is rewarded. I have several friends I went to school with who've become almost like family, but it is actually the new friends, the ones I earned as I grew into my adult self, I treasure the most. They are the ones I share values and passions with and I think they are the measure of me now as a person. I work hard to make sure I continue to deserve their friendship.
Thanks so much for your wonderful blog and I hope you have a terrific day tomorrow.
When I look back now I think I would have loved girl guides as a girl, but perhaps unfortunately, I know i could neer have been swayed when I was that age.
This is something I'm realising and learning, learning how to get along with people.
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It is really great getting to know you too. I often wonder what it would be like to meet blogland friends in person.
Thanksgiving is just a special day set aside and we make traditional foods and give thanks for all we have. I guess you should give thanks each day, but this is a more formal time with family. It's my favorite holiday. No gifts to buy/bring. Just good food, family and a warm, cozy feeling. We're in late fall here so everything gets decorated with oranges, browns, burgundy, etc.
Both of my girls are in Girl Scouts here. They really enjoy it too.
Hi Beck!
We met at the Makers Market on Sat?
Just wanting prices and colour combos for some of your bunnies for Christmas? I would probably need four!!
Grace especially loved the alpaca wool one..
Chat soon!
Such a lovely post. Where would we be without our friends? Even the "hard work" ones as Cosy pointed out. And your photos were extra beautiful this time - I'm sure you could publish a book and everyone would love it. I guess your blog is published so you don't need a book!
Have a great time at the market. Wish I could drop by.
Lovely photo of Lucy. Guides sounds like a great thing to do. I have such happy memories of being a brownie long ago.
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