Morning all! Did you have a good weekend?

Today we are just hanging out at home....
Some rooms are tidy..

some are not.
The garden is a good place to be.
Rosie loves to climb the apple tree.

I haven't been feeling so great lately, some stomach thing that won't go away. I seem to be feeling sick all the time. I probably should go to the doctor but haven't got around to it.

in all this hustle and bustle

why I need..

a quiet day..

at home xo
Yes I can. Enjoy it!
xo, K.
I'm having one as well - nursing Miss 18 through shocking tonsilitis and blog reading and drinking tea.
See you on the weekend.
Oh do take a deep breath and hush the chaos for a moment. You must take care of yourself and a little chocolate is always nice.
Oh gee, put your feet up and have a cuppa - I am :)
Oh that bunny all snuggled up with his bird at the end is divine. Did I count 6 love hearts? Shouldn't there be 5? So much love to you Mrs dandelion, I hope it all calms down (and shaves) soon. XX
You definately need a day at home just to rest. We have had the same tummy bug feeling around here too, very lethargic and feeling yucky. I am hoping since the rain came on the weekend it has washed a few germs away. I love that bunny, she is so cute. Hope you feel better soon Beck and can relax a bit. I am hoping to try and make it to the market this weekend, it depends if the Mr. is working or not, fingers crossed!
Home days are good days. Hope you are feeling better soon.
But you should go to the doctor too, Beck! Who will look after them all if you go under?
Our boys are getting over mild Swine Flu and Ben and I are taking it in turns to stay at home with them. It is suddenly everywhere in our town.
hope you feel better soon - It's horrible having an upset stomach
your hens are the same colour scheme as miine two red one cream & one black ! I love them
awww! Feel better soon!
Enjoy a lazy day. I find a cup of peppermint tea is just the job for a dodgy tummy.
Take care.
hope your feeling better soon at least it looks lovely and sunny by you we've had rain rain rain! fliss xx
Sometimes, even though you are so very busy and need to get things done, stopping to refresh and renew is more important. I hope the quiet day was just that and that your tummy is feeling better.
Oh yes....quiet days are to be truly treasured!
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