So there I was yesterday, on the phone to Steph, organising my stall for the Daylesford Makers Market this Saturday. And there was Rosie, quietly cutting Seenor's paper hair (a little toilet roll creature that she recently made).
Chat, chat. Chop, chop.

And that was the moment when Rosie decided
to cut her own hair.
Randomly. Wildly.
Erractically. Very unevenly.

I cried. She cried.
When we both calmed down she told me quietly that we can go to a shop and buy some more hair. We cuddled and talked about not EVER cutting her own hair again.
This little incident really rocked my world yesterday. I know there are people and children out there with much bigger problems and it's silly to be upset by
something like this. And I'm not anymore, it was just a bit of a shock.

Looking at her little fluffy head today with it's mad bits of long and short, and her dear eyes that tell me they love me, all I can feel is how dear and sweet and beautiful she is to me.
How her funny ways make her more special,
& how her adventurous nature leads her into all sorts of mischief.
I can tie up her hair and plaster it with hairspray and make it look ok for the VERY IMPORTANT ballet concert in two weeks. Her brother tells me she did a great job and she looks fantastic. Rosie, you are a rascal, a dynamo, a darling, we love you. And that's all that matters xo
oh gosh. yeah not the worlds biggest problem but definitely momentarily life changing.
when my son was little he cut a chunk out of his hair. it was just a little chunk, but unfortunately it was on the top of his head. we had to shave his whole head to even it out.
Ohhh, the right of passage through childhood!!! My youngest (who is now 32) shaved his eyebrows when he was eight! To this day when asked he will tell you he just wanted to see what it looked like!! My grandkids are still doing it and I tell their Mums the same thing I did when they did it - it's only hair, it will grow back, be thankful that's the only thing that spoils their beautiful selves! And laugh (after you've talked about the scissors etc). LOL!
Oh yes, she looks quite elfin and gorgeous, not a good look for ballet though....
Hey! You can look at this way, some people pay loads n loads for a funky do like that! Your Rosie is a natural....I can feel the sadness coming through her eyes in your photographs.."I'm not too sure about this haircutting thing anymore Mum"!... Peta
Oh my goodness, brings back memories as to when Isabelle found my scissors and cut off her hair in her bedroom. Let's just say she had a really bad mullet hairdo for a while and I took her to the hairdresser's where they neatened it up but her hair took forever to grow as it grows slowly. After that she never ever cut her hair again and now gets upset even for a trim! Your daughter does look sad in those pictures but she still is very beautiful, very delicate and pixie like with that haircut which I think suits her. It will grow back in time, and I am sure she will never cut her own hair again. It will be a nice story to remember one day and it is upsetting when it happens so dont feel alone Beck. I think I nearly cried when I saw the chopped hair hiding behind the curtain too!
Beck, that really is all that matters isn't it!
we haven't gone through that..yet..fingers crossed, but when or if it does..it will be something to talk about for years to come.
i love the look in her eyes, gorgeous little thing.
and that is a pretty cool hairdo!!
all the best for saturday.
god bless a good mother! See you on Saturday. x
Oh dear!! Never mind, a few asemetrical hair clippys and bunches, you might start a trend?
Chele x
Wooops, I meant asymmetrical. Der me! Chele x
She is gorgeous that child! Nothing she could do with scissors could take that away. You are pretty gorgeous too, you poor thing it must have been aweful for you. xx
Oh no, reminds me of the time I cut myself a fringe, quite convinced that mum would never notice. Urm, she noticed alright..oops.
It's definitely a stage - I did the same at age 3 or 4 (and my mother cried, too) - it was a big chunk out of the fringe, right at the front. And I also trimmed some toys, and my panda chair (and regretted it for the rest of my childhood, every time I looked at the chair and saw how messy it was compared to my sister's). And my niece did the same. So I watched my daughter like a hawk when she was that age, and guarded scissors fiercely - and then a couple of years ago I tried to blow dry her hair in ringlets, as I did when I was young, and the brush became so ferociously tangled that I had to cut it out. She was so bravely stoic about having to lose her lovely long hair at short notice - and now she absolutely refuses to let me near her (now regrown) hair with scissors - even for the teeniest trim!
Pomona x
Ah, the inevitable coming of age hair cutting incident. The only reason I haven't got around to crying a third time is because the smallest is so follically challenged.
It looks very rock chick funky do to me! (you poor cookie)...
Well, it's a better look then when I shaved my off at 19, Not cool!
I am amazed to think that you have managed to get through 5 kids with, surely not, this as your first bad hair cutting incident!?? Wow. Thats impressive!
Don't be sad, when she threatens to do it again as a teen just think what great ammo you will have with those photos!
I used to hide in the laundry and chop my hair ! Clearly I couldn't say much when my daughter "accidently" cut hers , lol !
My first daughter never once cut her hair (that I ever found out anyway). Then my second daughter comes along and cuts her hair 3 times!!!! The first time was the worst. A chunk, right down the scalp, front and center! Rrrrrr. Talk about frustration. I hope you are feeling better. Don't prolong the doctor visit. You sound stressed out to me, but that's coming one mom to another, I'm no doctor.
I think this is a bit of a rite of passage for most children/parents, isn't it? Not an easy one to go through... I cut my sister's hair when I was about Rosie's age (rite of passage by proxy???) and I saved the trauma of completely messing up my own until I was in my teens. Wiser to do it earlier, really...
That said, I cut both my own and Son 1's hair these days, so I must have learned something from my early experiences.
So, are you feeling any healthier?
oh my goodness ! my daughter used to shave her hairline on her forehead...I couldn't understand the spikey bits til it was bald again !
Take her & get a good elfin cut - it looks like it would suit her gorgeous eyes.
I cried the first time my son had a proper haircut & looked like a little boy & not a toddlar
oh what a traumatic time for you, at least she stopped cutting when she did, it could have ended up a lot shorter. A big hug for you!
: )
Oh the little muffin. Never mind but I', dreading the day my little munchkin does that, her brother did but its no so bad with boys and short hair.
Oh the little muffin. Never mind but I', dreading the day my little munchkin does that, her brother did but its no so bad with boys and short hair.
See you at the market!!!!
Oh boy now that's almost a rite of passage for little girls isn't it? Almost this time last year we had a dramatically shortened fringe here...and it wasn't the first time....even baby brother got a few *tracks* across the top of his do too. Sigh. Oh dear.
Thankyou Beck for reminding me that when things seem tragic, sometimes they will be less so the next day. Of course not everything, by some things.
Your last 2 sentences are the most important.
She does look a subdued little pixie - and yes...her eyes are beautiful. Hope you can laugh about it tomorrow, Beck.
beck guess what winter cut his hair this morning! have written some thoughts about your post on my blog - hope it comes across ok as i wrote it super quickly whilst settling flint (tooing and froing) his still not asleep! xx ps need to email you about aquiring a bunny for my goddaugher - understand this might not be possible in the christmas rush - can u send me your email address or email me at claerwen@claerwen.com xx
my blog started with a haircut. my two year old sat next to me while I slept in my bed, found my embroidery scissors and went for it. She gave herself a dreadful mohawk, cutting the sides dangerously close to her scalp. I think the photo on my blog is after we took her to a hairdresser. My husband nearly cried. I laughed remembering cutting my own hair once... :)
To this day when asked he will tell you he just wanted to see what it looked like!
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