Yesterday I was having a bit of a moan about winter. I have been letting the cold, grey days get on top of me a bit. But really, you & I know, there is alot to like about winter! Such as a hot cup of tea with a lovely friend by candlelight! (This particular lovely friend has a great new blog! Some of you may already know her through Daylesford Organics but this is her new little crafty baby so make sure you pop by Foxs Lane and say hello.) Winter is also good for...

dear little, woolly twins! There is also a black pair in this paddock
but they keep avoiding me!

Pretty pansies...
Sunday & I had fun today giving the front verandah a mini makeover. First we went to a great local nursery

where we picked out some flowers to plant as well as some lettuce, ferns and lavender. This prompted a lavender bag making session using the big bag of lavender stashed away for such an occasion.

It was nice to be outside today and tomorrow we will do more of the same. What else is good about winter I hear you say? Why garage sales, fetes, jumble sales & trash & treasure of course!!!

(Which reminds me of our fantastic school fete last year. I was in charge of the Trash & Treasure stall & guess who my helper was? A lovely mum from school whose name happens to be Treasure. It's a great name but it got me wondering where that left me......hmm..)

Anyway, I'm waffling...the good folk at the Anglican Church fill their hall every few months with lots of lovely bits & pieces I love nothing more than a quiet snoop around the linens, bric a brac and especially the shed Out The Back. That's where I found a sweet little blue suitcase, all the way from Chicago, which happens to be where my father-in-law grew up. Now what is the story behind this little case, I would love to know?

Do you like these pretty bits I picked up at the opshop today? How about this sheet? They are all off for a good soak to brighten them up & get rid of that musty, opshop smell.

I'm not sure if ballet is officially a winter activity but it was for one little girl this morning. How much fun did Charlotte & I have taking Rosie to her first ballet lesson today? Almost as much as we had in the Ballet Shop fitting her out in all the right (pink) gear. She makes a beautiful ballerina.

Hope you are keeping warm,
or cool if you are on the other side,
bye for now my lovely friends...see you soon!!! xox
See, for one long moment there, I thought you had installed a giant mushroom on your verandah. Now that I'm over the initial shock, I can't see much wrong with giant mushrooms - a fab potential fairy hotel...
Loving that gorgeous blue suitcase.
It sounds like you are fighting winter with the perfect activities! :) I love the mushroom too & your little girl is supercute! :)
Oh Beck, I love how you see the world and the pictures you paint for us. Winter can indeed be such a dark and dreary time in our part of the world. We'll just have to have lots of cups of tea and chats about our craft and inspiration to get us through it. That Rosie is just gorgeous! I love how proud she is. Thank you so much for the shout out to my blog and for all your lovely comments. Can't wait to start your new blankie. XX
Thanks for your lovely birthday wishes! I had a great day and we are still chugging through the business of getting everything straight after the party - not helped by the fact that the dishwasher seems to have given up! I love your winter post - what a contrast to what's going on here...
Ooh yes, nothing like a cuppa tea, I wish I could have joined you :) Thanks for visiting my blog and giving me some tips on where to go in Melbourne. Can't wait to go.
thanks for the wonderful pictures of the dear sheep...and the mushroom! What splendid fun!
So good to focus on the winter wonderfuls....it seems to be the year for the winter woes to win over a bit.... lovely treasures...especially tea with friends!
I want to live in that mushroom house!!! Happy winter to you!
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