This post is for my mum who is away at the moment giving lectures in Santa Fe at a textiles conference. Mum loves the colour red and so here are some red things for her.

My mum, Sue Walker, was one of the founders of the Victorian Tapestry Workshop where she was the director for many years. I grew up with the Workshop and spent many hours there as a girl, surrounded by colour, wool & the world of tapestry weaving. Art and craft were a big part of our lives as children, my Dad is also a painter & printmaker. I am a very visual person and I'm sure this has comes from a lifetime of being surrounded by paintings, tapestries, colour and creativity. I hope I can bring this to my children's lives as well because to me it is as natural as breathing.

There was a time when I felt frustrated, and sometimes still do, that I couldn't paint or create the images in my head in a way that felt relevant. I felt inferior and annoyed at myself for not being able to translate the images in my mind to canvas or to a loom. Although I did art at school and was always drawing and making things I never took it to the next level or was confident in my abilities.

My dad once said to me, "but you live creatively" and in a way that was a turning point for me. It's not necessarily what you create but how you live that matters.

These days I find great pleasure in the toys I make, in crochet, in card making, taking photo's, in blogging, making things with the kids, dreaming. But also, everyday, I find a release in the world around me. I love to see the shapes in shadows, in the clouds, in the trees. I look for colour in the landscape, in my children, in the things I collect along the way. So for me, I suppose, art is everywhere, art is life.

Anyway, enough rambling! I really wanted to thank my mum for giving me such a rich and loving childhood and for always encouraging me in the things I've done in my life so far. Oh, and for the gift of the love of colour!

ps. My dad, Murray Walker has curated a fantastic exhibition that is on at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery at the moment. If you get a chance pop in and have a look at Reclaiming .

What a stunning post Beck! Your words and photos are gorgeous. Your Dad was most certainly right about you.
I grew up in the opposite house, a household of writers and academics. As the artist of the family I always felt inferior. Sometimes, even now, after I post a blog I'll get a call to tell me there is a comma in the wrong place.
Whoa there, lady! That is one sublime post. Didn't want you to stop rambling for a second. And you've explained why I keep a comin' back - I reckon it's your appreciation of the ordinary and an ability to find the magic. Your cookie cutter shot says it all. And to Beck's Mum and Dad: what a mighty fine job you've done!
Oh, I love the color red so much too. I'm too modest to wear it though, don't know why, I think I just want to be invisible somehow and that doesn't work with red. Sounds like your mum & dad have given you so much creative wealth that it's only normal you lead a creative life. I too can't draw & paint & find it very frustrating at times so I do find other ways, just like you, to express myself.
Loved what your dad said to you - it's so true.
I do my crochet updates every saturday but won't show much this week as I have to go buy more yarn... ;) But I'll be showing a fun picture though! :)
Wow, it sounds like you had a wonderful childhood. So lucky to have such "cool" parents!
What a fantastic post! I really enjoyed reading it! :)
Beck that was such an amazing post .Thankyou . It's amazing how someone important to us can say a few wise words and change the whole world for us as your dad did .
I loved this post. Your parents sound just wonderful. They have given you a great foundation in life.
Oh your words are so touching. It is wonderful looking at how our parents have *shaped* the people we are today. I can absolutely relate to your artistic frustrations but what a full and rich experience your childhood sounds...such healthy encouragement in reminding you that you live creatively...oh so true...I love that.
I love red too!!! and I agree, it's the way you live, think and feel
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