Yesterday's Maker's Market was a blast! Well actually the blasts (of cold air) were thankfully outside - inside the gorgeous Daylesford Town Hall it was warm & toasty and full of atmosphere. Lots of lovely locals & friendly tourists weaved their way through the stalls, stopping, chatting, looking & buying wonderful, handmade treasures.
I was lucky enough to have Charlotte helping me all day and we enjoyed the company of George & Annissa nearby. Also the amazing 'living statue' who was so captivating (and slightly unnerving for small children!)
I really enjoyed seeing my old market mates as well as meeting some new ones such as the gorgeous guys from Clunes (The Strangler) & other clever creators from Castlemaine & Creswick & Ballarat.
The other bit of excitement was meeting Tania from Myrtle & Eunice and her lovely family. What a surprise!! I had to give her a big hug..hope that didn't freak you out Tania! Also the very wonderful Cam from Curlypops appeared with an adorable apron that I'd asked her to make. A little while back I had spied a 1992 teatowel on her blog and as that was the year Charlotte was born I thought it would be a fun pressie. Cam whipped up a beauty and Charlotte loves it. Thanks so much Cam!
Geoffery Williams, a very talented local singer songwriter played and sang too which added a certain touch of magic to the day.
So today I'm tired and still in my pj's. Luckily Mark has taken the kids to Ballarat for some lunch and a play so I'm just mooching around drinking tea and putting off catching up on house stuff. Thanks to everyone for their kind comments on my last post and to all you lovely bloggie friends I am sending lots of Dandelion love xox
Thankyou so much for that post, I think I've been waiting for it all day.I left my memory card out of my camera yesterday and couldn't capture the market and then reflect on the details today when it all seeems a blur. Your bunnies, your stall and your beautiful Charlotte were perfect.
Love Kate XX
ps I just opened my tea towel drawer and a mouse jumped out!
Nope - not freaked by the hug AT ALL! Besides, a handshake just wouldn't have cut it. But how bizarre is this meeting a bloggy pal in person malarkey? Sort of blind date weirdy, only not. Am very chuffed it all went well for you and you are mooching around in your OWN house in your PJs (sod the housework, rainy day Sundays are for snuggly crafty stuff).
I'm so glad you took some lovely photos! I was already half way to Daylesford when I realised that I'd completely forgotten my camera.
Your little bunnies in the beds are so sweet.
When I was chatting to you, the living statue suddenly moved and scared the bejeezers out of me. That's when I realised that she wasn't actually a statue (and therefore doing an amazing job).
Today was a perfect day for PJ's
Looks fabulous! It's wonderful to see that the oldfashioned fair or market is making a comeback!
It was a great market. I think you may have popped out for a bit when I was there, I did think about introducing myself to your daughter (I presume) but thought it was all a bit too weird.
It had a great atmosphere and I can't wait till next time !
Looks like a great day. Glad it went well! I love your bunnies in their cardies- so sweet and cosy.
Oh Markets *sigh* Looks fabulous!
How wonderful! What a really excellent event - I'm glad it went so well for you all.
Oh! Your booth looks fabulous! I wish you weren't on the other side of the world from me :)
Looks like I missed out on a great day. I chatted to Cam about it and she only had good things to say.
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