Finally the rain has stopped. Yes, yes I know we need the rain and I hope we get lots more but gee it was good to see some blue, blue sky this morning. After a late start with cuddles, toast, tea, laughs and tears in mumma's bed I felt the need for some solo time. So I took myself off to the Sunday Market for a little snoop around. The light was so beautiful today and the trees cast wiggly shadows across the path.

It's a lovely walk to the market...past many old & grand houses, elegant gum trees, soft, aged brick walls and this green gate which leads to a park where no one ever goes. Very mysterious.

I found a lovely little wooden tray with legs so I can use my laptop in bed and have luxurious, long breakfasts in bed too! (dreaming..?) Also bumped into friends and just enjoyed drifting around aimlessly. Ahhh...aimless drifting....there should be more of it.

After the market the younger girls & I (Bill was still away at 'the Shack') decided to have a picnic. We packed up some hot chocolate and lunch, grabbed Daisy and set off. We ended up at the back of Mum's church under the old pear tree.

Rosie entertained us with repeated (very loud) "Mah hearties!!" (in her deepest pirate voice.) Then, exhausted, she lay down for a twenty second nap.

Me & Daisy, shortly before she ran across the main road. Nice one Daisy.
We finished up with a play at one of the local schools. Besides having a terrific vegie garden it also has a great cubby house...

It was fun hanging out with the girls today but we all agreed it would be better next time with the others. (Charlotte comes home this week for three and a half weeks, yay!! ) How was your weekend? Keep your fingers crossed for me as I'm about to try and outbid some other ebay punters on a gorgeous cast iron wood stove. I'll let you know how I go x
OK, I have a visual of the whole clan snuggled around a gorgeous cast-iron wood stove. Did you score it?
What a lovely blog! The weather looks so peaceful! I love that photo of Ella Bella "sleeping" with a smirk...
Talk later
Ooh, the wood stove sounds great! Best of luck...
Thanks for telling us about your weekend - it's lovely to find out how it's been for others around the world. As you know, my weekend has been child-free, although I've had some slightly snivelly phonecalls from my younger son while I've been away! Home on Wednesday!
What a lovely day you had! We've been having LOTS of rain here too. My little one's first 2 softball games have been rained out and they are calling for rain tomorrow night for her 3rd. Looks like a fun day for you :)
Looks like a lovely day...and I love Daisy's sweater! I like what Floss said about seeing what others far away are up to. It looks a little chilly there while we are barely tolerating the heat.
Thanks for your sweet comment...
Oh loverly. Thanks for sharing your day with us! I love that picnic blanket!
ooooh I hope you won your stove???? the picnic looks wonderful and I love the idea of the gorgeous vintagey wooden breakfast tray holding a laptop!!!!
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