...I have been up to all manner of things. Such as having so much fun in Ballarat today with the lovely Charlotte! We took the car in to be repaired and then went on the hunt for adventures. This quest took us into a very large store (that shall remain nameless) where we came across some very dangerous and tempting fabric. We managed to capture some of this naughty fabric and it is being turned into delightful cushions by the aforementioned Charlotte. Look! How sweet!!

I also snaffled some for myself which will be appearing soon in some new bunnies. I love the vintage patterns.

We also found our way into another store of the large kind where we sat and sat and sat until we found a couch that was just right. Yes, after several months of looking and talking and measuring we finally decided on our new couch! It's coming home to mumma in about 4 weeks, just long enough to get the fireplace situation sorted out in le lounge. (That's another story that involves a bloke called Bushy, a chimney & and a whole lot of bricks....)

Recently I was lucky enough to come across this gorgeous crocheted flower bracelet/wrist decoration. Isn't it special? So is the person who made it, the very talented Kate. I bought this brooch too as a present - but I think it's going to be hard to part with..

So, what else? Oh, yes!! Yesterday I opened my Etsy Dandelion shop! How exciting. It is a modest little shop but it's early days and I can't wait to start making some new bunnies to fill the shelves. I will be adding to it over the next few days and I'll add a link to my next post. Thanks Charlotte for helping me to set it up, you are a star.
Talking of excitement... Billy's Circus class had their amazing Circus Show last night!! yay!! I was so sad to miss it as I had to stay home with a tired Rosie but I did get to see this fabulous mo! Go Bill! I'm not usually a fan of moustaches but this one gets my vote. See you soon x ps here are some more to tickle your fancy...(that's fancy by the way...)
Those cushions are adorable, and I love the wrist corsage.
Glad you found the perfect lounge. It is a very important decision!
I see some fabric from said nameless shop that I have also purchased to make myself a dress come summer. They have some nice prints at the moment.
I like the cushions too. I am going to make some soon I think.
Sounds like a great day !!
Sounds like full confession time in your neck of the woods too! Well done - Charlotte too. Will email Bus Driver details so you can come over all guilt-like too!
Thanks so much for your kind words Beck. Charlotte's cushions look great, can't wait to see the new bunnies and the shop. My sister used to have (maybe she still does), a website where she posted pictures of moustaches. I think it was called "how mo can you go?" They are such bizare looking things and such a bizare word, especially when you say it a few times in a row. Looking forward to tomorrow. Love Kate XX
You just opened a shop!! Congrats!!
And I was told by Ringo that he missed his moustache....
lovely photos and congratulations on your shop that's so exciting
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