On Friday I headed up to Callawadda to harvest our crop of organic garlic. This time I drove through Ballarat, Ararat & Stawell, passing through fields and little country towns. (More photo's to follow of some of the lovely old houses and buildings I saw along the way.)
On Saturday our friends the Lotons rolled up to help. Gee it's good to have friends like that who came all the way from Daylesford to give us a hand. Matilda was so helpful and besides pulling out a heap of garlic she also became an expert grader and fork cleaner!

It's hard to get a sense of how much garlic there was from this photo, but it felt like we would never get it all out! It was a whole lot easier having extra helpers. And it's always good to be in the paddock with the blue sky above and a bunch of good mates having a chat and a laugh as we work.

Phillippa and Brendan worked their little buttinski's off, here is Phillippa hard at work.

Michelle & Matilda

And here is me, slacking off in the adjoining wheat field.
I kind of fell in love with the wheat.

It's gorgeous colour and shape, the look of a whole field,
stretching out like a sea of gold against the blue sky.

We did manage to pull all the garlic out and this week we will be hanging,
storing and sorting out the varieties that we harvested a couple of weeks ago.
On Saturday afternoon I left the others to rush back to Daylesford for
the amazing dance concert put on by our local dance school Inside Out Dance.
Three of our girls do creative dance classes..here is Rosie (with her new haircut!).

and Sunday (on the left)

and Lucy, who choreographed & danced her first solo.

All the dancers performed with great enthusiasm
and each dance was special, it was hard to pick a favourite.
What a show it was, so inspiring, beautiful and joyous.
Hope all is well in your world sweeties, see you soon xo
ps. Lovely
Bec from Edward & Lily has done a post about Dandelion!
Pop over and have a look at her lovely blog when you get a sec. And if you haven't already entered my
giveaway it's not too late!