This photo doesn't do justice to this little scene. The pretty chickens of Daylesford Organics pecking and strutting in their little chookie community, what a great setup with their mobile home allowing them to always have access to new areas & food while fertilising the ground. A perfect and picturesque arrangement. Lucky chooks!

When we were kids my mum & dad bought an old Swiss Italian house near Daylesford & we came up nearly every weekend and all the holidays. We always drove up the same way and passed this shop a million times. It took me a while to be able to say this name...

Korweinguboora....Kor-win-jee-boora! Now, you try! Bet you can't spell it without looking. I wonder what this aboriginal word means?

I stayed at my mums house in Fitzroy which is very close to the Housing Commission flats. There was a beautiful community event being held there which I went and watched for a little while. I'd read in the paper about a woman who was organising an opportunity for people from the flats and other locals to get together with dancing & a film night. There was such a great feel to this mini festival, a very relaxed and friendly vibe. I wish there had been more of this kind of thing when we were growing up in Fitzroy.

These girls were so captivating, their dancing so gorgeous and I wished my own girls were there to see them. From there I went to meet Carm for dinner at Mecca Bah. Yum! We had a great night, catching up with all our news, chatting about what's happening in each others lives. Carm is the best of friends, always funny & interesting & great to be with.

The next day I got to spend the morning with Charlotte & we went into the city looking for a new pair of shoes for her. Hanging out together, eating chocolate donuts and having a laugh was heaps of fun. Then it was time to head back to Daylesford. What a relaxing weekend, just what I needed!
Just before I go I was reading recently on a blog about the bitchiness in blogland. Do you know many bitchy blogs? I have only had one experience of this sort of thing but it was only one person & I chose to ignore her. I have found the complete opposite, lots of kind and open people who are creating a great supportive & creative online community. I also love the blogs that are real and authentic, the worlds & lives they describe are not always perfect & pretty and that's ok with me! We all have problems and ups and downs & I think it's good when we can share the harder parts of our lives too. What do you think? Hey, I'm a sucker for a great photo but I also love to read about people's thoughts, idea's, dreams, challenges. I love the way we can connect with each other, in blogland & in real life! Hope you are having an ace Monday, take care sweeties. I'm off to draw out a winner from my giveaway! See you soon xo
Great post Beck. I've been driving past the Korweinguboora General Store for years too! It always evokes thoughts of what it must have been like as a thriving little store and of how hard life must have been out here so many years ago!! Lovely to read of your weekend in the 'big smoke'.
Have a good week.
Lovely photos, its a great time of year for taking pics outside.
I looked up your word out of curiosity Korweinguboora is an aboriginal word meaning where the crane eats frogs; land of many waters. 1
As for the not so nice people in blog land, thank goodness they are few and far between, I know of one or two, I deleted their blogs of my reader. They must lead sad lives.
I love seeing your country pics Beck, as I dont have the car all the time now so I miss my drives looking at views like that. Those girls look as though they have a lot of joy dancing, I know my daughter would love watching them too. I hope you havent had any nasties in blogland visiting your blog, but I do know of 1 or 2 ladies who had a lot of trouble. Those people obviously have nothing better to do than to make other people feel rotten and horrible, how sad they must be. I do hope your having a gorgeous day today Beck as the weather is just perfect. Pity I didnt buy my vegie plants on the weekend or I would have been outside planting them!
what a lovely busy weekend of travel :) Love Kate's sunflowers and I have to say I read the name of the store and was pronouncing it outloud before I realized you spelled it out for us. I cheered for saying it correctly and Eddie is looking at me like I'm, well, crazy.
Also, I think someone is reading the wrong the blogs :) OH there are some great snarky sites I like to read every once in awhile, but have enjoyed other happier blogs much more often now that I've taken the time to find and follow them!
Its sounds like a delicious weekend all round.
Bitchiness is bitchiness in the real world all the blog world - it sucks. I get the occassional odd comment, but it doesn't kill me ...
(and sometimes they can be hysterical!
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I'm with you on the whole blog thing. I rarely come accross anything 'bitchy' & I really enjoy just hopping on & finding out what's on peoples minds & what is going on in their world. I also really like to share mine, I've really come to enjoy these 'cyber' friendships & it's a happy part of my day! Fortunately, I think most of us are here for the same thing. Enjoy your week...
Sounds like a fabulous weekend, jam packed full of fun.
I remember watching Catweazle in my teenage years...ahhh memories!
Sounds like a lovely relaxing weekend.....very different to the long hours I spent on my feet at Magnolia Square.
Absolutely besotted with all that 'space' in your pics. Evilly, I am now going to prompt the English Mr to pronounce Korweinguboora. Ah, it's a simple (entertaining) life.
Hi Beckarooney,
I had to read your blog to see what you are up to as I feel we are ships passing in the night! It's all happening...trips to Melbourne, Lancefield, and beyond. I am thinking I should rock up to the next craft night especially as it seems to be in a venue bursting with alcohol....
love truly, Phipula
I only stumbled upon your blog today. Even though I have no love for the tigers, I do love Richo, and am sad he is gone. I'm a Lions girl too, so there's some odd feelings going on here with the loss of Daniel Bradshaw, and the acquisition of Brendan Fevola!!!!! It's kinda hard to stay in love with a club that would do those sorts of deals with those sorts of blokes. Braddy is such a gentleman, and Fevola is.......oh, where do you start? First game tonight, so we'll see how it goes.
I love your country-side pictures. Reminds me of my childhood growing up in the Victorian country. Makes me wish my kids could have that too, but they do enjoy the opportunities the city offers. It's a real trade-off.
As for the bitchiness in blog-land, I don't have a blog, so I don't have to deal with it. But you do see the occasional inappropriate comment. I find the crafting blogs are really friendly and encouraging by and large. It's actually quite motivational and inspiring on both a creative and emotional level for me, because I am naturally a bit bitchy and judgemental (a product of my upbringing), and I think it helps me broaden my thinking and shed some of my preconceptions and prejudices. Blogland seems to be a pretty happy place.
What lovely photos! I'm a bit jealous I must say. You live in a beautiful place in the world.
Hi Beck....i was just having a quick catch up read at my fave blogs and do you know...my mum lived in korweinguboora when she was little. her dad was the school teacher at the tiny school. funny that you took that photo!
and so many more beautiful photos.... sunflowers are magical...almost people like when they are giant!
i hope the tooth survives xoxoxo
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