There seems to be a lot happening at the moment. Change of seasons, weekend activities, The Organic Paddock, school stuff, festivals, sewing & making and a hectic family life. Sometimes when life is busy it's hard to keep up with what's happening with others so it was good to make a time recently to catch up. On Friday a group of us went to Kyneton for dinner in Piper Street to hear all the latest news & eat some delicious food at Pizza Verde.

I love Piper Street with it's beautiful soft bluestone footpaths and pretty & interesting shops, it was good to be in a different town for a change. And how good was Pizza Verde? At least 9/10! Amazing food and great service.

I'd love to have a better look inside Lulabelle's Frock Salon somtime.

The weekend was lovely but I was a bit sick so didn't have my usual energy and found it a bit hard going at times. But still ballet was ace, the girls are loving it, and Rosie had a fun party aferwards.
On Sunday we took it easy and Mark made zucchini bread. Mmmm. The girls & I went to Shell's and cut a big basket of lavender to dry for Love Heart production. It was quite relaxing cutting the blossoms in the sunshine, avoiding the bees, and soaking up the fragrence.
Back at home the girls made potions and flower arrangements while I made the lavender into bunches to hang. Then as they settled down for some quiet time I cut and pinned some more of my scrap quilt. It's coming along well and I'm loving matching up all the different shapes and patterns. I really should be working on Love Hearts & Blanket Bunnies but it's also good to do something that isn't work sometimes.
This week I'm hoping to get lots of little things done, it's hard to keep on top of it all isn't it? I feel like I'm always trying to catch up. I do love Monday's though as it's the start of a new week and anything is possible. A new month too, I wonder what March will bring? Summer has been lovely this year but I'm looking forward to Autumn and the beautiful colours & blue sky days.
How was your weekend? Did you catch up with friends or have some fun with your family? Hope it was a good one, see you soon xo
I can almost smell that lavender! Looks like a gorgeous weekend was had all round!
Those potions look so pretty. Your dinner sounded yummy. Hope you have a good week that isnt too hectic X
Sounds like you had a very peaceful weekend. I must get to kyneton soon my parents don't live too far from there so I really should take a trip, looks lovely.
I don't know how you fit every thing in and create such a beautiful life for your family and bring in an income from being creative and and and......stay sane!
That photo of the lavender is just sublime.
I think it was the full moon the other night making all the women I know feel a bit weepy and worn out. I like that magical witchy crescent moon best so bring it on.
How I wish I could sit in that lovely garden of your mum's and breathe in the aromans.
There does feel like a lot of possibility at the beginning of this month, doesn't there? Nice when a month starts on a monday. Everything feels fresh and new...
Oh your photo's are so lovely! I can smell the beautiful roses from here! Wonderful weekend :)
Have a lovely week xox
Isnt Piper St great. Mum and I used to go there for a weekend drive, pop into Meskills, have lunch at the bakery that used to be in the old bakery and then go have a peek in some of the shops. I should go back there one day soon and have a visit. The garden you pictured looks beautiful with all those flowers, no wonder the girls were inspired to make their potions. Hope your feeling better too.
How gorgeous are those photos you're taking lately?! And how photogenic those potions? The versions we have around here fall into the wholly unfit for visual human consumption category...
Your gardens looking gorgeous, and so are all these pics, looks like perfect window shopping material.
I know exactly what you mean about it being hard to stay on top, be caught up.
I hope you are feeling better. xo
What a gorgeous, gorgeous garden! I can smell those pretty flowers all the way from Tokyo!
I am constantly in awe of how you fit everything in - I felt tired reading what you've been up to. Then, I lost myself and a nice chunk of time looking at the pictures of the beautiful garden...I am now all relaxed.
a gorgeous country garden - it sure looks like a relaxing place. I wouldn't mind a peep into that frock shop too. I reckon with a pretty name like that it would surely hold a few treasures...
Lulabelle's Frock Salon is the most wonderful name for a shop - I want to buy the contents just on hearing what it is called!
Pomona x
Beautiful photos. I love the beginning of the week too. I am always optimistic that I will get on top and to the bottom of those lists.
My goodness, I love that garden!
Thankyou so much for the birthday wishes , I've had a great day !
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