My dad & his family, who all hail from Ballarat, have gone for the Tiges since... well forever.

It's an affliction I have also had since an early age, barracking for the yellow & black. Watching them lose time & time again. Jumping out of my seat when they have a teeny bit of success. Celebrating like a mental case when we have a win. Every year we hope for a better year... you could say it's character building.

And Richo, what a guy.

Not everyone in our family goes for Richmond. Lucy, Mark & Rosie are Lions fans.
But they're all big cats right?
Which could account for this fella's attitude.
(Richo who?)

It hasn't all been about Richo today though. How beautiful are these flowers I picked up at the local roadside stall?
Rosie was home from kinder today as she has a problem with her front tooth. She knocked it badly and it's just hanging on by a thread. We're trying to hang on to it till we get to the specialist dentist on Thursday. Hopefully they can secure it to her other front tooth. Otherwise she will be without a front tooth for at least a couple of years. Fingers crossed!
I also made a yummy banana cake..the kids love this in their lunches...
...while listening to the radio & being watched by this little fox that once belonged to my grandmother, Edna. It is one of the only things I have of hers so it's pretty special.
Hey! Guess what? My mum picked out a winner from my giveaway and I'm excited to say that her amazing book 'Artists Tapestries' goes to.....Linda! Yay for you Linda. Could you please send me an email with your postal address? I hope you love this book, it's so full of colour & creativity, thanks so much to everyone too for their beautiful & thoughtful comments.
How has your day been? Hope it's been a fun one, see you soon sweeties
ps. a special hello to my naughty cousin, Kate, who has been cyber stalking me from afar! Hurry up and get a blog slow coach...xo
My god this post made me laugh Beck! I stared at that first pic for ages trying to work out what was going on. And yay for Linda winning your giveaway!
Hey why don't you pop over and pick some sunflowers for your house in the next few days.
Those photos are truly hilarious (and I'm definitely not a footy fan)!
I hope Rosie can keep her tooth. Poor little Moo Moo couldn't keep his front two so he's toothless!
Yay! I too am a Tigers and Richo fan from way back, although sometimes I do wonder why. My grandpa brainwashed me into following the yellow and black from a very young age, and although I can't imagine following any other team, it has certainly been disheartening over the years. C'mon the Tigers!
oh WOW Beck I was happily reading your post and cracking up with the photos, especially your doggie one! and then saw my name my heart leapt (wondering if I was the Linda or maybe it was another Linda..) THANK YOU soooo much what an incredibly gorgeous pressie to win!! xxxxxx
Ohhhh....we are super sad Richo has gone. We are long suffering Richmond supporters aswell. We are kinda happy we live all the way over here and don't have to drag ourselves of to the games and see them lose. I will be listening on Thursday night though just in case there is a miracle and we win. Go Tiges!!!!!
having no idea who that man is I was a bit terrified to see him at your house ;) but Oh my what great photos! Hope you have fun at that final lap.
And those flowers definitely make me wish I had more of a knack for growing things! (or even buying living things)
Oh, love the crazy photos! I went on a demo once in London where we all had Toby Blair masks like that - people were hanging out of taxi windows offering us money for them!
And lovely flowers too. I do hope that the dentist can save that tooth - it sounds as thought there is a chance...
Hilarious....in a slightly scary disconcerting way!! Fingers crossed for the tooth. x
Great post Beck. I must say I love Richo too even though I'm not a tiges fan. I love how you guys are the true meaning of a supporter, I'm a swans fan, back from south melb days, so i know the pain, but your luck will change one day. your time will come.
I didnt know who the person was on your blog until I read Richo! In our house it is the bulldogs so we sort of know what your team is going through too. I hope Rosie can keep her tooth and it doesnt fall out. Lachie bumped his pretty bad when he was about 3 and thankfully after a visit to the RCH dentist he actually kept it in until the roots strengthened and it fell out when he was 7! Congrats to Linda too on winning!!
Thanks for popping over my little corner!Your blog post made me laugh too (ven thought I do not have much idea about footy...), but I am a bit jaleous of those fabulous flowers!:)x
Really funny photos with the Richo mask, they worked well...made me laugh Beck!
What utterly beautiful dalias!
Have to confess I have no idea who Richo and the Tigers are. I'm a sports illiterate.
But....I love those beautiful flowers and I hope that little tooth is ok.
I can't stop laughing....feeling totally entertained and mildly disturbed (I didn't realise it was a mask when I first scrolled down!)
Hope that toothiepeg makes it!
Thanks for the chuckle...the doggy one cracked me up the most.
Those photos are truly hilarious
data entry work from home
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