Jen & Steven got some new chicks the other day! The kids all loved seeing them up close, who doesn't love a baby chick? Bill helped Indi to name his little one, Ash.
We have been away for two weeks now and the time has flown by. I would write more but I'll save my words for home. Typing on an iPad without a proper keyboard is driving me crazy. And I have no control over photo layout, that's another issue! Frustrating..

We had some sad news two days ago. Our ducks were attacked by a fox and all were killed but Freddie, our gorgeous drake, survived. I have been so sad for my beloved ducks, just thinking about them makes me cry all over again. Not a happy scene for our house sitter, poor Dave. Yesterday he sent a message to say that Freddie had passed away peacefully in the night. My heart is heavy today, I can't believe they have all gone. When the sadness fades I know I will have many happy memories of our ducks, they really filled our lives, and our back yard, with so much joy. Such elegant and graceful birds, such characters.I know they had a best of lives and this does make me feel better. That garden of ours is going to feel empty when we get home.

So far our trip has been a great experience, although behind the happy holiday shots there is tiredness and some squabbling. Rosie is finding it the hardest, not much down time for our littlest traveller. I'm still so glad we came, I love this part of America and its been SO good to connect with our American family. They are all such beautiful people.
Anyway, I hope things are good with you. I hope that you & yours are traveling along happily and rolling with the challenges you find along the way.
See you soon lovely ones xo