It's been a good, productive week here at Dandelion HQ, although there is always alot going on around here, and I never feel like I am ever on top of things (ie housework) I have been really enjoying my creative space.

I'm happy to be working on a few bunnies at the moment. This little girl is finished and I'm just toying with changing her cardi from red to blue.

It's so much fun working with the new alpaca offcuts.

They are a dream to sew with, and each time I finish a bunny I can see little heart shapes in the scraps.

This latest bunny will be hard to part with. She is the softest, sweetest girl ever. I love her op shopped, table runner ears, the pattern has a gorgeous Scandanavian feel. And there is something about her expression that captivates me.

I wasn't sure how the white alpaca would look but I'm loving it. I have some other thrifted fabric, a top & some pj pants, that will also look gorgeous with the white.

There has been some wonderful colour, inspiration and love in my week. Following a very sad and teary phonecall from littlest to biggest, our Charlotte arranged a special trip home to make cupcakes & milkshakes with Rosie on Sunday. It's hard for us all not having Charlotte close by, Rosie misses her alot and was so happy to have her big sister home. I can't wait for the holidays when she will be back for ages and we can hang out together and be silly and chat and have fun.

Also inspiring me is my honey, Mark, who works so hard teaching teenagers all day and is busy correcting work, planning & getting reports done at night. It's not an easy job but he hangs in there and is a fantastic teacher. I don't mention Mark much (because I like to keep him to myself!) but he is such an amazing supportive partner and I love him so much! And he is a good bunny advisor too. Did I also mention he is an wonderful dad? It's not always easy finding kid free time together, but I'm hoping we can sneak away for a weekend soon.

Yesterday I pulled out the die pot for a spot of refashioning. This aqua coloured op shop dress looked a bit like a nightie...

After a good old dunk in some Gun Metal Grey on the stove top it is looking much better, and more wearable.

It will probably not be as dark when totally dry, but with a colourful cardi or scarf I think it will look pretty good!

It will probably not be as dark when totally dry, but with a colourful cardi or scarf I think it will look pretty good!

I have a bit of a thing for taking photo's of clothes hanging on my veranda! The shapes, the shadows and patterns, for some reason I love it.

Can you see the house across the road & the blue sky & clouds through the fabric.
What have you been making lately? Have you had an inspiring week?

Sweet Sweet Bunnies Beck! Gorgeous work. I like the red cardi with the yellow skirt BTW.
I love how handmade toys have expression and personalities beyond our control! Dyed dress looks great - I might have to take a fresh look at my op-shop pile and get out the dye pot. Have a sunny day!
Your new alpaca bunny looks so sweet. Great job with the dye too. It must be lovely having children that love each other so much, I wish my two were like that with each other, perhaps when their grown up they will be. I like the red cardi with the yellow skirt too!
Lady, I love your posts. They're always like sitting at your kitchen table. However I feel the need to emphatically vote to keep the red cardi. Much cosier looking with this frosty weather (er, in my ever humble opinion).
The new bunny is gorgeous!
The blokes don't often get a mention do they? That is so nice to see and hear about yours!
love the floppy fuzzy ears!
Love those ears! And I think I like the red cardi...
Wow, you scored - a man who is a great husband, dad, teacher AND bunny advisor?!
I hope you don't ever get sick of making the bunnies, or the hearts. I never get sick of seeing them. So much love invested in each one...
And that's how we get it all done, with the support of our wonderful partners and families. It sounds like you have a fabulous family there Beck. I love your alpaca bunnies. You should definately keep the one you are in love with. It's a very sweet expression indeed and you can always use her as a prop-bunny to justify it!
I'm loving the White Bunny too, and you MUST not part with her. Look at her she's just telling me "please Jess make Beck keep me" SHe is utterly gorgeous and has a lovely softness about her.
I'm with Tania. I love your posts. And Mark sounds like a true honey. I'm so happy you are with someone so special xo
the bunnies are absolutely adorable!
what a lovely sense of creative busyness in your space this week {and the thought of the smallest ringing the biggest ~ so sweet!}
Just LOVE your sweet bunnies, Beck...
it is always great to know to appreciate your family and your partner in all. Your bunnies are just too sweet - I just want to hug the screen everytime you post them =D
Have a lovely weekend dear =)
I heart those bunny ears. I'm quite envious, I wish my ears were that nice!
Those blue bunny ears are gorgeous!
wow love those bunnies outfits, wish i had a wardrobe like theirs xx
each time i come here i get a dose of so much sweetness...you are helping me eat less chocolate ;-) x
You are just so talented, they are gorgeous little guys.
Bunny with love..xx
The bunny with the blue ears is divine!! I don't balme you for not wanting to part with your pretty creations. Thanks for sharing your family too - lucky girl!
i really love this post Beck!
I love your pics, your gorgeous girls & of course how much you adore your honey... ohhh, and you are sooo very talented!
what a sweet, sweet post.
hope you have a happy weekend together.
I love the transformations your bunnies take from the flat cut outs to the rounded creature to the gorgeous ears, faces and outfits. And their faces...they are divine Beck. I'm not at all surprised you have trouble parting with them. I hope you are having a lovely weekend and keeping warm and cozy, its positively arctic. X
The dress looks great and those bunnies are just the cutest !
You have a great veranda. You are inspiring me to get into dying.... And I love your heart string too!
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