The seasons are changing here in the little town where we live. The summer seems like a long lost dream and the days are grey and cold. Yesterday it felt like snow was just a whisker away, the wind blew and the rain was icy & horizontal & today brings more of the same.

Good weather for crafting though! In between attempting/ignoring the housework and hanging with Rosie I managed to get a little bit done.
Playing with offcuts is always fun. I'm trying to finish off the little gifts I am making for the winners of my recent giveaway. And some extra's for upcoming markets and pressies for friends.
I've also been doing a spot of my new favourite hobby...dying clothes! This cream coloured op shopped top was pretty but I never wore it.

And now I do! The colour isn't as even as I would have liked but it's not too bad.

I have been really enjoying making a boy bunny too.
He started off with just blue overalls and spotty ears. Somehow he ended up with an eye patch..
...and I'm not sure it will end there! Billy suggested I give him an anchor tattoo.
Yes there is an eye under there...
and a mean looking scar on his leg. I'm trying to think of a name for him, something not too scary but definitely piratey! Any suggestions? Anyway me hearties...I better get over to Kirsty's to see what you land lubbers are up to! Hope you have a happy & creative week, see you soon xo

Gorgeous crafty things going on at yours as usual! That top is fantastic and I love the pirate bunny. I have a pirate bunny too but he doesn't have cute dungarees like yours.They just look so cute with eye patches! How about Jimbo as a name for him?
all your creative goodness looks lovely! A pirate Bunny ! So sweet how about Captain hop a long? lol A lot of littlies might associate captain with Pirates thanks to the Wiggles. :)
I think the dye job looks wonderful. I always get such patchy results...do you do something tricky to make sure the dye takes evenly?
Ooh looks like I need to get into the dye creativeness..Love yours..And so totally loving the bunny that little one has spunk!
Long-Eared Snowball! The top is sooo much more wearable in charcoal! I get a touch of the winter blues too, when you can't get outside much. Although is is perfect weather for quilting and knitting!
He is adorable!!
That bunny boy is ace! He looks like a Clarence to me....
Perfect crafting weather! I totally agree, but Oh for a little more time...very cute bunny by the way. My daughter would love him.
he absolutely needs an anchor tatoo!
Arrrrrr, I be spyin' a rabbit that be needin' a name...
Captain Hoppit!
the pirate bunny is so adorable!!! ARGGG matey! captain hoppers?
Your boy bunny is adorable! I love that what you've done with that great top, looks fantastic!
Love the colour of your newly dyed op shop top. The pirate bunny is very cute too. By the way where do you get your "dandelion" cloth labels from? I need to order some, but don't want to pay a fortune, any suggestions? Thanks
fab boy bunny! I was just about to suggest a scar and as i scrolled down there it was! A mini parrot for its shoulder would take it to levels of cuteness beyond belief. Dye job looks ace too!
He's such a gorgeous pirate bunny. I like all the name suggestions so far. Here's another one....."Treasure the Pirate Bunny".
I love the naughty, and in this case, pirate-y stuffed animals. Sarcastic owls, grumpy badgers and this bunny with a past. I think his name may be Carl. Very understated for someone with such a dangerous job!
galen@ www.flyandnest.blogspot.com
Love those purple hearts, and the top's ended up a great colour. I've had a mental blank on a name.
Far out, your newish top looks amazing! How different it now looks in a much nicer colour. I love your little rabbit too. A tattoo sounds pretty cool.
I love love love the pirate bunny!! Great work Bec!!!
Your pirate bunny is so cute! And I love how your top turned out~ I never think of dying clothes~ I need to try it!
Pirate Pete! That was the first name that came to my mind. Some little boy is going to have some adventures with him!
Oh Pirate bunny is wonderful Beck!! and I'm so glad to meet another lover of dyeing! xo
The dye work looks great I love the new color =) And pirat bunny boy looks awsome =D!!! (and cool enough even without a tatto =D)
I love your boy bunny and his eye patch and comfy knitted overalls, and I love you too !
Your top looks great dyed in that colour, perfect for winter weather. I'm loving that pirate bunny, what a little character he has. xo
Oh that boy bunny is fabulous! And what a difference a bit of dye makes. Gorgeous :)
that was a gorgeous top before you dyed it and it looks great in grey.
My Creative Space
OMG (!!!!) that pirate bunny makes me all goose bumpy. I LOVE him. I love his scar and I am off to search for the t'shirt now. HUGS XX
love the dye job - it's a fab colour now :) I am a fan of the dye bottle for clothes too ... one of the best days the boys and I had was tye dying white singlets into rainbow colours - just fab :) best le
always so much loveliness going on in your space Beck. {tis getting very chilly here to which makes for great getting things done inside weather!}
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