It's been a cold & grey week so far, here in Daylesford. But in amoungst the somewhat dreary weather there has been some sunshine breaking through the clouds and some lovely cosy times at home & out.
A friend visited last week, for the first time, and looking around at my house she was obviously struck by the clutter/mess/chaos. As a reader of my blog perhaps she had imagined my home in a different way, I hope I don't portray it as a tidy and organised space, because it isn't! It was late when she called in, the kids school bags and projects were scattered around and yes, there was that Friday night-it's-been-a-long-week type feel.

It's funny how a fresh set of eyes, or a harmless comment, can make you go into a tail spin! The next day I tided like a maniac, fussed and flapped and chucked. And guess what? It doesn't look much different. The leaves are still finding their way under the front door, the kitchen floor could do with a wash, the piles of washing keep growing and the sense of happy chaos is still here.

Our house is our home and a space where we can be ourselves, be a family. It will never be an immaculate show piece but I hope it will always be a place filled with colour and imagination, questions & adventure, comfort & cosiness. The dishes get done, the kids have clean clothes and lots of cuddles, they are warm, fed, listened too and loved. So I'm not obsessing about it any longer! Do you keep up with all the housework? Are you a good organiser? Is your house super tidy? I like things to be organised and tidy but I have had to surrender to some of the chaos and disorder, otherwise I would go mad.

So yes, life can be messy both at home and sometimes in relationships, or in the community where we live. Some recent events have got me thinking about the ups and downs of life. There will always be challenges, it's really how we deal, cope & grow with life that makes the difference. I always aim to be positive and try and work things out, even if it is hard sometimes. Just as I hope my home is a welcoming and happy place it's important to me to try and be a thoughtful & caring person too.

Housework will always be there but lets face it, there are some much more important things to be doing! Like making a String of Hearts for new baby, Rose. Oh how lovely to see a new baby, the dear little sweetie, so adorable.
And meeting up with some ace local women at Craft night last night! What a fun evening we had,

chatting and sitting by the fire at Peppers, sipping soothing drinks, having a laugh and crafting, of course. I couldn't think of a nicer bunch of people to hang out with & I can't wait for next Craft night!

I was also so happy to this week to receive this gorgeous little frame from Bec as part of her recent giveaway! Thanks so much Bec for making this especially for me, I love it!
I'm thrilled too that our biodynamic garlic is now for sale at Cliffy's in Daylesford! Have you visited this fantastic local cafe/grocer? Filled with locally grown & sourced produce it really is a little piece of heaven. So many delicious things, and excellent coffee too. I love the atmosphere of Cliffy's, the low lights and warm fire make it such a cosy place to meet for a cuppa.

So, enough about me, what's been happening with you? Hope all is well in your world, see you soon xo

Your house looks beautiful and very similar to mine. Housework is so over rated and its not fun! Creating magical little treasures is definately the way to go. Love the hearts and I love Cliffy's, what a fabulous place.
I grew up in a household where tidiness and cleanliness reined supreme. I swore I would not have my own home that way after realising that the memories I want my children to have are of a fun-filled loving home. When we look back on our life, are we really going to care how neat and tidy our house was, or how many wonderful times we spent living in it?
Beck, an immaculate house is the sign of a misplaced life!
I love the hearts and the little house/clock at the end!
I've come to the conclusion that I have to stop worrying about my rather messy house as far as the impression it leaves on other people is concerned. (Sounds like you're in the same place.) The moment I stopped worrying about what other people thought, and decided 'I will keep my house tidy for ME, just as tidy as I need to keep me contented', I felt less worried but also, coincidentally, more able to keep it tidy! After all, now I'm doing it for my sake, not for the hypothetical judgements put on it by someone else...
Hi - I rceently found your blog and just wanted to say I always scroll through pictures first and then if interested read the post. When I was looking at the pitures of your house my thoughts were how lovely it looked and they made me want to read the post. After reading I looked again it still looked lovely - a home that looks fun and inviting. There are so many more important things than making things pristine and in any event kids make sure it wont stay that way for long. Rebecca
Meh, houseworks SUCKS! I'd rather do pretty much anything other than cleaning. More living, less cleaning I say!
I had such a lot of fun at craft night last night... I didn't want to leave the fireside! So glad to have found you all :)
You house looks gorgeous to me, full of life and love and so homey. I find super tidy houses scary anyway. I'm so glad you stopped worrying.
My house is a constant mess and chaos and I don't even have kids or a family to blame. Only me!! I hate it housework, and sometimes it seems so pointless as it will just get all messy again. I'm terrible but working on a bear etc is always a far bigger priority to me than cleaning. I tend clean and go crazy when it starts to get me down and then, it's not that tidy.
love the photos
PS Totally hear you about the leaves, totally xo
Your post really chimes in with how I'm feeling about tidy houses right now! We put our house on the market last week and I was totally determined that it would look immaculate and gleaming, to sell itself as best as it could. But it was a LOT of work! And it has meant boxing up and putting out of reach all my craft stuff, my sewing machine, most of my books and things I'm usually using. So here I sit, marooned in tidiness with just a laptop! As you so truly write, this house is a home and we live in it! With stay-at-home-mums and young children a house is not just somewhere you come back to at the end of the day and sleep in, it has to work round the clock and is a place for all kinds of activities. I do like to know it's reasonably clean and tidiness is quite de-stressing, but everything in moderation I say!
The house sold before the 'for sale' board could go up, by the way, so maybe all that housework paid off!?
I could not live in an immaculate show piece home, I do love our clutter. My house is clean...enough!
I am surprised by what a few people have said while visiting my home; it is almost like they are just not thinking...they can be quite insensitive!
When I feel cheeky I'm tempted to visit their home and ask if they have just taken the plastic off their furniture.
Maybe we need a meme every week daring us to show our worst mess, so then people like us would not feel like the lone ranger!
Happy chaos is such a good phrase - I think I might use it for my house :) Most people are horrified when I mention that I never iron (craft stuff excluded!) Hubby does his shirts for work but life is too short to worry about a skirt that will get crumpled as soon as you sit down in it and I feel the same about housework sometimes. Life is too short - play with your kids, bake something or just sit and think. Much better than housework anyday and not many people notice the fluff :)
Oh and I have this hanging in my kitchen :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/swirlyarts/3328230890/
Your home is lovely and though I am thousands of miles away I can clearly see how much love and warmth is enclosed in your walls. My own housework comes when I really feel like it--which with age and more kids is less and less I'm afraid!
Oh Beck I think your house looks wonderful and cozy and inviting. I never judge anyone on their home as everyone is different. When I was a child my home was filled with stuff everywhere as my mum tended to be a bit of a hoarder and still is today so I guess I have gone the opposite way. I still have all my crafty stuff in different rooms of the house but I try and put them in storage boxes so it doesnt look like I have shoved it all in the corner, lol! Paul is always telling me I need to get rid of some of it but I might need it one day! I wish I could sometimes just leave things for a day or two, the only time I manage that is when I am sick in bed. I guess housework is like the magic pudding - you take some of the chores out of it and it fills right back up again doesnt it. A neverending job and yes the childhood memories are much much important. We are having a truly wintery gray day here too, so time to do some more knitting I think!
I agree with you about the home issue. My home always needs a tidy up and clean. Isn't it funny how we worry what others will think.
"Happy Chaos"...sounds like home to me! With many family members living here, three grandchildren in and out, and two naughty pugs...it is the perfect phrase to describe us!
Your home really does look full of life and love and colour. I love your philosophy on housework. I am trying to find a balance but it's hard as too many dust bunnies and toys and clothes everywhere make me feel a bit down. (I grew up in an immaculate house).
I recently got sick of my ironing basket which has been overflowing for about 2 years. I decided to put everything away unironed and I feel SO much better!
Less chaos and just general mess at my house. Other than the cat hair, I have no one to blame but me! We all have different expectations and different ways of doing things. The motto to remember when I travelled was 'It's not wrong, it's just different.' It applies to so many things and situations...
Glad you had fun on Mon, so did I. Loving out get-togethers!!!
Love this post! A happy home is a treasure beyond measure. Kim :)
Oh Darling!
I felt so at home at your cosy place and loved it immediately, even though it was a quick visit. I was so pleased to find a home with lots of knick-knacks and craft around, I might have said something about how I was glad it wasn't "perfect" like those bloggers who pretend their homes/lives are perfect. I would love you to come to my house and help me style it like yours, please! I only have lots of stuff and not much style.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I think your place looks gorgeous. All that beautiful handmade work from all members of the family make it a home. Our place is just toys and jumble at the moment. Got to get around to sewing something for us rather than something for someone else. I like the title of this post 'chaos and happiness'... may it long remain that way :)
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