One of the most fun parts of bunny making is the matching up of fabrics & cardis, colours and textures. Don't these four little cardi's look sweet? Like coloured lollies or tiny baby clothes all in a row. Mum has just given me these four and is working on a black one, in moss stitch, for another bunny order. Isn't she clever?

I'm liking this burnt yellow colour and love the way it looks with this vintage sheet/laundry bag.

I was going to go with a more subdued orange for this bunny girl...

but instead I've chosen to use this cotton shirt found at the MS Opshop.

This is how she turned out. She just needs her ears sewn on and she's ready to head off to her new home.

And then there is this purpley paisley pattern to match this little purple cardi, not sure yet but I am fond of this vintage sheet, I've used it for a few things now. Talking of vintage sheets I'm so excited about the Australian Vintage Sheet Fat Quarter Swap 2010! Have you signed up for it? What a great way to share some vintage sheet love.

I've been a bit sick this week but I think I'm slowly getting better. Well enough anyway to make a pre-birthday cake with Rosie. Her birthday isn't until August but she felt the need to make a 'practice' cake...and who was I to disagree?? It's the yummiest recipe, from Frankie's Afternoon Tea. If you would like the recipe just email, it's so easy, no wonder it's called the All Together Cake!

Besides cakes and bunnies I have been finishing off my little gifts for my giveaway, sorry to the winners that it has taken me a few weeks to get them made. Life sometimes gets in the way! Hopefully they will all be posted off tomorrow and I will then get onto some more bunny orders, nutting out another idea for things on a string, and oh, making a softie penguin! Should be fun. Hope you are having a happy, well & creative day...lets pop over to Kirsty's and see what inspiration we can find. I'll just put the kettle on....see you soon xo

Those cardi's are adorable, how much fun finding matching fabrics for outfits, like playing dress ups - my favourite! I hope you are better, very soon, darn bugs, they just keep doing the rounds don't they!! I love the 'practice' cake idea, very sweet...
Ooo I'd love the recipe. And how gorgeous are the mini cardis! Cute as a button! I think that a practice cake is a great idea- you can never have enough I say!
How sweet are those cardi's? And that purple paisley lass is going to be a looker!
I'm always up for a good cake recipe
Those cardi's are just gorgeous! I think one in black will be even more so!
I love the matching up stage too. Especially liking the orange and navy combo.x
Love the cute little cardis! We had those cake ballerinas when we were little, I always thought they were so pretty - and I still do!
I love the bunny cardis. So lovely that you work on the bunnies with your mum.
Now HOW screamingly cute are those bunny cardis???? and the bunnies themselves?! Cute as :) well done!
Glad that your starting to feel better Beck, nothing worse than not feeling very well. Your little bunny cardis are so cute. I adore the navy and orange bunny, very pretty and the purple one is a fantastic match. I love paisley too, I have a blue/green piece that I cant cut into because I love it so much. Maybe one day. A practice cake sounds like a fun idea, Isabelle has her birthday in August too - maybe I should do one to cheer up the winter grayness around here.
I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick lovely. Those cards are just tooo cute. I love the colours of them too, and like you perhaps especially that burnt yellow colour. And I always love seeing your bunnies, I'm always so taken with the grey ones...
hope you feel better soon xo
your Mum is ace Beck...hope you feel better soon..its the season for hibernating with a fire, book and cake xoxoxoxox
How adorable! Just love the little cardis!
I love those cardi's. so cute. I think moss stitch is the best all time knitting stitch ever. I love how it doesnt curl and behaves like a piece of cloth.
Thanks for visiting me, x
oh, would so love to pop round for a cuppa!!
your creations are soo very gorgeous! and that cake sounds great.
hope you feel better soon, enjoy the cuppa & the rain.
Your bunnies are GORGEOUS! And those teeny tiny little cardi's, oh my! Your mum must knit those with match sticks! They are so sweet.
those wee cardigans are Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute... and such fun to knit... instant gratification! You're a bunny maker! How lovely! glad to find another lovely blog, will be popping in again soon!
Have a lovely weekend, from Alice and Raymond XX
Hiya lovely,
I love the 'practice cake' I laughed out loud! Wev'e all been sickly over here too - seems to be going around these parts. Bunnies are lookin uber sweet (as usual). Peta
gosh those bunnies are so sweet - and i love how you coordinate their ears and cardis!
Really hoping to come across some vintage sheet gold and join in that swap, too!
awww. those little bunny sweaters.!
Get well soon.
That bunny's face is so sincere, love Posie
Love your mums knitting.
How did the cake taste? Did it pass the test for the glorious day in August?
Hope you feel better by now! The bunny cardis too cute =)
I love seeing your creative process and all the matching up. The cardigans are very cute indeed. Gorgeous that your Mum helps you with the bunnies in that way.
Beautiful bunny cardigans! And I love your pattern on the cake icing (and the little ballerina).
PS Thanks for your lovely comment. I saw my skin specialist today and we were talking about massages and she said she had a hot stone one in Daylesford. I was so envious!
I love those cardi's I want one in my size the buttons just make them!!! super cute.
Your bunnies are so sweet, I love the way you match their sweaters with vintage fabrics. I hope you feel better soon!
I do very much like your rabbits and I'm not letting my daughters see that cake as they will want ballerina cakes!!
Oh Beck the bunny cardies are heavenly!!! And I love the fabric you have paired them with, just gorgeous.
As one of the lucky winners of your giveaway, may I say, no rush! Take your time, the hearts will be lovely no matter when they arrive.
Lovely little proto-bunnies! That cake does look great - this afternoon Son 2 will be making my birthday cake (with help) so you're getting me in the mood! I do hope you're properly better now. Look after yourself.
double yum that cakes looks so home made yummy :) I am such a cake girl .... hope things are all fab Le
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