Yesterday was my little Bluebird's birthday. Our Sunshine girl turned 7! What a beautiful age 7 is, a what a sweet & loving daughter we have. Here she is with her birthday doll, Rebecca.

Sunday smiled all day and had the happiest time. We had presents in the morning, all the family sitting around, so lovely to be together. Sunday loves purple so there was a bit of a purple theme happening, especially with her new bunny, Lavender.

Soon it was time for her party so we jumped in the car, with some of her friends, and headed off to Ballarat for some bowling!

It was a bit of a hoot! A great place to have a party, really organised and fun and Sunday loved the Happy Birthday banner.

It was so fun to have this lovely bunch of girls at the party. All different, all good friends.

They enjoyed a party lunch and then cake!

Happy Birthday dear Sunday, happy birthday to you.
It's such a beautiful memory to look back to the time she was born. Rushing through the dark night to get to the hospital. The amazingly quick labour (1.5 hours) and the thrill I got to suddenly have this dark haired angel in my arms, both of us shocked and amazed. (She came so quickly that no one was looking at the clock so we had to guess her time of birth.) Since that night she has filled my life with happiness, her dear ways, her gentle & curious nature, her love of life. She really is a special girl.

Unfortunately the birthday girl became sick late in the day with a high temperature. She is in bed now and has missed the first day of school. Poor little chook, she looks quite washed out and pale. Anyway, she will be better soon and at least she got to enjoy her birthday. What did you get up to on the weekend? It's freezing here in Daylesford today, winter seems to have come early. Hope you have a happy week dear friends, see you soon xo

At least she waited until AFTER the party! Poor chicken, I hope she is feeling better soon.
Happy Birthday Sunday! I hope your feeling much better soon. The lavender bunny looks beautiful, and what a very sweet doll. I wish my Miss 8 still liked dolls!
Oh to be 7 again and play with dolls and have no cares...lovely name for a lovely girly!!
happy birthday to your big 7 yr old sweetie. she looked pleased as punch with her amazing doll that i notice has more than one outfit. and her very own fav colour bunny what a treat! reading this it strikes me how much of a juggle it must be to give everyone in your big family enough attention especially if one of the kids is 'quieter' than the others. looks like you did an amazing job of making sunday's sunday a realy special one (hooray for chief party assistant charlotte!). speaking of big sis, huge www hug to mum coping with her disappearing today (a theraputic op shop session?) xx
What a lovely post about a lovely little girl , happy belated wishes Sunday hope you feel better soon !
What a lovely birthday. I hope the birtday girl is feeling better soon. It's a good day to be tucked up in bed though :)
Happy Birthday Sunday. Your Mum and the rest of your family are so lucky to have you! Hope you feel much better very soon.
love from Emma and Greta in Brisbane
lovely party, sorry to hear about getting sick :(
Hope she is all herself now.
Sounds like a fabulous party, what a very clever girl, waiting until after the party to get ill...well done!
I hope Sunday feels much better soon.
P.S. Very cold in the Yarra Valley too - brrrrr!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Big 7 yo!
Oh no! Get better soon and happy birthday!
Oh no, but it's nice to be snuggled up in bed if it's chilly out. Wishing you speedy recovery.
hope the birthday girl shakes off the nasty bug soon. not fair. she looks as though she would be all that you say about her and more. what a lovely post. p.s. happy birthday little miss 7
Happy Birthday to your sunshine girl, what a great day she had and even though sick, yesterday was a good day for bed!! Cold here too, both fires going, winter is definitely around the corner. Soup and casserole weather-hurray!!
Have a good week,
Happy 200!! xxx
Happy birthday... how is she feeling now?
Happy belated Birthday beautiful girl! I hope you are feeling much better and back at school very soon to celebrate your birthday some more!
Beck I had quick labours too! Scary and amazing. Well done :) xox
Hey, Beck....
I tagged you on my blog, so go check it out, m'kay??
Happy late Birthday to a pretty girl! I hope she's much better now. And the doll is gorgeous!
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