Today I'm feeling a million things, middle aged, happy, young at heart, warm, unmotivated, cheerful, slightly down, satisfied, lucky, loved, busy, relaxed...and on it goes. Oh the burden of being a Gemini. Funny how you can feel all those different things at once isn't it? I'm just going to try and ignore myself a bit, honestly, I do carry on sometimes...
It's easy to be distracted. A hungry cockie, stealing the chooks scraps just about flew into my head this morning.
My birthday skirt. One of two.
Lovely, adorable skirt. Australian made, merino wool,
The love affair has begun.
Books, have you discovered the Book Depository yet? I'm hooked.
Free postage gets me every time.
A birthday read which I have just started. It's not quite grabbing me yet but hey, I'm patient (and middled aged, grumpy, happy...oh shut up!)
My new, wonderful cushion which I just love and adore!! Can you see it there, nestled on the couch? I received it in Vic's cushion swaporama, from the very talented and super sweet Zippy Zippy! It's one of those special things that is destined to be with us for a lifetime, gee it makes me smile. I'm thinking too of our little niece Tova, who turns 5 today! How I wish we all lived near each other so Rosie and Tova could play, so we could share cake and celebrate together.
Do you like my new painting? It's finally paid for, and home where it belongs. "Amigo's" is the work of local artist, Moya. Love.
Two other little doggies have been distracting me today with their fancy pants hair cuts. Who would have known Daisy was really a white dog??? Amazing what a bath and a bit of a snip can do.
Max is such a handsome devil. Here he is, pondering his upcoming birthday (tomorrow) and all the treats he so rightly deserves.
Messages in my Inbox..they are driving me crazy!!! Are you getting them too?
"My name is miss Adera Mohamed.I wish to communicate with you through this medium and i hope my meeting you will not offend you in anyway.I will like us to know ourselves better,so we can exchange pictures too.Moreover i have very Important issue which is giving me lot of concern to discuss with you for assistance.Thanks for your understanding,i will be expecting to read from you soon.
Yours Adera."
Rack off Adera!!

So there you go! I haven't shown you the other distractions, dirty dishes, food prep, washing, forms to fill out, chooks to feed, etc. Better go and tend to them now. Hope your inner voice is being kind today, and not to muddled up.
The sun is shining here and the week is off to a good start. See you soon lovely friends xo