I'm happy about flowers that remind me that Spring is coming.
These pink camellia's outside my bedroom window are the cheeriest sight. It's been a tough week and I so appreciate their simple beauty. Their perfect pink. The way they make me feel that there is always beauty to be found, in amongst the struggles of day to day life.
I'm sad too because our Emily Duck died today.
We don't know why but she has just curled up in the yard, tucked her head under her wing and slipped away. Emily & Henry have been with us for a year now and she was just starting to lay big white eggs. We talked about having baby ducks one day. I wonder how Henry will be without her. The yard doesn't feel the same.
So I'm crying for her today.
But still, happiness lurks around every corner. Happy morning people.
Smiley blue skies and white clouds.
Bright & chirpy cardigans
and sweet new fabric for skirts & ears.
And the dearest of bunnies hopping into the shop.
Hope it's all good with you, see you soon xo
Oh how sad that Emily died, you must be very upset. I do hope you have a lovely happy weekend and spring is just around the corner as the magpies have started swooping and there are lots of baby lambs in the paddocks! Your bunnies are looking lovely today too.
I'm so sorry to hear about Emily duck. Happy to see smiling faces and flowers, though!
Funny to think that you are heading into Spring while we are heading into Autumn! Have a nice week end with your smiling family
I'm so sorry to hear about poor Emily, you've had a bit a rough trot with your bird folk, not long ago your dear old rooster passed too.
Sending you a big hug xo
So sorry for your loss. I do hope that Henry is okay.
... and yes that pink camellia is so beautiful... perfect even.
I'm sorry to hear about your Emily Duck. I love the colours on your post though!
Oh lord, I can almost smell the daphne through the pooter screen. Divine!
Sorry about Emily, and I'm wishing you better weeks.
Hope all your littlies are on the mend, too.
Did my package arrive for you this week? I hope so.
Oh poor little Emily Duck! xx I love the petal carpet camelias make...
Oh honey I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Duckie! I know what you mean about the yard not being the same though - we had to rehome our chookies AND our mammoth dog since moving to le cottage & although I know it's not the same as them passing away, it is still so odd outside without them.
((big hugs))
Oh sorry to hear the sad news about Emily Duck, it is always hard to loose a little friend and Henry must be sad too without her. I lost a little guinea fowl this week also. Silly girl flew into the dog yard and the dogs mauled her. I saved her but infection got the better of her.
Love the happy photos :-)
My sister lost a duck last week too, sigh, if i had known i would have taken her some flowers to brighten up her weekend like flowers have done for you. Love Posie
So sorry about Emily. That must have been really hard to deal with. We have very similar scenes to your Sunday newspaper in bed ones in our house but the girls are slightly smaller! Hope this week is much better than your last. x
R.I.P Emily. Hope that Henry is not pining for her. The cycle of life is very apparent in your lovely post.
we are sorry.. I am glad it was peaceful though. And mayhaps soon Henry can have a new friend.
The bed picture is adorable - but I think newspaper isn't very cuddly ;)
And the bunny cardies make me wish I were very tiny
I'm sorry about your Emily duck.
Your bunnies are so cute, I love their cardigans.
Reading the paper in bed sounds like a very nice thing to do!
Poor Emily. You've had a few loses lately. Sending hugs your way Beck xx
What a tough week. Sorry to hear about Emily Duck and I hope Rosie and Bill feel much better very soon. Spring is almost here, so hang in there.
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