Yesterday Kate & the girls and I drove out to the middle of nowhere. I'd never been to Mollongghip and winding our way through the potato fields, under a blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds, it felt like we were in another world.

Finally we came to lovely Steph's house where we chatted and crafted the day away. I think we must have been on Mollonghhip time because it seemed that the day went so slowly and dreamily.

When we finally looked at the clock on the mad ride home and it was just before seven (& felt like five) I realised we really had been in another world.

Lucy learnt to sew using Stephs sewing machine. She made a gorgeous yellow dress for her best doll, Elizabeth.

Sunday, Jazzy & Arkie played outside making potions. Some of my best memories of childhood are of making potions out of flowers.

It was great to hang out with a lovely bunch of women, all different, all amazing in their own way.

I really enjoyed hearing more about Simone's life and I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of her cat & bunny sometime.

The kids played happily with a box of Hama beads, playing with colours & shapes & Pepper was delicious, cuddly & funny.

For me it was a really relaxing day. My kids have been a bit cranky at home, a bit bored and easily annoyed. Spending time at Stephs with other kids and adults changed the tone and I felt like I'd been on a mini crafty holiday. Thanks Steph!
There's something quite magical about being in a group of women and children, making & talking, sharing ideas & thoughts. And eating Kate's chocolate chip biscuits was pretty magical too! Hope you are having a lovely week, see you soon xo

How lovely that you can all get together and craft away the afternoon. I wish my friends did that too, but sadly no crafty friends around here. I try and spend some time with my mum and sister who craft so that is always relaxing! It sounds like you should all get together more often.
sounds like a soulful and relaxing day!
I knew this looked familiar... you all know each other!! And I've been reading both your blogs! :-)
Anyway, It looks like y'all had the most wonderful day! I wish I could have come too!
it was great to meet you and my two other kids were chuffed to see a pic of james on the computer (all be it with his thumb in his mouth!) i was so inspired i finished two bags last night!!!
Sounds like you all had a lot of fun, a really nice way to spend time...and potions are the craze at my place at the moment, though not quite as pretty as yours, instead we have lots of dirt, sticks, pebbles and leaves.
ah it was such a lovely afternoon. we too felt like the afternoon went so slowly until Thomas reminded me it was time to go home. We definetly need more of those afternoons x
What a lovely sounding day with a great bunch of gals. x
Oh you describe it all so beautifully I wish I had been there too!
How delightful!! It's out there ladies, you'd be amazed at the new friends you can meet & have such days. Just be open to the invitation & go for it. I don't have any crafty friends from school or Uni or neighbours & move state every 2 years, but i've made brilliant friends with some fellow market stall holders, children same ages to mine & off we go!! I never knew this kind of craft group was possible & i couldn't live wihtout their friendships now. I've done it twice this week!! Love Posie
What a wonderful opportunity! My boys also adore making flower potions, but often add less attractive ingredients too, just to 'see what will happen'. A nasty smell is usually what happens!
It's so good for the children to have a different social mix in the holidays too, as you say - it's not just your family who get like that!
Nice to "meet" you! I love that photo with the windowframe and water tank. Your friend's house looks cool too!
It looks like it was a really beautiful place to go to! Glad you had such a nice day.
Pomona x
Lovely idea! It's so good to meet together.... a blog mate can never fully match a real mate, can they? And I love the fact that time went so slowly; you must have so been in the zone!
Oh my gosh, that sounds like a wonderful day! I am longing for the warm summer days right now. It's been a bit dreary and very cold since before Christmas. We've had snow on the ground since then too. It is warming up some this week, but still looks dreary. It won't last forever though! I wish you many more wonderful days before your weather turns chilly :)
Sounds like a most perfect afternoon!
Stephi has a pretty rad cottage eh!
What a lovely day it looks.
I really love the first photo - so Australian
What a wonderful way to spend a day. (not jealous at all)
This would have to be "the Perfect Day' wouldn't it? Well for me it would be anyway.
I forwarded this to my lovely man in the hope he will make the gnocchi with my kidlings...yummm and thank you for all of your kind words on my blog. It is a tricky time meeting everyones needs and i just love the privledge of being able to attempt this. Life is sweet. Take care sweet lady...xxx
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