Yesterday I went to the service for my friend in Melbourne and although it was sad it was also great to celebrate Janet's life. It was hard but good. Janet's house was full of her ceramics and amazing photo's of her were projected against a wall. It was very much like she was there. Well she was actually, her coffin rested on the dining room table, covered in wattle and surrounded by those who loved her. Her son's and daughters spoke about her life and afterwards we all drank expensive champagne as she would have wished. Today has had a different pace and it's been sunshine all day which has brightened up my world.

It is full of gorgeous head was in a whirl. I love this tin heart that is now hanging on our door.

And here is me sporting the most beautiful scarf in the world, which I just couldn't resist. I love the way a scarf can add so much to what you are wearing and how you are feeling.

Each week I think things will quiet down but each week brings new challenges lately. Our boy Bill has been on crutches for a few days with a sore leg. It's all been a bit mysterious and he has had an x-ray and been to the doctors twice. It has been very painful and I have been quite worried. Tonight, though, he says it feels alot better so hopefully he is on the mend. Lucy has gone away on her first school camp and Mark has gone along for the first two days. So I'm home with only three! Rosie & I went to Isabella's Princess Party today where the 'real Snow White" appeared. Can you imagine the excitement?

Lots of colour at the party and then more after school today as Sunday worked on her godseyes...

She is taking them to school tomorrow for Show & Tell. Do you remember making godseye's when you were little. If you are a child of the seventies I'm sure you will!

Anyway, enough about me, how's your day going? Come on over...I've just put the kettle on! Lets sit down in a sunny spot, on the verandah and have a cuppa...tell me what's been happening with you lately.....xo

Oh, I wish I could!! That sounds really great. So sorry to hear about your friend. Is it tradition there to have the service in the home? Sounds very nice and peaceful.
love the scarf. here in florida i dont get much opportunity to wear them so i get a bit jealous when i see a gal wearing a pretty one. it is amazing what it can bring to an outfit.
your friends service sounds happy. all services should be that way. such a change from the dark and depressing norm of those types of things.
That sounds like a really special way to say goodbye - personal. And what an amazing shop to have nearby! Our week has been sunny and partly spend camping a few hours away from home, on the Med.
We also had a mystery leg pain in Son 2, but oddly enough, his dad says he used to get exactly the same pain in the same circumstances (cold sea or river bathing) so we've not been too worried, especially as it's gone now. I hope that Bill's will also go soon.
Wow - you had so many things to say, and I had so many comments to make, but now I can't remember them all! I may have to re-read and comment again...
That was it - the Mexican Eyes! That's what my book called them anyway, in the 1980s. I got into making tiny ones on half-cocktail sticks, and sold them as earrings in local shops when I was in my teens. I like the big and little ones you've all been making!
Oooh, I could go a cuppa in a sunny spot on the verandah. We could talk about what it would take to make you part with that TINNY HEART, I'd probably have to hold your lovely new scarf for you and you could explain why Daylesford is doing bright and cheerful weather on the same day that the inner Melbourne suburbs were doing a startlingly good impersonation of a European winter.
Excellent to hear things went well yesterday.
Love the scarf - I want one, too!
I used to get a lot of pains in my legs when I was a child, and so does my daughter - we both have hypermobile joints, and it often arises during or after a growth spurt - a lot of doctors don't know much about hypermobility. I can direct you to more info if you would like.
Pomona x
thanks for sharing your lovely colourful day, and your special memories as well. It was like sunshine on a rainy day!
Oh Beck, I get so happy every time I see your new post come up in my dashboard thingy. I love your Absinthe goodies. I think she has a shop here in town too. Upstairs on the main street. I might just take you up on that offer of a cuppah. XX
Your friend's farewell sounds as though she was a very loved person and friend, how beautiful to have it at her home. I have to say that I too love reading your posts. I have not been to Castlemaine for a very long time, a few years ago now where I visited the patchwork shop and a few other places. I love your scarf, so bright and beautiful. The shop you went to sounds wonderful and full of lovely things, love the heart on your door. I hope your son gets better soon. My legs play up every now and then but it is usually from the really cold weather, and then it just goes away until the next time. I hope you enjoy the sunshine and the weekend is supposed to be very nice, in the 20's.
I'm glad your friend's service went well. I think that sounds like the perfect place for a casket - surrounded by things and people that she loved.
The tin heart is just beautiful and I wish I could come over for a cuppa and a chat too.
I think I'm a bit late , would you mind still making me a cuppa !
So to say there's lots happening at the moment would be an understatement Beck. Some sadness and worries, discoveries and beauty, and some memories relived and recreated. I hope you've found some time for a few cuppas on that verandah.
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