Although today is the official birthday, yesterday is was princess/ballerina/fairy land at our house. Six little girls all dressed in pink, yellow, purple & blue joined us to celebrate Rosie's 4th birthday.

It was a really lovely day, once I got past the stressful getting ready part in the morning.
As usual there were a few tears & a few anxious moments as we tried to quickly get our house in order. In the end I had to shove a few piles of random items into another room and boy did that make a difference! By the time the girls arrived our house looked beautiful, pink balloons, sparkly fairy bread, rainbow bunting and a table set for a party! Yay!!!

I realised this week that this would be our last four year old party & I really wanted to make it a special one. Part of me still has trouble with the concept of no more babies on the way. Mark & are a lucky though to have these gorgeous five.

Have I told you the story about the bottle cap? One day I was walking along in Seddon and noticed a shiny green bottle top on the ground. For some reason I picked it up and there was a number 5 printed on the other side. Five has always been my favourite and lucky number so I tucked it away in my pocket. Not long after that I found out I was having another baby....yep, number 5! My kids love that story.

Rosie hasn't had a party before so she was pretty excited..and a bit overwhelmed. She absolutely loved all the presents her friends gave her.

Mark worked his magic making cups of tea for parents and getting food ready while our older kids helped with the games & dancing.

There was a bit of wand decorating with lots of sparkles and glitter. After a delicious chocolate cake and the Happy Birthday song the little princesses departed and I fell in a heap on the couch. Phew!

Today is Rosie's real birthday and this time four years ago I was huffing and puffing up at Daylesford Hospital. It had been a tough pregnancy - I had pneumonia at 36 weeks, we had just moved to the country and I had three small kids and one starting secondary school. It wasn't an easy labour either, I don't think I have ever been in so much pain. But then, just as I was about to be whisked into an ambulance to head for an emergency caesar, Rosie appeared. I remember crying with happiness and relief at the sight of her beautiful face. Cuddling her, my extra bonus, bottle top baby, was pure joy.

Now she is a big girl and is still bringing me joy & cuddles every day.

She is a mad, fun, loving, full of life, theatrical, colourful, sweet and crazy wonderful girl. It was so much fun celebrating yesterday, I hope your weekend was fun too xo

And no there is not even a tiny crumb of chocolate cake left....
Hi Beck - what a beautiful princess and what a wonderful party you created. And you look incredibly young and together for a mother of five. I take my hat off to you. (I struggle with 2!)
Happy birthday to a charming little princess.
Yay Rosie! Gosh this kid birthday thing really is just as important for the Mums...(and love that bottle top story!).
What a beautiful birthday party and a fabulous story. That fairy bread is making me hungry!
I met you Beck a few months after you picked up that bottle top. 4 years ago you were the spunkiest, most gorgeous pregnant Mummy, constantly surrounded by this gaggle of beautiful children with lovely names. I'm so happy you had such a great party. happy Birthday to you and that gorgeous bottle top baby. XX
what a wonderful party-all girl and sparkly.
and i agree with hester---two is my limit. how you do five and don't pull your hair out is beyond me. :)
happy belated birthday to rosie.
I used to love having hundreds and thousands on bread and butter at birthday parties when I was a child - I had forgotten all about it! Maybe I shall have to start the habit again!
Pomona x
hi, what lovely photos, it looks like a great party! Your oldest looks just like you!
: )
Happy Birthday to your wonderful princess!! Glad that she had a very good party. I know the feeling about no more babies but we have to learn to love them more as they grow older and turn into adults. One day you will have lots of grandbabies to hold and love too so I always think of that. My daughter is 8 on Thursday and I really must start getting things ready and organised or I will be rushing around like a mad woman.
What a great party she had! I love the picture of her and her friends in the circle bending over with all their little tutus sticking out. SO cute!
Oh happy belated four years to you all! What a pretty celebration!
Looks like the perfect party Beck. That photo with those little ballerina butts in the air is just gorgeous.
And how lovely to look back on that photo of you and your bottle top baby... and now with your bottle top 4 year old!
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