Saturday, April 11, 2009

Golden books & turning six...

This sweet illustration...

..and this one...

and this one come from..

this beautiful book!

Who doesn't have a Little Golden Book in their bookshelf? Or several! We grew up with LGB"S and they fill me with nostalgia whenever I come across them in op shops (which is alot!) I haven't started reading Golden Legacy but as well as being chock full of lots of wonderful illustrations it is also looks like being a fascinating read. It's a big book to take to bed though...might have to be a couch book!

I was really in the book shop looking for a birthday card. Birthdays are a big deal in our family. I love to celebrate each of our children all the time but birthday's are a good way to take the time for each child & make it a really special day. I also like to think back to their birth, to their baby hood and to generally reflect on the things that make them who they are.

So, today is Sunday's 6th birthday and we have had a lovely day!! We told her the story of her speedy entry into the world and how Daddy drove through red lights all the way down Flinders Street at 3 in the morning to get to the hospital on time. Wow! We just made it to the Mercy & Sunday popped out. It was so quick that nobody was looking at the clock and we had to guess what time she was born. She loves this story. We've had cake, presents, friends up from Melbourne and visits to Nan's house. Also last night she lost her second tooth and yes, really lost it again!! So another letter to the Toothfairy and now she has a big gap where her two, little teeth were. Very cute.

Sunday missed having Charlotte with us, I think it's the first time she has not been here for Sunday's birthday. Anyway we were thinking of her and I'm sure she was thinking of us. I like this spontaneous snap that was taken in the morning, all on the bed together.

Hope your easter is a good one and that you get to spend some special time with the people you love x


Michelle said...

How blessed you are to have all those beautiful children! A lovely birth story. Happy Birthday Sunday!

We've just read little red caboose and the fire engine book as a bedtime story - as we do EVERY night!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday to Sunday and a Happy Easter to you too! Check out my latest post. I, too, had an April birthday to celebrate. :)

Mr Lee said...

Happy Birthday!So kind words.Lucky you.Welcome to our blog

Stephanie said...

That last picture is so sweet!
We're awfully fond of Little Golden Books around here, too, of course. :)

And a Happy New Year of Six!

Tania said...

I'm guessing your letter to the Tooth Fairy involved a long and drawn out explanation of how the tooth was swallowed? We have also composed one of those, and that, in my book is an absolute definition of a REALLY lost tooth.

Thanks for popping by - am enjoying moseying around your place...