Vintage hankies fluttering in the breeze on the verandah. I can't wait to iron them and start a little project I have in mind.

I'm so happy to see our camellia's finally blooming. Their beautiful pink brings some much needed colour into our winter. I love the shape of the petals and the way they remind me that Spring is on it's way.

Taking Rosie for a bike ride on the weekend, so much fun. She is growing up so quickly and can do so many new things.
It made me so happy going for a walk with Sunday yesterday. She flew like a bird the whole way. Sometimes she was an elegant swan, and then she was a bluebird fluttering her wings in the sunshine. I love the way she looks at life, the way she sees things in a different and totally original way and I love the way we flew some of the way together.

I love the lake in winter. It's so calming and dreamy.
I'm so happy about seeing an old friend on the weekend and reliving our crazy adolescence. I'm also happy that my mum is back from her month in America and can't wait to see her tomorrow. I'm smiling too because I am catching up with Charlotte on Thursday to look for a dress for her school Formal, have some delicious dinner with her and generally hang out together, yay!!
I'm so happy that yesterday, at the end of a long day, I found a lovely email in my inbox. It was from Sonia of Sunday's Child telling me how she had met my brother & niece at church, in Hobart, and all because of a Dandelion bunny! Sonia spotted Eloise the bunny in the arms of Zoe who explained that her auntie Beck had made it for her. I love the way this happened and that one of my bunnies could bring us all together. Sonia's post made me a little teary when I saw Ben's face and thought of how far away he and his beautiful family are. It's nice to know I can still feel close to them and so sweet of Sonia to post about this. Do pop over and visit her, she has such a welcoming and gorgeous blog.
I'm happy about tulips, kids playing, being funny and loving each other. I'm happy our rooster is looking better, I'm happy about bunny making, a holiday in the sun that is coming up soon, Mark's currant biscuits, the kids loving school, reconnecting with a dear friend, daffodils in the garden, piano lessons, thoughtful emails and encouraging comments and so much more.
What are you happy about today? Thank you to all my friends out there for your support and helpful comments on my last post. It makes me extra happy to hear from you. Have a great week, see you soon xo
Hi Beck, you have so much to be happy about! So glad I could help you feel happy yesterday too. It's funny how we make connections with people yet don't know where they might take us. Still can't believe your brother and I attend the same church and I have been following your blog not realising that there was a connection. Hope you have a wonderful week & thanks for the mention here on your blog. xo
What a great post! Wonderful photos and a great sentiment!
Today I'm happy about our unseasonal rain (middle of the dry season up here in Cairns) nourishing all the seedlings and seeds I planted a week ago! There's always something to be happy about! Thanks for sharing yours!
It was so nice to read your post today Beck! The sunshine does make us feel a whole lot better doesnt it. How wonderful to realise one of your friends attends the same church as your brother too.
Lovely post. Your girls are so cute.
ohh Beck, such a happy post, so loving the pics & words!
I am happy that I have my two little adventurous monkeys around & we are sharing some yummy homemade bread and the sun is shining outside & they are enjoying a great day.
hugs to you lovely Beck ♥
How gorgeous are all your photos?
Such a great post Beck!
Hugs, thoughtfulness, creativity and positivity are making me happy.
Thanks for sharing what makes you happy.x
HOW HAPPY IS THAT SUNSHINE? There's a veritable skip in my step (when I'm not sitting down). I can well appreciate the attack of the warm and fuzzies - particularly knowing that your bunny is indeed appreciated and loved by a sweet girl who lives too many kilometres away.
What a gorgeous post & I love the bunny story, isn't that amazing! This sun shiney day is bringing loads of smiles down our way too..
Lovely post. For me the sunshine and (relative) warmth, the one little pink blossom on the street trees in front of my house, a trip to the museum with my kidlets and coffee with Loz and Gemma of Loz and Dinny fame, Arj's singing and bubbly noises and that he managed to walk just holding one hand. Oh and the wonders a band aid will do for a hurt and crying little girl.
Such a nice post, Beck...joyful!
I love how your daughter has done the 'e' in Freya... so creative. She's a font of her own.
I'm happy for lots of things too. I'm happy I found your blog today via Kootoyou, for instance. And happy my work day is done and I'm heading on home to my lovelies. x
happy in the simple things is the best kind! love those vintage hankies blowing in the breeze... gorgeous!
Your photos are sublime...each one would make a lovely print. You are very talented.
I love the "e" in Freya. So cute. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog last friday. Hugs. Simone xx
That bunny story touches the heart. A lovely post, I enjoyed popping over here today (as the rain comes down in Brisbane!).
Wow! What a re-affirming post. Thanks for sharing your moments of happiness and reminding me that in the frantic pace of work and family to take a moment to reflect too.
You are a blessed woman, Beck. What a neat story about the bunny bringing people together :) That is just SO neat. I hope you have a wonderful week.
You have created such a wonderful life, Beck. And so many things to be happy about! That photo of the camellia is just divine.
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