This is our back fence. A jumble of old iron, fences posts and the massive double stumps of the cypress tree. Max is pretty intrigued by it. I must admit I am too. Because it represents change! And new beginnings.
I'm feeling ok with the chaos in our garden, and in our house today.
Maybe because it's holidays! Maybe because it's Spring!
Everywhere are little signs of hope, of the cycle of life moving on. Not just in our garden and our plans for it, but in our family, in our community and in the wider world.
Just as I have an slightly anxious, sinking feeling as autumn ends and the long cold days loom ahead, I love the sweet feeling of beginning of Spring and the sunny days to come.
There is a lot to discover at the moment. If I stand on the huge cypress log I can almost see the top of Wombat Hill!
There is so much goodness to enjoy if you look hard, often in unexpected places. For example I'm loving the new wall of the back of the chook pen. A whole new wall to watch shadows on, to grow a passionfruit vine on, to watch as it ages in the rain, as the seasons change.
I can't wait till this is finished. Then I can fill it with happy chooks and ducks and have the pleasure of collecting eggs, seeing them fluffing around and filling our garden once again with their clucking and quacking.
Max is howling with joy at the thought of having chickens again. Bring on those happy days of sneaking into the chook pen to get scraps! Woo hoo!
Loving the green, green vine climbing over our fence from next door. Getting ready to grow big, fat logan berries.
Finding pieces of iron, like silver waves in the dirt.

Oh boy, life is such a roller coaster isn't it? Tired kids, happy kids. Rainy days, sunshine. Fighting, loving.
Problems, solutions.
I guess we just have to hang on tight for the ride. And hang on tightly to each other.
I was so touched to read the words yesterday, of a mother who has recently lost her beautiful son, the footballer, John McCarthy. I hope she won't mind me sharing her words here. Of her son she said..
"He just generated love. Everywhere he went he touched people, and I believe he made them better, because he was not ashamed to show love. As a family we have no regrets, for we could not have loved him more.
There were no handshakes in our family, only hugs, kisses and love."
What a remarkable woman to find such beautiful words to share , at such a painful time. I found this so inspiring, on so many levels.
I hope you do too and that you are also enjoying the simple things, the sweetness of new seasons, and the ones you love.
See you soon xo