Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lake Michigan

Mark was keen to take us to Lake Michigan while we were in Wisconsin, it's not far from Fon du lac.

So we set off to Sheboygan, through green corn fields, past more red barns & cows, cool old houses and small lakes.

We drove into a national park, very beautiful and well looked after. And the lake!! Wow, it looked more like an ocean to me.

The kids had fun playing in the water and on the beach. It was good to see them having fun together after the arguing and niggling while driving over from Saint Paul, what a relief! I guess family trips have their moments don't they?

At the 'beach' two boys came along and played ukulele for us which was pretty cool. Then we came across a baby Snapping Turtle in the sand, which was amazing!! It had a have really long tail and a funny rough shell.

Here are some random facts about Lake Michigan...it is 494 kilometres long. The Ojibwa name for Lake Michigan is Michi gami meaning 'great water', it is the 6th largest lake in the world. 12 million people live along the shores of Lake Michigan, wow! Are you getting it now? This is one massive lake!

How fun it is to explore, to see new sights and discover more about the world. There is so much to see here in America, and I'm trying to make the most of every minute we are here.

See you soon lovely ones xo


cathy@home said...

Lovely I can nearly smell the sea.

mel @ loved handmade said...


Floss said...

How wonderful! A freshwater beach... Your photos really make it real to me - I've read about Lake Michigan but I don't think I've ever seen pictures before. And of course family trips have 'their moments'! I used to spoil my own holiday worrying about them, long after they'd passed... pointless!

teddybearswednesday said...

GORGEOUS! and that is one cute turtle. xo