Isn't this little dilly bag the cutest thing ever? I just love it. When the Grade 1/2's held up their bags at assembly recently I remember thinking what a fantastic project it was. It gives the children some understanding of Aboriginal culture and also a chance to enjoy weaving. Kids love making things don't they? And Sunday did a great job with her bag. I love it so much, I'm going to hang it up somewhere special.
As you may know, if you read my blog regularly, it has been an emotional time around here lately. So on the weekend it was good to do some practical things, like putting together Bill's new bunk bed! Mark & Bill did the main part and then I helped finish off.
Needless to say there followed many bunk related hijinks, sleep overs, planned sleepovers, games and a fair bit of carry on! It's funny how with all our kids this is our first bunk! Bill is loving it and has settled in very happily (once he kicked all his sisters out..)
During the bunk putting together saga we managed to make a few mistakes (thanks Michelle for your emergency drill work) so we headed to the hard ware shop on Saturday to rectify them. Luckily we spotted some ace Blundstones and Bill now has his first official pair!! He wants to be a builder when he grows up so I'm sure they will be the first of many. I'm hoping they might fit me when he outgrows them..!
What do you reckon Bill?
On a different note I have been finding lots of prettiness in my garden lately.
These two pink flowers are pretty special and so are the gorgeous friends who have been so loving to me lately. I have felt so down over the last few weeks, and yet I have never felt alone. Thank you to all my sisters out there, in our community, at school, old mates & new, and in blog land, who have listened, hugged, emailed and been there for me. The loss in our community, of a friend and mother, has been felt by all, and each of us has been affected. It's been a difficult time. If anything good can come of such sadness it has been the love and compassion that has been shared, and the friendships strengthened & treasured.
Have you told a friend how much they mean to you recently?
Our weekend had some challenges, but the sunshine was so lovely and I found we were outside more. yay! I also had Saturday at home while Mark took the girls to ballet. It was nice to have a change and hang out with Lucy & Bill.
And you know me, I was happiest when hanging out my washing on the good old Hills Hoist! Such a relief after draping things all over the house to dry.
All is good in Duck Land. I'm hoping for some more ducklings sometime soon.
And Lolly Pop has gone all broody over six unfertilised eggs. What to do? Break it to her gently?
Perhaps I could find some fertilised ones and sneak them under her. I do love little chickies.
So there you go, a Monday ramble! I'll finish up with a shout out to all the great Dad's out there. I hope you had a fabulous Father's Day! Mark received some beautiful hand made gifts and some pretty special cards. I love my two boys, and here they are, both so smiley and gorgeous.
Hope you have a great week dear friends,
see you soon xo

Yay for bunk beds and for builder's boots. Bill must have enjoyed doing that with his dad. I do hope your feeling better soon Beck, hugs to you xxxxx Poor Lollipop trying to hatch babies. Yes I would change the eggs over too so she wont be disappointed. Cant wait to see a fresh new batch of ducklings too. Enjoy the sunshiney days!
It sure is great to have the sun shining & to be able to put washing out & bring it all in the same day, I love that! Enjoy your week Beck..x
..your little boy suddenly seems all grown up in these pictures!
There is something wonderful in people coming together in the face of those impossible sadnesses.
Hope you find some babies for that sweet and hopeful mum!
that is the most gorgeous little bag I've seen in a long time. ISn't Sunday clever!!
Love the shot of the Hills Hoist ( i so wish I had one)
and catching up with all your news.
And yes precious friends are wonderful things, often they really show themselves in difficult times. You've been much in my thoughts of late, I know it's been a very sad time. I know i feel very lucky to have my friendship with you. big love to you xoox
I'm glad you've had some sweet sunshine to brighten you on the hard days.
Love and stuff,
Ab x
Yay for sunshine and drying the washing outside! Love the bunks too!
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